ITT: Redpilled video games that teach good morals.
ITT: Redpilled video games that teach good morals
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The X-series has profit-obsessed space lizards without empathy. Wonder what they could be based on.
Pic related.
It also has an underwater kingdom of squid people, called the Boron, with a third gender as their ruling class.
They are completely pacifistic.
The games predicted Sweden's decline.
The Split are savages with a love for speed and violence. The Paranid are religious extremists who look down upon all other races.
Doom is required for all space marine toddlers
False advertising.
He doesn't have a rifle in Doom lmao.
Also lmao @ his retarded haircut in Doom 2.
AOE series!
Swat 4. Follow police procedure, shoot to kill niggers pointing guns. Thinking twice costs lives.
this game was pretty cool, it teaches you that communism is shit and allowing it to happen will fuck up your playthrough.
you live on the inside of the earth, which is like a dyson sphere.
for some reason you jump into a hole to get to the surface world, but everything's fucked up and you have bring life and civilization back to earth by killing monsters and doing quests for influential geniuses throughout history.
probably butchered explaining what it's about
Go on crusades on sand dindus or create your own magical empire
Leisure Suit Larry
Diablo II. Literally going to kill satan.
I played that.
Never got past the jungle.
Couldn't find where to go.
Where's communism come in?
angry goy
Is this /ourgame/?
much later, i think the part you're talking about is where you're trying to get the birds to come back
after all the animals and plants are uncorrupted you have to fix humanity
I love Doom so much. I started playing it again lately, downloaded ZDoom, some new textures, sounds, WADs, and mainly the Smooth Doom mod. The best game ever made!
DOOM, DOOM (2016), Ninja Gaiden Black, Way of the Samurai.
Really all you need for well balanced children. Also, give them hgh.
its amazing how robust and constantly updated Doom is
I miss ZDoom with crazy wads
which way of the samurai
>Well balanced
>Video games at an early age
Good goy, flood their brain with dopamine
Can confirm, rewards you for reclaiming Jerusalem and Mecca from the mudslimes.
>Ninja Gaiden Black
My god, I love that game as well.
This one taught me that declared allies become enemies in the blink of an eye
>Not playing CK2 or Vicky 2
I don't know if the man was redpilled or not but John Carmack was a fucking genius. I'm still fucking impressed that they were able to pull off doom when they did with the graphics hardware most people had in their computers
About the decline of socialistic anti-altruistic society where the wrong choices are fatal.
"Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?
No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well."
In my opinion one of the best games ever made.
I used to love this game as a kid but the demons (forgot their names) were a pain in the ass to kill as humans. I did like the buildings they got, were pretty cool.
Actually I'd say so. You see a LOT of people on the German team that pretty much seem like ourguys
The first dark souls
Duty is /our guys/. Freedom and loners get out REEEE.
Warcraft 3. The old one.
When I play it, I imagine the Orcs to be niggers or jews.
Modern video games are shit. My daughter has an xbox one and an xbox360.
She uses them for minecraft. Fucking minecraft.
Command and conquer is quite good. I only play video games rarely. I prefer gardening or cooking.
>video games
The proper ending for Metro 2033.
>if it's hostile, you kill it
>more specifically you genocide an entire species of non-human creatures because they are trying to kill your people.
I would agree mostly but feel they were too light on saladin and made the crusades look like europe invaded unprovoked and neglected 100's of years of muslim invasion into the west.
I used to play as a kid too.. 2001 or 2002. I played last year after they launched the HD version, as they did with AOM and AOE
>Pic related
Be Satan
Or Black & White 2
Be God
The Movies is funny if you are creative(less if you are not).
Be Spielberg.
lets you massacre unarmed civilians.
Also I heard Carmack wrote the whole fucking game engine by himself and then later wrote the quake engine by himself which is used for fucking games to this day. Pretty fucking hardcore
The first one.
Forgot pic.
great game user
Try out Brutal Doom.
Thats bullshit. Just like any medium, videogames can tell amazing stories as well.
I agree that there's plenty of fat neckbeards stuck in their videogaming lifestyle, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying a good told story, whether its told in a book, movie or videogame is a non-issue.
damn I miss this one
The life of crime and greed left him alone and miserable
>no deus ex
come the fuck on
>Portal 2
W40k Dawn of War
He's holding the pistol on the cover of D1 and the super shotgun on the cover of D2.
>t. bought them both on release day
Don't get me wrong, I like those games, but what about them teaches some kind of valuable lesson?
EU4 has much better mods though, and if you get the dlc(or pirate it, idc) it becomes a god tier game. Extended Timeline and some other mods make the game even more amazing.
Also EU4 is a better version of CK2 in my opinion, Vic2 is alright, but not as good as EU4 since it moves away from the whole HRE, Rome endgame goals.
tldr: EU4 is bae.
He should have stayed in Serbia and continued to remove kebab. But no... His fucking cousin thought that shitposting about USA was a good idea just to have someone to go bowling with.
Here is a pic.
>they make the Nazi faction mandatory hostile. Same with the commies but you are forced to engage the Nazis at one point. Only part of the game that pissed me off.
>also Nazi faction wear mask constantly when below ground. Fucking cuck developers.
>only down side though I swear and it's pretty minor since they are just a passing group.
Resident Evil the Mercenaries 3d.
Shooting niggers on the go has never been so much fun.
>Warcraft 3. The old one.
There's a new ?
>In my opinion one of the best games ever made.
...If you ignore the gameplay.
The scenery was very nice, but goddamn that shit gunplay.
And yet they somehow managed to make Bioshock Infinite even worse.
The only halfway decent Bioshock gameplay was one of the Infinite DLCs.
>was a fucking genius
Nigger, John Carmack is still alive. And his presentations are the best.
It's basically grandpa sitting down and telling you about the challenges of getting VR headsets down to 20ms latency while working against screendoor effects and USB's inbuilt lag.
> residents of tower hates ghouls
> you making them let ghouls in by saying that ghouls are good and dindu nuffin
> week later ghouls kills all human residents
Todd Howard drops silent red pill.
> Residents of Windhelm hates black elves and think they spying for empire
> It's turns out they did actually
Stop playing video games altogether and go be a more productive member of society. Vidya is just another medium to sedate the masses and push political agendas
>hasn't been mentioned yet
You must be 18 years or older to browse this website
MGS Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
And Breath Of The Wild seems incredible so far
I know, I just wanted to bait responses that would point out me talking shit about vidya while using smug anime girl
>but goddamn that shit gunplay
I hear this every now and then but I never had problems with it.
Why was it shit exactly?
I play AOE HD pretty much all day but didnt know they released a HD version. I think I dl the GOG version a while back but I dont think its HD. Steam I assume?
RUST is a game of peace
Payday 2
>Nuking a town made of garbage just for the lulz.
What did he mean by this?
The proper ending of this game was so nationalistic I wasn't sure it was really happening.
>of course cuck developers put in an alternate ending but the nationalist one is the book ending, so fuck em.
Portal 2 teaches you that the normies are so obsessed with cinematic storytelling that they don't care if the game's actual content approaches zero and the game's more realistic design makes the disjointed nature of a boxy camera protagonist in an organic-looking world apparent.
I really fucking hate how Valve doesn't care enough to make the character feel like a character, even though any other FPS is capable of doing that.
Looks like i've been rused
Cant play doom without brutal mod
yes, it's literally called Age of Empires HD edition. They even release new expansions for it.
harvest moon is pretty redpilled
>everyone in town is white
>teaches the benefit of hard work and saving money
>town attends church services
>no pre-marital sex
tenpenny was the head jew amoung white people
like america
Noting in life is matter.
Oh, you're right. I didn't look close and though the was holding a rifle.
HPM is all you need for vicky 2. With extended timeline you pretty much have nigs developing at the same rate as Carthage and Romans as they all start at 1 I think.
>EU 4 is better than Vicky 2 or CK2
Totally wrong. EU IV infested CK2 with the conclave shit.
Vicky 2 > CK2 > EU III > Rome > EU IV
I thought he was retired
Does he go around and give presentations? It would actually be neat to meet the guy
I learned that you have to give 5000 flowers so the bitch will like you.
It never worked
>And Breath Of The Wild seems incredible so far
What kind of redpilled undertones does it have?
>I really fucking hate how Valve doesn't care enough to make the character feel like a character, even though any other FPS is capable of doing that.
You are 12. Go to bed.
>content approaches zero
wot? Portal was a physics puzzle game with a story. Did you perchance not play the game? Or are you a retard?
>Free market Capitalism
>Traditional life
>Heterosexual marriage
It has a lot of triggering potential.
I think it depends on the girl, if I remember well.
The thing about fighting the Nazis though is it makes sense. You kinda have to go through their territory unauthorized as with the commies etc
I think it's fine because all factions are hostile.
I mean in the real life, kek
No I have AOE II HD on Steam I was talking about the HD version of Seven Kingdoms. I'll likely buy it come sales.
Mainly, it's the lack of feedback. For example, Big Daddies are supposed to be weak at the back, but you wouldn't know that from playing the game.
I would say more, but it's been so long since I played it that I can't make a detailled statement anymore.
What I roughly remember is problems with ammo distribution and weapon roles.
I don't care about shit like recoil, because that shit is only one balancing factor of many that a game can utilize. And it wouldn't have added anything to the game's weapon selection.
WoWs races are pretty good at having irl analogs
orcs are dindus
trolls are jungle and island dindus
Undead are kind of an exception because they're basically just Lordaeronians which are generalized with the other humans except for the Gilneans
Tauren are plains natives
Goblins, very obviously, are the shekelbergs of the game
I'm honestly not sure who the Blood Elves are (Swedes?)
Humans are westerners primarily mericans, also are descended from vrykangz
Dwarves are celts
Gnomes are fuckin short
Draenei are gypsies or something
Gilneans are spooky brits from 1870
And of course pandas are xing pings
says the toiletcleaner posting anime...