Ask a mexican anything
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why can't you figure out how to stop breeding like niggers?
we must extend our territory. its not my fault that white man are cucks.
Why are you flooding N. America with your worst people? Why is your next generation pro Mexican/Anti-American? Also, your average IQ is 85, and you want to start a revolution in a foreign country that you already got kicked out of twice?
Seems to me if Mexico is so great, you would stay and fight for what you believe in. If you import your people en-mass and want to change the indigenouspeople that live there, it's an invasion. Hence you have declared war. There is no reason to trust you or your people anymore. Name ONE FUCKING NATION THAT WILL DISAGREE. Protip: You can't. RACE WAR NOW
How it feels to be at home?
Why do you always move into my neighborhood and then leave your impulse buy chihuahuas and parakeets outside all day and night?
you're the mexican who decided to buy these shitty animals. Why am I the one who has to listen to them all day and night?
Why dont you provide a better life for mexicans so those that live in shitholes wont try and cross the border?
Please stop slaughtering our language
Mexico is in North America, basically We are in our country and stolen states. No, Mexican immigration is in 5 states in the Southwest, you said that We are invading 51 states, LMAO.
No, our Average IQ is 88.
The immigration to America is zero right now, why are you so stupid hilibilly?
Race war? Mexicans are white idiot.
Studies of the general Mexican population have found percentages with European ancestry of 56%[80] 60%,[81] 64%,[82] and 78%.[75]
why are you so poor?
Because your ancestors came illegally from Ireland, this is not your land, go back there. Chihuahuas are native from this contienent, fuckk, they have more righ to bark here, you dont.
Because its our land, stole land. Mexicans only goes to California, Arizona, Tejas, and Nuevo Mexico.
some of your women are so sexy, but literal subhuman IQ.
If you are not from Castilla y Leon is not yours. What autonous community are you?
Can you take back your chicanos?
All woman have low IQ, just look up your stupid bimbos, breeding with the first nigger they see.
fuck no, you must educater them.
Sorry pedro but you lost that land fair and square
Have you ever seen a cartel victim? (dead body)
I never lose buddy.
not yet I dont go outside too much.
Can't wait for Mexican-American War 2 desu
ey build the wall.
Do you think Carlos Slim would be a good president?
Me too, this time your jewish tricks wont work it. We will call up Iran, North Korea, China, and Russia.
No. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador will.
>viva Aztlan eramos reyes y la chingada
>no fuck u redneck go fuck yor cosin lol yor womin is blacked
>AMLO 2018
We need higher salary of 200 pesos, stop the pensions for presidents, fuero, and a new bullet train.
>tfw the Mexico-Queretaro train was planned in 2004
I agree with the first two but chances are that he runs another scam like he did in CDMX 10 years ago while only delivering more crappy socialism like gibs for the elderly, messy constructions and eternal driving licenses
Shit. It's actually been 15 years since he was elected. Damn I'm old
My father and I had a conversation 2 days ago, we talked about how chilangos were very poor and violent 30 years ago, and when we vbisited mexico city soon we were impressed how he changed all. AMLO changed your city for good.
Mexico city was like Mexico state ruled by PRI, full of shit and crime.
Yes but you know, the corruption ruined it of our stupid president.
Hey I am from the first Castillian city in Castilla y León and I must say that not only that Community speaks Castillian, but all Castilla, Nueva y Vieja.
IQ doesn't mean shit.
why is it that everytime a mexican chooses to represent his nation he chooses the most european white looking mexican for his picture
Ok, but our language sounds cool
Nope. It was the deregulation in the late 80's that made the economy grow. Mexico City was starting to being eyed by thirsty investors. Then Polanco happened. Then Santa Fe. Yeah the crime was there sure but the city became an already stronger force of nature thanks to it.
When AMLO came, crime was spectacularly high and infrastructure was mostly unseen. It was Ebrard who actually did a good job with the city.
Now they have a clown for mayor. He isn't different from Trudeau or the mayor of London
because its our stupid president.
PRD changed it. AMLO, Mancera, and Ebrard, get over it.
Some spic guys are incredibly handsome, sexy, tall w large muscles. Others are short, fat, and doughy looking. Why is this
Are you an intellectual?
Some americans are white, black and brown, obese , ugly and handsome, why is this.
Because of their ancestry, Americans could be from anywhere.
There really seems to be two types of Mexicans though
why this? mexico wants to be a new territory of usa if a second wars happens and mexico lose again?
Mexicans could be Spanish, brown, black and native american too. we are not very different.
Answer my question
What kind of music do you like?
rock in Spanish, German and English
Do you hate America?
Do you hate immigrants from America, if so, which ones?
Do you hate international immigrants?
Do you hate immigration in general?
Why do you allow drug cartels to run and terrorize your people, you have a rich culture that is beautiful, why not protect it, unlike our Euro-cuck-fags?
Do you hate Trump?
Do you love SJW, liberals, leftists?
In all seriousness, is the cartel problem very apparent? Or is it only in certain cities?
Can you give me your opinion on the Mexican Revolution?
I am part of a debate team in my history class and I have to show how the Mexican Revolution's benefits outweighed the costs for a woman in the 1920s.
Why does Mexico enforce immigration laws on it's southern border?
I hate Republicans, white southern Americans.
Irish and Britons.
Cartels dont mess with you if you are a normal guy.
yes I hate him
No, they are degenerate specifically femminist.
In certain cities. 90% of Mexican cities are free of them
it was a mistake because Don Porfirio Diaz Mori modernized the country and make it prosperous. He built up many good thinks in the country like the train and french architecture, customs, and fashion. He brought a lot of Europeans to make the empty lands prosperous like industry. He punished the bad guys with hand of steel, but He was a dictator that loved the office too much. He was 31 years. This revolution caused a lot of deaths and inestability. This revolution made the worst monster in mexico, I am talking about the PRI party. the most corrupt and cinical party ever. They controlled Mexico for 71 years.
>Why do you hate Republicans? I can understand Southern ones, since they are always associated with racism. (Which isn't fair to say the least, at least in the past it was mainly true)
>Irish and Britons, why the hate for those specific groups?
>Do you agree with the BLM and Antifa movement here in the US?
>What is your political standings? (Not to get too personal, if you don't want to answer, don't)
>Do you hate Native-Americans?
>What specifically do you hate about Trump?
>What do you like and glorify about the US, if anything?
Do you like cute little girls ?
>ask a mexican anything
when was the wheelbarrow invented
We doesnt.
Because they are like Steve Bannon
Because stave Bannon and Sessions are Irish.
Blacks cringe too much.
Yes I hate indians.
I like all about America. its food, customs, freedom, order, hardwork, landscape,etc.
Mexicans are Spanish, dweeb. Who do you think raped your Indo grandmother and taught her to speak Spanish? Aliens? Like E fucking T?
In China in the 2th century in the Han dinasty.
Mexicans werent raped by Spanish. Aztecs were killed by steel and viruses by them. the remaining Aztecs converted them into christianity and mixed them up with them. I am white. All my family is white, I dont have Aztecs relatives. LMAO. they were killed in 1521 - 1810
I am not Milo.
>Why the hate for Native Americans, I never understood that?
>There is nothing with the Republican Party that you like or find redeemable? (excluding the meme Alt-Right fringe party that associates itself with it)
>Do you believe in the 1st and 2nd Amendments of the US? The Right to Bear Arms and the Right to Free Speech?
>Do Mexicans in general hate Americans?
>Would you have voted for Hillary over Trump? (even though she is pro-globalism, degeneracy and new-wave-feminist?)
>Do you like, agree or support Antifa US movement?
>Is US capitalism bad in your eyes, ore even capitalism in general?
Because they are inferior wild animals. ugly, and they are too stupid for work in a job that isnt selling fruits in the middle of the sidewalk and learn spanish, they smell like shit too.
I like how Republicans love their country, and they dont mind kill the enviroment for gold.
Mexicans in general hates Spanish, Americans, and Argies.
Yes because She didnt said that Mexico is not our friend like the cheeto.
I suppor Antifa because Trump and his supporters are like nazis that hate all non white.
Capitalism only worked for a few people, the swamp in wall street and the politicians.
>What or who are Argies, Argentinians?
>Do you believe the majority of white American's are racist, and Nazi like? (even though they voted Obama in for two consecutive terms in a majority white population nation, agreed to the Civil Rights Act, and pushed for and maintain Affirmative action for all minority groups?)
>Do you agree that anyone who disagrees or tries to debate against Antifa are Nazis and white supremacists and deserve to be beaten or killed?
>What form of gov. would you recommend over Capitalism if you could?
>I am assuming Mexicans hate Americans over the fact of previous land disputes?
>Are Mexicans in general racist towards whites or just white Americans?
>I am also assuming Mexicans are upset over the jobs being sent to the US?
Lies, Mexico even got caught torturing Central Americans who were illegally immigrating on their southern border.
the majority of white americans are, come on man, you enslaved them blacks.
LMAO, violence is bad.
yes it was the land, but a lot of mexicans like americans, we are roommates, like it or not.
Mexicans are racist with own Mexicans, a mexican called me why I am too white.
Most jobs here arent created by Americans, so no-
dont get confused, it was one of the cartel.
No, it was the government, they were jailing, accusing immigrants of crimes, and torturing them.
Why do we have a fuckton of illegals in Georgia if they only go to those states?
What is the cartel situation like? Is it hyped up or as bad as it seems in some areas?
Why are your gun laws so shit?
What do you do for personal protection?
is that what breatbart told you? they lied to you.
lets see.
59.7% White American (55.9% Non-Hispanic White, 3.8% White Hispanic),
30.5% Black or African American (including Hispanics)
0.3% American Indian and Alaska Native (including Hispanics)
3.2% Asian American (including Hispanics)
0.1% Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander (including Hispanics)
4.0% from Some Other Race (including Hispanics)
2.1% Multiracial American (including Hispanics)
8.8% Hispanics and Latinos of any race.
The Guardian and Business Insider also reported on it.
Yeah that's accurate. Illegal third world shitters totally take the fucking census.
its only in 6 states of 32.
because we cant have armed people everywhere, this is not the wild west.
I lock my door.
GA is shit man, nobody goes there. You are not Cali or Texas hahahahahaha
whats so great about GA, the rope day? hahahahahahahaha
the black hangout?
Trips of Truth
we create a new race in america.....LA RAZA
I feel good hombre
wrong. it was criollos, castizos and mestizos.
>GA is shit
says the Mexican
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
>Mexicans in general hates Spanish, Americans, and Argies.
>Do you seriously believe in the sentiment that the majority of white Americans are racist.
>If so, is America more racist now than it was in the past, and if so, how did that happen?
>Do you believe the BLM group is racist, even though they have slogans of "kill whites" as their main chant slogans?
>Do you believe a small minority of racists speaks for the general overlay of an entire ethnic group?
yes, white man are evil. just look up history. Vikings , Spanish Germans, British,Russians,etc.
BLM is racist. They are acting like they hate.
Like I said before, white man is naturally evil. even I am a white Mexican of Spanish descent.
it is. every place in Mexico is better.
its for the gold thing. But I love you, thanks for getting down from the tree.
>Every place in Mexico is better. That's why Mexicans can't wait to leave Mexico for America.
>Would you say then that whites should be killed or eradicated?
>Do you agree that current populations are responsible for actions done in the past that have no direct ties to them, other than ethnicity?
>Would you agree or disagree that, in itself is racist and an unsustainable perspective and system of governance towards entire ethnic groups?
Mexico is better than Georgia, its a fact.
Who goes to your shithole? instead of beautiful Cali, FL, New York, DC, WA,etc?
why do you hate argies? because they are whiite or something like that?
No because I am white hispanic.
the past is important for no made the same mistakes in the future.
they arent, but we hate them for this.
they are the worst mutts like americans (germans,Italian,french and Spanish)
Mexico is a rich land, with good people and a unique culture.
So...why won't any of you fight for your country?
Do you enjoy being slaves to drug cartels?
I can't accept 'we dindu nuffin cuz you buy it!1!' as an answer.
If a Mexican cop stops you for speeding, and you don't bribe him, you go to jail. Do you really think that's a good idea?
The Mexican justice system says that if arrested, you are guilty until you prove your innocence. You can't even contact your family without bribes. So...question...when will you adopt a civilized justice system?
>Who goes to your shithole?
Illegal Mexicans.
The Indians of the southwest US hated Mexicans so much, they helped us defeat you in the war. Why are Mexicans hated by everyone, everywhere? Is it you, or the WHOLE WORLD, that are the assholes?
>Why are Mexicans hated by everyone, everywhere?
we dont hate them user
Neza-Chalco-Itza, Mexico City, Mexico
Is one of the biggest slums in the world, it's a piece of crap city in a piece of crap country.
So a Spaniard crossed the isthmus of Panama, saw the Pacific Ocean, and claimed it and all the lands it touched in the name of Spain.
So your claim to China is as valid as your claim to California.
Question: when will you invade China?
Only stupid rednecks like you hates us. The rest of the world dont. The rest of the world hates Americans btw.
man, you stole us California.
zero mexicans goes to your black african state. stop lying.
Everyone hates America but everyone wants to live in America.
>everyone wants to live in America.
>Is one of the biggest slums in the world
There arent a worst thing as a Brazilian favela.
Good, than nobody should care if we keep people out.
Posting videos that both have actual racism, implied racism and racial baiting.
>Do you agree or disagree that all the content in those videos you have posted so far are racist 100%?
>No because I am white hispanic.
>So if you were 100% Hispanic you would be justified?
>the past is important for no made the same mistakes in the future.
>Do you believe that all other nations and ethnicity are completely hands clean, guilt-free and innocent compared to white ethnicity throughout history?
>Is America more racist now than it was in the past, and if so, how did that happen?
I'm Hispanic, and your cries of white American racism is hypocritical. We have the same blood, you and me, and our people are way more racist than whites.
Mexican leftist tendencies and virtue signaling is pathetic though.
Also, people who look like Alejandra Espinoza (her in pic) are mestizo, you're probably a mestizo too. What everyone thinks is mestizo is actually INDIO.
>Dalton, GA. Carpet capital of the world
>filled to the brim with you frumpy goblin people
Pick 2 hombre.
Learn to greentext, this was painful to read.