Heh. Better luck next time.
Maybe if the alt-right didn't have such disgusting views that they're embarrassed about expressing in front of an audience they could get some actual discourse accomplished on real issues.
Heh. Better luck next time
Other urls found in this thread:
who are you talking to faggot?
let's hope he kills himself with it
Styx should debate Destiny on his stream
Jon fucking lost
after he kills himself ofc
Jon got BTFO
somebody post his penis
Jon fucking shrekt the fuck out
>this newfag leaf again
Hes literally lost 100k subs now, lol Jon is finished.
I want to see Destiny get rekt
Who the fuck is this?
Why do you cucks like this terrible rust player so much?
Jon is basically done
How fucking MAD are you that this many people disagree with your alt-reich shit?
your reddit is showing dude
The alt right is a joke.this is what happens when racists go out side the internet
Your dad, oh wait
Jon is basically BTFO
Punch ALL Nazis.
Jon is about the worst person to debate for us. Metokur beat him.
>Sup Forums is one person
I'm tired of lefties pushing this and this cuck saying we are all brainwashed. Sup Forums is diverse in ideology and thought (and even ethnicity - I see you fucking LARPers) and nationality. We even got a couple commie shill shitposters!
stick to one thread, fags
pretty pathetic for a >raid
Discrimination doesn't exist guys
You're aware there are ID's on Sup Forums right? No, I don't suppose you would be, since if you'd spent any time here, you'd realize how fucking retarded you sound.
Stick around and read some threads, and maybe you'll spare yourself future embarrassment.
Jontron was so fucking bad, even I could have done a much better job. Fucking idiot should keep his mouth shut, he makes liberal views look good and nationalistic views look retarded with the way he speaks.
>those arms
yeah you better have a gun because I could break those like little twigs
god, americans are pathetic
Yup, Jon got BTFO.
Who is this faggot and why should I care?
EVERYONE hates alt-right garbage. Fuck off now trumpy
>god, americans are pathetic
>says the Spaniard
i have no idea who the fuck this is
can someone give me the basic gestalt?
someone post a fucking link
>destiny thinks black genocide is a good thing
is he /ourguy/ ?
You shouldn't care about anything that goes on outside your own ass you rural and suburban retard
dude stop your repeating yourself
>being so upset you got shit on by a comedian you have to get your fanbase to shitpost for you
That's pretty pathetic.
Some fags talk to each other
True indeed. Welcome aboard.
So is this dude one of the RELIGUN IS BAD retards? There are many different churches and sects that support his liberal social justice viewpoint (especially here in cali). He's doing the same brain dead generalizations that the left accuses everybody of doing to Muslims and blacks.
>second time I've seen someone post that destiny 'debated' someone
Why would anyone give a shit what this failed streamer thinks?
These r/Politics shills are just embarassing themselves at this point.
t. 70% mexican
our literally retarded offspring with the indios is going to rule over you in 15 years
pretty pathetic imo famalam
>my child was a accident
- Destiny
let's guess who she is
I'm thinking she is Destiny's girl from Canada
let me just follow couple of threads... I'll let you guys know which city she is from and we can dig Destiny's social media and give this newfag a good lesson.
This is Sup Forums!! it is not tumblr... consequences.. consequences
Christian are destroying this country, faggot. Just because you're too indignant to notice doesn't mean it's not happening.
gaming e-celeb loser vs. bluepilled cuck
I'm sure you can imagine how that went on your own.
Destiny is just a self loathing SJW cuck who hates his christian parents and needs attention and acceptance. He does anything he can to "debate" anyone on any possible subject that could bring him more viewers then argues delusional and ignorant sighting his armrest medal and bookmarks as justification for any fallacy he believes to be true to appease himself and his delusional chat.
Top kek I'm already b& from chat
Yeah, I don't even know who the fuck they're talking about in this thread. I know jontron is a fat guy who plays video games and makes weird faces. That's about it.
I can only assume we're dealing with 3 underaged faggots who think the result of some online 'debate' makes even the slightest difference.
...AAAND we've got a nigger in our thread, boys.
They can't even rule themselves, how the fuck are they gonna rule us?
women in europe are still getting pregant to colelct welfare checks.
what is this retard on about.
>...AAAND we've got a nigger in our thread, boys.
Good goy, keep that hate in your heart. We wouldn't want you to actually form a legitimate argument. Not that would ever been a problem with your subterranean IQ
He's too much into the bluepill, it will take years for him to wake up or some serious IRL enriching. And his moderators protect him from evil trolls that expose him to reality. pathetic cuck
Compelling argument or just a biased shitpost
both of them are retards
They'll build large soviet style tenement buildings in inner cities. You better watch out, bigot!
>e-celeb drama
Fuck off nu/pol/
kill yourself immediately but use a rope
John should stick to debating only on twitter when he has time to look up stats and formulate his argument properly. You could tell Johns underlying argument is correct. He just wasn't able to articulate is properly. He needs to take some time, grab some paper or open up a word document, and properly formulate his argument, along with responses to points that would be brought up against his argument. That's what I did after I got my ass handed to me in a debate after I realized I wasn't able to form an argument on the fly. Then again I have the free time to spend doing that sort of thing.
The other guy is great at debating people who don't have any experience debating. But he would get absolutely wrecked up against someone who has had more experience under their belt. I'm gonna watch the video again and take some notes, and possibly challenge this guy to a debate. Name will be ZincLozenge if I do decide to do it in the future.
Stay mad and bitter, virgin
You realise IDs are a thing, shilltard
I've been messaging Destiny on twitter trying to get him to debate me.
The problem is I'm not a barely functional retard like Jon Tron.
The last person he debated who had a brain was Jim81jim and Jim kicked the shit out of him.
He's never going to debate a real target. The best thing people can do is stop going on his stream because he selects the opponents who will make his argument look good rather than a person who can actually debate him
lurk for 20 years before posting again retard.
He's not that bad
Sometime she makes really poor arguments and sometimes he's super level-headed and will admit his faults. It depends on the day and who he's arguing with. He can be really humble and cool sometimes.
He's still the most entertaining guy on twitch.
desu it's not worth giving him views/exposure
Sensationalism and lack of critical thinking is destroying the country, retard. People like this guy think Christian families are going around shooting up the gays and hanging blacks when in reality the average Christian is just trying to live their lives and better themselves and their families. Just because you live in a fucking bubble and your only exposure to religious people is through dogmatic atheists bitching about them on fucking reddit doesn't mean religion is a detriment to society. I'm not even religious I just can't stand fedora tipping autists like you.
Do me a favor and never have sex, thanks
he's just samefagging over and over without even reading the thread.
>mfw this is a common tactic on reddit
Why the fuck are all of Destiny's fans from Canada.... God damn it...
Guys, this is a classic open and shut case. It turns out that when you try to argue that being a racist is okay... you get BTFO infront of thousands! WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT. Try not try cry yourselves to sleep Drumpftards
>Sometime she makes really poor arguments and sometimes he's super level-headed and will admit his faults. It depends on the day and who he's arguing with
yeah if he's arguing with someone who actually knows what they're talking about (martin shkreli) it becomes apparent he's a literal retard with no fucking idea what he's talking about
you can't learn to debate if you don't actually debate
this will be a wakeup call for Jon to get good
kys, n go back to his shit stream
he's right tho
It'd be worth it to actually beat his arguments in front of his fans and expose his insanity.
syrup nigger get out
Destiny has NEVER lost a debate. How does it feel to be cucked by the god king of western esports?
This is your guys fault pushing the fucking leaf meme. Now autistic Canadians come here and cosplay as far left liberal caricatures so you throw temper tantrums and whine. I hate this site you guys can't ever control your fucking selves.
Who's right?
Right about what? Which point did he make was he correct in? Keep in mind, Jon Tron's inability to argue the point is not proof that the point is correct.
Keep on being a tool for the kikes.
>Progressiveness and multiculturalism ho! amirite fellow r/athiesm subscriber?
>mfw Jon utterly destroyed Cuckstiny in every single topic they touched
The leaf poster, dummy.
I think the fact that the countries on the right are ethnically homogeneous is a more important factor than religion.
yup, John needs to read:
"Don't make the black kids angry" by Colin Flaherthy (for the black crime argument)
"Adios America" by Ann Coulter (for the immigration arguments)
"Free to Choose" by Milton Friedman (on economy)
and let the fun begin
A little late on that one boyo. But feel free to keep jerking it to Richard Dawkins and the Amazing Atheist.
his fans dont give a shit about that
they just like when destiny points out a small flaw in your reasoning so he can hammer it down and pretend everything else you said is wrong too
destiny would LOSE in a middle school debate against 12 year olds
I know this is a bait post, but do people actually still care about esports and twitch streams and the like? It seems like those things have been passe for a couple of years now.
That's his second house friend, he moved last year into his new house and rents that one out to his ex girlfriend.
>can't win internet debates
>better stalk him IRL
>suddenly seeing a bunch of threads about a washed up streamer everyone forgot because he's a shitbag