How redpilled are you Sup Forums?
How redpilled are you?
Other urls found in this thread:
>You are well aware of your enemies and the characteristics which your enemies will portray
Definite 7.
preserver of mankind and freedom
7 working my way to 8.
Borderline 8
8 to 9.5
Me would be 8 probably
That doesn't prove someone's knowledge tho.
And the actual list is basically crap with so many holes.
How do I progress further? Can I even?
I don't think I will ever be able to find a woman.
this isnt entirely accurate and doesnt include aliens , just makes you all look gay for white pride
IQ has nothing to do with knowledge, it's about raw cognitive abilities. Knowledge is acquired
Well ive gone from 6 to 8 since the last time i saw this.
Somewhere between 4 and 5.
Wish I was a 7.
Shit I'm 9 because of the nuclear family thing but I figured that was an early level redpill.
Gone from a 5 to a 7 in just about 2 years and slowly working my way towards 8 as i do more reading on the teachings of Marx.
Maybe like an 8.4
I don't fit on that scale. I think 1-3 and 8-10 are trash and want nothing to do with them. That also precludes any position from 4-7 because each of those have elements of the other 6. If I were forced to pick, and the "social justice" poison were purged from it, I would be at 4.
been stuck at 7.99999999999999 for like 3 years now
im a solid 10.
a few year ago i was a 7, but it has grown upward.
if there is a nationalist march against antifa, im there.
1 in the streets
9 in the sheets
People in my generation seem to unfailingly fall under level 1(especially true of women).
most women are a 1, most sjw's are a 2 at most.
We all increse on the scale brother. And although I'm 8, I could probably see myself joining nationalist movements in the near future.
5, occasionally dipping into 7.
youre what we call a faggot nigger
im a perfect 10
10 sounds like a fucking socialist. How red pilled are you, OP? I think you took the brown pill by accident.
Women hardly ever go above 1 or 2. Men who aren't either brainless jocks or party animals are usually either 4 or 5.
Anybody who went past 9 is a worthless communist.
Globalist propaganda.
impressive digits but watch this
Don't cut yourself on the edge there.
Been 7 for a while. Havent changed much since
>When this was a better place without plebbit.
the nuclear family is everything. it's all about bonds. you bond with your family, you bond together, you create a society. A society is just the larger picture of an order made by families.
if the family fractures, the kids wander and bond with others. like a chemical reaction it grows and mutates, shaking the bonds of your entire society- producing no order.
Reminder that absolutely no one here is a 9, nor a 10.
I'm an 8
Somewhere between 1 and 10
Somewhere between 4.5 and 5.5
You're still an autistic dweeb faggot for falling for the IQ meme.
8 growing into 9 here, I realize the time fro action is coming.
1. 2. 3.
blue pill
4. 5.
neutral, forgivable ignorance
6. 7.
""red pill"", basically mount stupid
if you're stuck here it's self inflicted ignorance and you should consider suicide
8. 9. 10.
true redpill
5.5 I am here only since about the middle of Trump's campaign (the main thing that brought me here because MSM was spewing bullshit and I wanted to know what he was all about).
I'd say I'm a 6 minus the social media usage. How do I channel my depression over the state of the world into rage?
11. Communist
About 6.75
Thinking about it, more like 8
redpilled enough to think that's retarded
9 trying to be a 10, but I'm a manlet, so I wonder if that's possible.
>faggot for falling for the IQ meme.
This really lubricates my gears.
Can you be anything past 6 if you're not White? Russian, Greek, Serb, Japanese mix here ;_;
8, maybe like an 8.2.
Remember kids, IQ is used to see how much learning potential you have, not how smart you actually are.
If you don't apply yourself, a high IQ doesn't mean shit
This is coming from someone with a 140 or so IQ
A hard 10
tfw i used to root for bernie, because i fell victim to his "milions and billions"
i got tricked by a fucking commie.
I'm not on this picture
level 5
Shouldn't you be out saving the West instead of posting on an Indonesian bilgewater-removal exchange?
>how retarded are you from a scale 1-10
No thanks OP, I'm no intellectual sheep.
I'm a solid 8, don't know how much farther this rabbit hole is gonna take me but soon it seems a rank of 9 is inevitable.
Let's see how many of us are here
Have you got to Evola yet?
That's when you start getting into some serious business.
he put what he calls enlightment on a scale and people are unironically answering... i'm lvl 12 and what is this?
Jordan Peterson is definitely a 10.
Definitely 7
Prepping myself for the greatest happening to come
Jordan Peterson is too smart to be any number there.
Wow almost exactly a linear progression
# 6 describes me perfectly.
I'm too pathetic and worthless to ever leapfrog to number 8, 9 and 10.
Might as well commit suicide when nothing works out like continuing unemployment. Always a KHV type due to being a socially retarded and unskilled deaf skinny-fat autist.
He is very smart but I think he has gone in a different direction to this chart.
From what ai have seen he has not advocated racial realism.
Mainly because i cannot bring myself to believe we will one day defeat consumerism.
>tfw undercover white nationalist who drops redpills on apolitical friends and it works
there is no one outside the spectrum of this simple meme
6 and rising with the number of muslims arriving at my town.
sounds legit
5 acting like a 7 sometimes
11. The Blue Pill was the real Red Pill all along
After realising that no matter how strong or knowledgeable you become the onward march of time is subject to forces no individual can ever hope to control. Civilisation was always doomed thanks to the inexorable march of technological progress, and you soon learn to bring your sense of care back to the only thing you have power over - yourself. You learn to feel grateful that you still have some time before everything is extinguished so you find pleasure where you can while you still can. You come to envy stage 1 individuals and try to forget everything you have learned.
Hmm im pretty sure no one in this thread is past 7 considering after that it states you need to work out
I was red pilled on race by my Dad as a child, He pointed out gooks and dindus are savages after we saw a gook shitting in the street.
When I moved in the City in the 90's I became less racist and kept it more of a secret and would use comedy to red pill my PC friends.
After seeing all the media pushing Islam, race mixing and mass immigration I have gotten really angry and have started to talk about it in public.
I am getting shunned by some of my SJW friends after mocking antifa and commie shit they post on FB and spending more time on pol and watching movies on WW2
7-8, almost fully 8 at this point. Need to work out more, and getting firearms here is a pain.
>I was red pilled on race by my Dad as a child, He pointed out gooks and dindus are savages after we saw a gook shitting in the street.
>tfw too smart to be redpilled
Remember lads, just like irl, you want to marry women who are 7-8-9/10
i reached level 88 a long time ago