What other boards does pol visit? Just trying to get a better perspective of fellow posters. I get on sp, lit and trv besides pol.
pic unrelated
What other boards does pol visit? Just trying to get a better perspective of fellow posters. I get on sp, lit and trv besides pol.
pic unrelated
Other urls found in this thread:
Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Litterally nothing but Sup Forums
Used to go to Sup Forums and Sup Forums before I realized they are both cancer but it's jist /bis/ now if anything
Fits a good mix, ive started on outdoors recently to.
B back when it was the top board. Now just pol
/m/ crossposter
I used to spend a lot of time on /r9k/ but I left because I needed to sort myself out.
Sup Forums is my home board. Once in a blue moon I visit /fit/, /h/, /s/, and /d/.
fa sometimes to cringe
Sup Forums when I feel like making joke threads
used to go to /his/
tried /sci/ for a while but was pretty faggy
/n/ and Sup Forums or Sup Forums occasionally for niche interests
Not in any particular order..
Sup Forums and /sci/, sometimes Sup Forums
/mlp/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /k/
/jp/ and and /k/.
I always notice a lot of Sup Forumsacks go to /fit/. I wonder why that is.
I understand /k/, /his/, and /k/. It just astounds me that a lot of Sup Forums users like to get /fit/
I only really visit /fit/ and Sup Forums, sometimes Sup Forums.
It may also be interesting to see what other people are in terms of politics. I actually started on Sup Forums as right wing and now five years later, I am actually left wing. Yes I know it's weird as shit.
Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums /ck/
Sup Forums for memes
/fit/ for gains
>pic related: the Sup Forums club of Germany, England and Italy
Sup Forums /d/ /trash/ /s/ /his/ Sup Forums /k/
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
I don't know why. It's trash.
Sup Forums for shitposting
Sup Forums around events like elections to read and make shitposts
I hate this site.
/fa/ /ic/ /fit/ in that order. I work in a company where people obsess about fashion and I'm the cool guy with the new links i hoard from fellow /fa/cists. I like fashion too but am not that obsessed as some of my mates.
Sup Forums
Used to browse Sup Forums when it still had some interesting stuff on it.
yeah its been declining hard over the past couple of years.
However, ill find videos and posts off there that change my life
things like .....
I pretty much only browse /k/ these days but still drop by here every so often.
/x/, sometimes /vg/ or Sup Forums, /wg/ in the offchance they have something new.
There are other boards?
I am the greatest!
You are the Sup Forums communist
Are you actually one of those /polgb: guys?
Sup Forums
Used to go on Sup Forums back in the day then switched to Sup Forums and been here ever since. Don't mind /ck/ and Sup Forums for the memes.
I like /n/ because I'm into bikes and cycling.
lgbt and x when im in the mood for spooks
Sup Forums /his/
/d/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /vg/
>just trying to get a better perspective of fellow posters
>fellow posters
well golly gee I sure do love /cia/, /nsa/, and when I'm reaaally looking for some LOLs nothing beats cracking open a nice caprisun while lurking /fbi/ in a relaxing afternoon.
Sup Forums and /x/.
almost daily
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
/wg/ will always be my home base.
Sup Forums
in that particular order of frequency
Sup Forums
I lost a lot of political momentum after trump got elected
Sup Forums for memes
/fit/ for advice gains and memes
Sup Forums for news and memes
I don't like stir-fry, ok!
typically Sup Forums around 80% but also
Sup Forums - 5%
Sup Forums - 5%
/d/ - 2%
/aco/ - 2%
/gif/ - 2%
Sup Forums - 1%
/vg/ - 1%
Sup Forums - 1% it's just not what it used to be
/s/ - 0.5 %
/hr/ - 0.5%
These percentages change every few years but political topics are my focus.
/mlp/. Great board, they share very similar beliefs with Sup Forums, believe it or not.
user, I don't want to ruin your sense of optimism, but Coral Castle was likely constructed using ordinary tools. But don't misunderstand, it's still a huge accomplishment that one man could build all that on his own in two decades. That revolving door was very finely balanced.
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
In no particular order.