I have a hunch about this "happening" on the 15th of March.

I feel like there will be a "leak" of information regarding chan users. It will be deemed "The fight against user". It will be done by the NSA / CIA. They will release all of our real names, and a few nefarious things we've posted or are connected to. They will mask it as a random hacking group attacking the chans. Everything racist, anti semite and or violent will be revealed and the police will use it as an excuse to investigate and arrest users.

That's my hunch.


yks eht ni raeps eht rof kool

thank god i never denied the holokaust of 6 trillion jews

Wouldn't that mean that you're done for already? The FBIAnom said that you could avoid things if you got off before the 15th.

I feel like they just might take all current users on at that time because they would be the most relevant and the list would be too long if they included every user ever.

wouldn't there be complications in terms of jurisdiction in regards to user locations?

Wouldn't there be sufficient enough plausible deniability due to the nature of the Sup Forums board in how it generates ID tags?

I'll bring the /fit/ army here on the 15th and get everyone to post their dicks.

How about that?

Yes of course. But local people in your town won't give a fuck when they see your email / name next to a picture of a dead jew.

thank god i never denied the holokkkaust of 6 quadrillion jews

Ok now im scared

oh no the world w ill know i'm ancap

oh no

oh noooooo

Woo boy, the world is going to know I called someone a nigger or a kike. WOE IS ME!


wew thankfully i've never questioned the shoahcost of 6 gorllion chosens

>tfw everyone's gonna know what you fapped to

Good thing I have literally zero friends or acquaintances then.

What exactly would that arrest us for here in america?

I'm sure some of the things said about certain agencies or groups of people here could be considered conspiracy. Added bonus, conspiracy using the internet / computer.


It was another site, not Sup Forums.

>mfw I'll be at work the 15th and still browsing Sup Forums on my breaks
Suck my dick CIA


>CIA tries to get me arrested for shitposting
It will be a glorious day.

Stop saying this, they blatantly said to stop coming to Sup Forums by the 15th. Are you CIA trying to nail down as many users as possible or something?

that'd be helpful. then we can get some girls to come judge the entrants. we'll make it a "racist dick pic party!"

so whats the point in releasing all of our information anyways?

To shut you up

I'm a diagnosed autist so I'm safe.

Attack on privacy. Normalizing the fact that your privacy on the internet is not secured. People will applaud, and give away their rights with no problems.

>I have a feeling
Why is OP always a faggot

Do you actually believe we're in trouble? Sad. Have a drink, calm down, faggot.

makes sense desu

My name is David

and how would they get any of that? You do realize an IP address is not a person, right?

CIA is just pissed because they're meant to be the only ones that get to meddle in foreign elections.

The holocaust didn't happen, but need to happen.
All subhumans need to be slaughtered for the future of Humanity.
All traitors need to be gifted with a bullet through the brainstem.
Women destroyed more than ten civilisation already, the coming artificial womb means we don't merely have the possibility, but the moral duty to slaughter the women and become a monogendered species ( with artificial women companions i guess ? ) reproducing through technology.
Complete collapse is inevitable and only an all-powerful individual can make Humanity walk the Golden Path.
The tools to produce such an individual are almost here.

Death to niggers, jews, sandniggers, cunts, traitors, and death to anglos, the most jewish of non-jews.

You realize they can correlate data right? You log into a website that has personal information, then come here.. it's not hard.

I feel like someone just doesn't like that Sup Forums actually has an impact in the real world and is trying to scare Sup Forums users away with spoopy conspiracies about the 15th.

So literally the troll trace episode of south park

>mfw not afraid of cia niggers

thank god I never denied the holocaust of 6 quadrillion jews

I hereby denounce anything I've written on this website. It was all satire

but isnt your ip adress connected to your location? pin pointing ur name seems easy then?

but why would anyone care about shitposts on Sup Forums? Furthermore, why would anyone believe what liberal activists say about posts on anonymous sites?

I could make my own "leak" right now of entirely fake data.

If anyone is getting sent to the camps, it's going to be Antifa and their Islamic State pets. Realize where the fuck you live.

I've spent the last month trying to talk sense into you hateful people my conscience is clean. I did use the n-word once but it was a joke...

ur waifu is shit to

Someone give me a quick rundown on this whole '15th of March' thing. Where did this meme that a happening will occur on the 15th of March come from? And how do we know this won't be ANOTHER false happening like the millions of other false happenings we've endured year after year?

>You log into a website that has personal information, then come here.. it's not hard.
non american detected
learn burden of proof and reasonable doubt

Because much of it is hatespeech, and conspiracy considering so many violent threats happen here.

>What is, the Ides of March meme
You want me to feed you too?

Learn that the general public won't give a fuck when they see your email / name / picture next to the quote "kill all niggers".


The only real thing they can do that can have any impact is destroying the internet to remove dissemination.
If they wanted fear to be effective, they shouldn't have directly made so many people with nothing to lose.

Guac rundown:

> larp

>hatespeech, and conspiracy


>I have a hunch about this "happening" on the 15th of March.
>I feel like there will be a "leak" of information regarding chan users. It will be deemed "The fight against user". It will be done by the NSA / CIA. They will release all of our real names, and a few nefarious things we've posted or are connected to. They will mask it as a random hacking group attacking the chans. Everything racist, anti semite and or violent will be revealed and the police will use it as an excuse to investigate and arrest users.

Pretty close, user. The plan is to label you all as agents of the Kremlin and get you imprisoned for Seditious Conspiracy though.

Good luck, guys-- you're all going to need it.

A 'group of hackers' posting information about Sup Forums users do not have to follow the law. Did anyone get arrested for the fappening?..

Learn to logic, fucking leaf.

I think it's shills trying one last time to scatter us to the winds so we don't/can't work together.
the shills are morons. bring it on. i won't be intimidated by the that gash of a nigger hating candidate who labeled me an irredeemable sexist and racist without ever having met me.
i look forward to putting down any of her zombie cultists who try to come through my door.

so who else is going to be online just to see what happens lol?

hate speech isn't illegal in America. And besides, I'm a shitposter at heart. The only way I'd get in trouble is if they selectively leaked the stuff where I was trolling Drumpf supporters or liberals. I equally troll nazi retards and assorted white supremacists.

Right here
Worst case scenario I explain my horrible views, I haven't done anything illegal.

So the world discovers 90% of the 'alt-right hate group know as Sup Forums' are actually a bunch of niggers and half casts role playing for lols. Australians are shown yet again to be assholes who love griefing people and Canadians are useless. World redefined

Why would you have to explain that you want to destroy Humanity since its the mainstream doctrine already ?

>Muh holocaust never happened!
1939: 16millions Jews.
2015: 16millions Jews.

Let's take our country:
1939: 41millions.
2015: 66millions.

Really makes you wonder.

Hatespeech isn't illegal. But people certainly don't like holocaust deniers and people that say 'nigger' like it's a common word. You don't get it. They CIA will do it, but it will be under the guise of another hacking group leaking the information, that way.. they don't have to follow any laws. Like I've said before, they can post all this shit online and host it everywhere, much like the fappening. People won't even realize the feds are doing it, but the general public will see it, and come to the conclusions themselves.. this includes the police. This has nothing to do with 'law', "plausible deniability'. It has everything to do with a webpage with your email, and photo on it next to a bunch of nefarious shit you've said that every major news outlet will be linking to.

>I was an agent of the Kremlin
Looks like Russia owes me some motherfucking back pay in that case.

On the one hand, OP isn't very clever. On the other, south park is generally right.

>equally troll nazi retards and assorted white supremacists.
haha you are so kewl. how are they not woke, like you and me.
south africa will be a first world country again
any second........

16 millions bullets is going to be expensive, we should probably use guillotines and maybe axes too.

How exactly would they have our names? I mean Sup Forums has been around a lot longer than use IDs. Are you meaning to tell me the CIA has hacked every single Sup Forums user ID since Sup Forums introduced them, and built a file on literally MILLIONS of posters and the details of what they posted?

Get real guy, they can't even write a decent meme, let alone carry something like that out.

but why would anyone believe that I said what they claim I did?

They could just post my name and email and the quote "Elliot Rogers did nothign wrong" even though I've never said that.

Because I'm a huge racist and I talk a lot of shit about the Jews
But yeah I get the joke

Do you even understand what I was trying to say?

You seem...


It won't be everyone. It will be those users who are stupid enough to log into google / facebook and then browse this site at the same time.

>caring about race

please go back to altright.com

you're ilk aren't welcome here.

Because people aren't stupid, and you did say it.

> a lot of Jews getting arrested for larping as nazis.


late to the party because job shit. Someone bring me up to speed?


all of my posts have been ironic satire anyway


i do that all the time. there's literally nothin wrong with doing that

e-everything is going to be ok


Yea im sure the anons that were busy analyzing flight traffic to find the flag have a busy real-life and a reputation to lose.
Theyre kicking against a trashcan, shows how desperate they are if thats whats gonna happen.


Do any of you guys realize how much of a pain in the ass it would be to do something like that? CIA and NSA prefer to go after small groups and solitary targets that actually pose a physical threat to the US. They would have nothing to gain from releasing information about tens of thousands of people on a specific day since that would require normies to actually read each and everyone of them. Normies barely read WikiLeaks as it is. All they're going to do is skim an article, say something inoffensive, and move on.

You are on thin fucking ice.

which one?

you said it just now goyim

>thank god i never denied the holokaust of 6 trillion jews

You're an asshole.

It was 8 gorillion.

nice try shill. They literally said "do not come here on march 15(Sup Forums)"


Wow, I just read through all this stuff. I'm going to sleep. There's nothing substantial to read here. Go to sleep guys, it's nothing. I don't think we should be reading this, maybe we should sleep. We all must be so tired. It's time to rest. Aren't we here for keks and laughs not this serious mumbo jumbo, time to sleep guys. It's nothing. Please, let's rest. We are all so tired. Drink some liquor and take some sleeping medicine, we are so tired. It's time to sleep.

IP address is connected to local server. They would need to get access to that server and then they'd get yo sweet candy ass boi

Thank god Sup Forums is satire

I mean, gaz is nice and all but you need a big infrastructure.
Would a big hole with the jews poured in then acid on top do the trick ?
You know, we need something that can be done quickly, before the goyim slave nations can come to their rescue.

Post proofs, then.

>literally holding some random shitposting user to their word

I suppose you'll just have to come and get us. Fuck all of you. Look at yourselves, trying to disrupt and intimidate our God-given right to free speech.

Good thing for the 2nd amendment.