Daily reminder that Israel has never lost a war.
Daily reminder that Israel has never lost a war
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How big is Israel?
bigger than your dick
The Romans would like a word with you
Probably, maybe?
Still smaller than the black one that goes inside of him.
yom kippur war
>btfo so badly you lost your homeland for 2000 years
Daily reminder that Jews have been kicked out of every country they've ever been in.
Yeah but we put parentheses around your names checkmate Jew-boy :^)
fucking kek
Without you Jewing America you wouldn't exist kike. You can fool them but not us Europeans (and the muslims hate you too).
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
Without the aid of USA the state of Israel would have been destroyed long ago by the surrounding Arab nations. USA is the only reason why Israel exists today.
It's baking time!
Don't know too much about the cold war era.
Quick run down on the arab-israeli war.
Lost the meme war, shlomo.
Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, and Iran would like a word with you
we lost to vietnam, so that means you inadvertently lost that one too
>Leech billions of dollars and millions worth of military equipment off every prominent western nation
>are successful
Truly a miracle, god's chosen people at it again
Everyday I wake up and ask myself how I can be more Jewish then the other guys. Tis the mindset of champions
>americuck defending his master
Good goy!
>hurr durr, Israel never lost aware because it picked its allies wisely. What a bunch of idiots!
easy to win if you are fighting the worst armies in the world. child soldiers in africa can beat arab armies.
Daily reminder that this is one of the mot pro-Jewish places on the internet.
Uhm What about Palestine, those guys starting to get serious.
>tfw only Jews can relate to you because they have their own version of Kosovo stolen clay
dont forget the fact that they have been fighting malnourished Arabs with little to no training, and even less equipment.
The biggest threat Israel has faced in the last 10 years are pocket rockets that dont even fucking fly half the time.
Who is the Arkan of the Jews?
That no-name bunch of goatfuckers too busy stealing UN gibs to actually do anything?
Arkan wasnt jewish but Serbs have pretty respectful relatioship with the Jews, i know its pretty unpopular on Sup Forums but we did saved them in WW2, we even have monuments for their men that didnt want to escape and stayed and fought Nazis with our Partisans, Synagogue in Novi Sad is second largest in Europe
Except for the time the Romans beat you so bad that your country disappeared
Oh I know. Great people. Just wondering if Israel has an equivalent to the bank-robbing/football hooligan/warlord legend.
That's a big synagogue.
There was that motorcycle bank robber dude about 20 years ago who robbed 10+ banks before getting caught. Last I saw him, he was a spokesman for a motorcycle insurance company and a helmet manufacturer.
Except Palestine is a real state, whereas (((Kosovo))) is not. It's an American vassal-margraviate, mine and drug front all-in-one.
daily reminder that Israel was literaly given to them as a sympathy fuck after you got genocided. Then we (USA) gave you fucks the most sophisticated weapons on the planet.
So yea since your greatest enemy is literally the smallest rebel group ever founded with little to no firepower and you guys have the best weapons to date, its not really that much of a brag.
Watch out Serb bro, if you recognize Palestine Kosovo Albanians will mock us and call us hypocrites for the rest of our lives, we will lose legitimacy. We are not EU to hop on that double-standard bandwaggon,
When was it founded and by whom?
What are its borders and with what countries?
What is its national currency?
Who are its national cultural icons?
>you can fool them but not us Europeans
I miss the good old days
Israel never lost because they don't exist, their country is fake
What about meme war of 2016, when Israel headmasters didn't put their puppet into American presidency?
Most Israelis are Trump supporters, cyka blyat.
Jews fear the legionary
Really? Last time I checked it ended with Israeli troops 100km from Cairo and within artillery range of Damascus, the Egyptian 3rd army completely cut off on the wrong side of the canal.
The war ended when the Egyptians and Syrians begged the SU to intervene.
Oi vei, nice play
Ya those guys
You fight civilians, any actual foreign fighters are dealt with by ISIS or the US.
Your country are eternal victims despite starting every war they've been in.
Y'know if you fuckers weren't tying our hands every time, there would've been a Greater Israel as G-d intended in 1967?
It very much has a historical claim on the area. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that they should exist at all. I only said that they have more legitimacy than the zerglings.
I don't give a fuck about them, frankly. All of this "international recognition" bullshit is just a way for America to have a firmer grip on the world. The ones who want independence should deal with their overlords; Papua New Guinea shouldn't have the power to decide whether Kosovo should exist or not.
>It very much has a historical claim on the area.
Jews were in Israel 1632 years before goatfuckers were conceived.
Again, my main point is that they have more legitimacy and a stronger claim on the territory than in the case of albozergs.
That burn fucking sucked yo
Got their asses Lebanon by hezbollah
Would have lost other wars and been destroyed already, but they were fighting small weak nations, with big nations supporting them.
Their best weapons are the lie and the shekel.
Got their asses kicked in Lebanon by hezbollah
Would have lost other wars and been destroyed already, but they were fighting small weak nations, with big nations supporting them.
Their best weapons are the lie and the shekel.
Seeing as the muslims are turning your countries into hellholes, I'd say you must be a genius with that kind of intelligent remark. England, France, Germany, Italy, all of your fucking countries are slowly being turned into anti-west sharia law wonderland. You fucks could learn a lesson or two from Isreal on how to handle Islamic Terrorism, and how to assimilate foreigners into your country. Arab Isrealis that are pro Isreal... while you have fucking European Muslims that'll slaughter your cuck asses. Europe is pussified.
Also, never fought an actual war.
Both of you kikes can get in the oven.
But that's wrong you fucking retard.
And you can go hang yourself, amerishart. Show me the sentence from which you deducted the conclusion that I was a Jew?
Lebanon got fucking burned to a crisp, and is a poverty shithole. Also Hezbollah is scared to attack Isreal. They don't bravely go down to incite war against isreal. The one or two times they do commit violence, they immediately start begging Isreal for a truce.
Nope, it ain't, retard.
Do you have a single statement to back that claim up?
>Nasrallah in a bunker for 11 years
>Jews walk around freely
One more victory like that and they will be destroyed.
Arabs belong in the Arabian Peninsula.
BUT HEY, they invented the USB stick!
You stand out like a (((sore thumb)))
Probably because they fund both sides of every war.
How can you lose if you play against yourself?
Why get another to attack you when you just have everyone else attack them?
To catch a rat, you must think like a rat.
Many statements exist that back it up
>never lost a war
At least I'm not universally hated, so losing some fights is ok with me
If America stopped giving you gibs and protecting you you'd be overwhelmed by literally everyone. Because literally everyone on this planet wouldn't weep a tear if every single Israeli were to be pushed into the ocean.
Thank you for making me laugh habibi xD
Israel has never had an actual war. Like, winning a battle over a single hill isn't winning a war.
Shooting children isn't the equivalent of 'The battle of the bulge". Nor is bull dozing someones house.
If anything, you lead in impromptu house removal. I don't think Israel has an actual army, just tidy conscripts and having big daddy USA looking iver you.
Like beta kid, with an Alpha big brother.
Yes, but now we have nuclear weapons
so World War 3 will be on ? Look on the bright side it will solve the problem of Muslims
Kill the Jews and there will be no Muslim (((problem)))
Did I violate the second amendment by any chance? Is that why you're so triggered? Your fucking country is literally supporting muslim savages on holy Christian soil.
Yeah because us burgers fight all your jew wars.
Rate Jews and Christians closer together than Muslims and Jews, we share the same God Christians and Jews
but its true
Christian Prophet a Jewish trick
Muslim enemy a Jewish trick
The true enemy is and always has been the Jew
i was just fucking around
i agree id much rather be (((friends))) with kikes than deal with mudslimes
hopefully they can be seperated
You should have been 6 million and 1
The only reasons the Muslims are here is because of "Americans" "friending" jews
thats what im saying though hopefully it could be something thats not mutually exclusive at some point
who did we tricked as jews ?
The easiest way to distinguish between Jews and Muslims is that we do not kill each other as Jews
besides 6 Million during the Second World War
You're welcome for that, Schlomo. Credit where credit is due. You know all about credit, yes?
israels wars are yours, but yours arent israels
One must support Israel and its citizens because they're God's chosen people and we're instructed to do so. If you're not a man of God then you must support Israel purely on the basis that they're white.
If you're anti Israel you're not only anti God but anti white too.
You said you'd rather deal with Jews than mudslimes.
I'm saying, the only way to stop dealing with Muslims is stop dealing with Jews. and let Israel perish.
Such a good goy
you guys lost wars against the Assyrians
Fuck off
And they can't win one either because Israel isn't a real country.