Would George Wallace been your choice for president if it was the 1960s Sup Forums?
Would George Wallace been your choice for president if it was the 1960s Sup Forums?
He wasn't /ourguy/.
He was the last American politician. RIP Georgie.
Segregation violates the 14th amendment you retards :^)
>Stand in the schoolhouse door
It was literally just a publicity stunt to satisfy his base of support. He would not have been anything other than a typical politician. He would've just made some useless noise about the desegregation/civil rights efforts. He'd've caved and not much would've been different at all.
What the hell was he supposed to do? Mobilize the Alabama National Guard on the Feds have them bait him into starting the 2nd War of the Northern Aggression.
I wish. Those Americans in the 50s and 60s probably would've laid down their lives had they known just how bad it would become.
Outside of Lester Maddox where exactly would his support among the governors be? Lets be realistic here
I'm not saying that in that instance he could've done more. I'm saying that he didn't sincerely believe in segregation to begin with. As far as actually implementing beliefs, he wouldn't have been any different than other politicians of the time, in any meaningful way. He only did these things as a show for his constituents.
Yeah I know. I'm just saying if he had the hindsight we did..
Things could've been different dammit.
Brits need to be gassed.
Me on the horse.
Me on the other horse.
Is there anything more fucking AMERICAN than the KKK? Ever since I was little I wanted to join but when I tried, it was obvious they were FBI so I didn't.
Joseph McCarthy was right
Pretty sure Wallace would not have sold out Rhodesia to the savages unlike Nixon's jew stooge Kissinger.
Well at least we still sold them weapons. More than the britcucks did for them.
Thatcher was about to recognize Rhodesia but that shit head in charge of Australia told her to not to. Though Thatchers greatest betrayal would have been not holding a referendum on Hong Kong and let them decide their own fate.
Well I can tell you're more educated than me on this but this thread needed a bump anyways.
Never trust a jew. for example South Africa aided Israel plentifully and what was the result? Those bastards turned their coat on them during the 90s boycotted their products and endorsed that bastard Mandela.
Civil Rights Act violates the Constitution
It's mostly unemployed guys, or people who feel insecure.
The KKK's heydays were in the 20's. That's when it was actually prestigious. U.S. senators, bankers etc. After awhile though people were kinda turned off by the whole lynching thing.
People tend to forget about these guys they were the real deal folks.
Naw it wasn't the lynching that turned them off (read the story of how the ADL came about). The old guard just died out and the new generation were cucked by the kikes and soviets in the 50s and 60s.
>conducted mock trials of Abraham Lincoln and William Tecumseh Sherman.[21]
You know you have a better understanding of American history than 99% of American high school students. That's saying a lot and a little at the same time.