If elected, will this guy Make Serbia Great Again?
If elected, will this guy Make Serbia Great Again?
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he wants to be funny but this is cringe tier and completely uninteresting
>this guy
Literally who?
Literally who?
>implying the same doesn't go for "serious" politicians
The guy wants to candidate himself in Bosnia too if he loses there. He'd be a more serious option for the Serbs than Dodik ever will.
no we are usually 20 years late on everything behind the west
so the SJW cuck culture is just kicking off here
He wont make it unfortuantly but he is a pretty funny guy, people love him.
His party is small tho, he wont be able to control voting boxes so they will rob him on election day, feelsbadman, our country wont be complete comedy!
pretty much this, and his fanbase is even more cancerous.there are peiple that genuibly believe he'll winor have any influence in general.and not a few.
on contrary, the sjw culture has already been here and(as much as i hate him) vucic's election was its end.Read B92 forum posts 2001-08, it is literally same tactics and excuses.
sry for typos phoneposting
Seselj or you're Albanian.
vojo srbine!
vucicu pederu! god damn vucic fag to scared to even let 1% of power to someone else, dictator syndrome confirmed
Was Serbia ever great?
seselj is a poster fag for vucic
he actually supported the cunt publicly
shit, he is a sellout, but digits confirm.
hi nigger
You can only post in this thread if your countrybis 57+% white.You almost made the cut
This is the only way
ah yes B92 forum.
While i hate Vucic with my guts, Serbia is a little less cucked now
If he can beat the Hague he can certainly beat the globalist rats. Old Fishmouth is just a pawn, expect great things from Seselj. Don't forget he also publicly supported Trump
he never was /ourguy/ he was /yourguy/
he became /ourguy/ when murrica fucked him over and he realized that we got kiked
>this level of being triggered
Stay classy second world
With all respect for your digits, Seselj:
1.Can't possibly win
2.Would just get us bombed again without acomplishing anything
Obradovic/Jeremic are only acceptable choices.
in a way i have more trust in Vucic to beat the globalist rats
he is a cunt, but feels like he is playing things smart in regards of beating the globalist rats.
Sucking up to EU liberal scum while working with russkies behind the scenes and moving more toward them
Slobo was awesome, stfu.
>Obradovic/Jeremic are only acceptable choices.
Jeremic is probably the smarted fucker in the elections and could possibly accomplish something
Obradovic seems like the last cry from SJW/''Other Serbia'' beta faggots and liberals
Too much ''muh human rights'' in Obradovic
Apologising for Srebrenica tho. Some lines you just don't cross my dude.
also, he is soros-funded.
he is a literal good-for-nothing neet who found a way to make money doing nothing.
We starting to belive more and more that he was let go from Hague on purpose to serve the regime his actions are very questionable since he came here, he talks big but he is hugging with regime for money under the table, its starting to be pretty obvious.
I wanted him to get back and i was hoping he will stir some shit but i guess he realized he will die soon and he wants to provide money and security for his family while he still can so he is licking with Vucic because Vucic is only guy that hold money.
I was just shitposting, the (((American Education System))) made me do a report on him many years ago which you may find interesting
Blackpilling af.
truth sadly
Agreed, as it did not happen.
But the faggot was cucked and probably made to do it by the Obama and EU faggots
So most likely it was
suck some dicks so you can fuck them up later in the big picture
Idk, Obradovic and his clique seem like a modern right-wing party to me(in some of their ideas even too extreme for me), but they're cringy af.I hope Jeremic wins, but I am putting 50 dinars on Obradovic just in case, kek.
You Serbs are utter imbeciles. Jeremić is descended from Comintern Red Bourgeoisie and Bosniak fucks, when Serbs were under attack he went to study on Cambridge, London College and Harvard.
He is a Globalist, Masonic pawn.
Russians didn't support him, while he was FM there was no help and agreements with Russia, he brought EULEX and gave de facto Kosovo independence.
You are such gullible retards.
Jeremic is shady as fuck he took Velja Ilic and Sanda Raskovic under his wing
Behind Sasa Jankovic is Democratic Party i wont vote for them after those dark 8 years of their power
Vucic is EU cuck
Seselj is licking with Vucic for money
Other parties arent worth mentioning
Bottom line we dont have good alternative so thats why 50% of the voters dont go to elections we are not that stupid as we look like afterall
He didn't bring Eulex. His opinion was sidelined in favor of Tadic and Miki Rakic eu-cucks. He wanted to keep the UN 1244 situation
mixed up Obradovic and Jankovic. Jankovic is a liberal cuck
Dveri/Obradovic look too much cucked imho
Your only "nationalist" and "right" party was headed by a woman, a mutt of Serb and Croat parents, whose son from the first marriage is a Croatian nationalist. Dveri was supported by a Serb American bitch who is in charge of US civil nuclear interests and blocking Russian ones across Europe. You have no idea how cucked and miserable you are. Šešelj is KPJ controlled oposition to divert and discredit Serb nationalist stances, he supported and defended Balija Izmetbegović when he got into trouble, while Šešelj himself was defended by Šeks, the future HDZ powerhouse and author of Croatian Constitution (that expelled Serbs) and laws.
Tell me, why didn't the Russians support his UN bid? Why didn't the Russians offer anything during his service as FM?
And they are offering plenty recently?
Yes, he was in charge and he did it. He is a mutt, a Yugocommunist descended, pig-headed local chosen elite.
Beli is the voice of the people.
If your country goes full retard you need to fit in. Thats what he does. And thats why he'll win.
No more than 5-6% of the people here vote for "national-right wing" we saw through history that they have nothing to offer other than flamable speech, we are basicaly waiting for some candidate who has actualy plan to get us out from shit, but so far looks like it aint gonna happen
We are going to choose lesser evil for the rest of our days and in Croatia situation isnt much better acording to my friends who live there, so looks like we are fucked.
Serbia is a case study of NGO subversion, nivellation and promotion of nihillism. Tarzanija, Dvokut, B92, Blic, e-novine, peščanik, RSE, EU and NATO lobbyst groups, fucking 2006 Constitution and Janković's position.
You have Tito and streets named after Croat cities and landmarks for fucks sake :DDDD Foreign funded subversives like Tucović have things called in their honour.
west didnt back him in the UN.
He got support from China, abstain from Russia and vetoed by the West block.
West doesnt like him much
Serbia never had right wing parties or politics in charge. When Army and Ministers wanted to avoid Yugoslavia and opted for nationalist Serbia, the Anglos and Freemasonry pressed the Karađorđevićs into it.
See, the fact I have to tell you that is the result of 45 years of Yugocommunist indoctrination followed by 20+ years of left and right fractions of KPJ. The globalist-liberal wing of KPJ is scum like DS, LDP, Latinka... the right wing is SPS etc. Croatia is miles ahead, largely thanks to destruction of Yugocommunist stranglehold.
Let me guess, Đinđić is a hero for you?
Tucovic has things called in his honour because he died as a commander of his company in WW1 on Kolubara, Monuments are raised acording on peoples deed not ideas.
You should study history from the books and multiple soucres not from "neighbourhood chatter" its very easy to spot uneducated people but its Sup Forums you can shitpost here, forget what i have said.
Completely agreed.
Not defending Jeremic he is a cuck. But we simply don't have many options exactly due to the NGO subversion.
Anyone who is openly mildly nationalist, would get satanized as a genocide denier and a nazi.
Seselj is an exception as he can talk shit all the time as no one takes him seriously.
I'm somewhat worried that we are cucked beyond repair. Only thing saving us from becoming Sweden is probably that we are not poor af and ordinary people are armed to the teeth even though it's illegal. And in general population is nationalistic in the rural areas, Belgrade is retarded for the most part.
What saved Serbia and bought us a few years is the influx of Serb refugees from Croatia and Bosnia, who are highly nationalistic and self aware.
True and sad.
Dimitrije Tucović faked and fabricated the narrative of Balkan wars. This was proven conclusively. I have read actual books and research papers.
Would you be so kind and explain whose interests was Tucović serving when he invented mass Serb atrocities and wholesale slaughter of imaginary Albanian civilians, contrasting them to false narrative of Albanian humanitarian treatment of Serbs in the past?
no he is a western spy who fucked us beyond repair
also about Tucovic, in that time even the lefty cucks in Serbia were hardcore. read the other serbanon post on Tucovic
while he was a cunt, when ww1 started he volunteered and died fighting.
Yes i have know my History and i know Yugoslavia or "kingdom of SHS" was never supose to happen, everyone except goverment was against those things if you think someone here wants Yugoslavia you are reading wrong news, all Yugonostalgic people are dead or dying anyway, rest are too young to remmeber that Idea, communism is dead here for a good 30 years.
Dont mix people who blindly follow their party who gave them jobs and money to do it,(SNS/SPS) you have HDZ robots in your country too, i bet you would be offended if i took HDZ sympathizer as a true Croat and value his opinion as opinion of whole Croatian people?
So the Anglo agents and subversives who pushed you into WW2 and massive casualties were "hardcore"?
You do realise that Anglo archives have been declassified, and that their depeches and instructions revelaed they bankrolled anarchists and leftists in pre-war Yugoslavia, in addition to having agents in Army and Service?
I mean, the Anglos explicitly called Montenegro, Bosnia, Vojvodina, Macedonia "Serb lands", but at the same time
stressed the need and importance of removing them from Belgrade rule.
Cue the Western support for Yugocommunists and the layout of socalist Yugoslavia. I can find you the actual record ID of documents where it says so.
>Serbia is a case study of NGO subversion, nivellation and promotion of nihillism. Tarzanija, Dvokut, B92, Blic, e-novine, peščanik, RSE, EU and NATO lobbyst groups, fucking 2006 Constitution and Janković's position.
Originally, they tried pushing the whole anti-nationalism bullshit that they push in Germany, but failed miserably, so they switched their tactics to nihilism and defeatism.
And it worked flawlessly. People have given up hope, and the only thing they ever do is complain, but most of them have even given up voting, which is why SNS wins supermajority.
Tucovic did that for Albanians, he was preaching whole time that we should have never took it back and that it should be part of the Albania, but yet he died fighting Austro-Hungarians so who knows.
Anyway history showed that Kosovo is indeed Albanian, now they have 90% of the majority there, we can take it back only with war, but anyone with a brain knows that nobody will let us do it, and even if we take it back who the hell would go to live there?
Anyway 90% of the people in Serbia are more concerned with worries pf their own existence than some nationalistic ideas, people want to fight poverty nobody here really needs another war at this moment.
Serbs should look up to Russians and Croats. Seriously. Ideology and differences within a nation should and must be put aside when dealing with foreign, external enemies and their lackeys, the fifith column.
Divide et impera should not be allowed to pass.
The repressed average Russian opted to rally around the Soviet scum because the alternative was extinction and utter destruction. Putin is not perfect, United Russia is scumbags and opportunists, but unity is important and gets in the way of Globalists, not to mention how civil strife and (((Liberals))) among Slavs turn out.
Don't you guys have like 84 average IQ? Or is that Bosnia? You're all the same subhuman shit to me desu famalam
pretty much this
go back to anonymous srbija
>Slovenia is like 50% Serbs, Bosniaks and mutts
Please learn how to participate in the argument "fuck off" is not an argument, whats your solution about Kosovo and how it can be done.
But be realistic please, ethnic cleansing is solution but will people let us? Can we survive another war against NATO, will Russia start WW3 that is basicaly endless destruction and potential end of the world so we can have Kosovo back in our borders?
Just facts mate, fuck passion, passion is for poets.
rn we probably can't get it.(((they))) waited to return to jerusalem a 1000 years and planned even thought their situation was way crappier than ours.Also, since Trump was elected little things atarted shifting into our favor(Montenegro most likely won't be accepted into NATO, Bosnian genocide lawsuit dismissed, no Kosovo Army).Patience is the key and we can develop without allowing full independence.
Yup, sad, isn't it?
step 1 outkike the kikes in murrica in their kikery
step 2 while doing that set up relatively modern army
step 3 let the shiptars start shit
step 4 remove kebab
step 5 lulz ensues
lern from croats how to conduct successful ethnic cleansing kek
Realistically, Russia would do shit for Kosovo. You would have NATO vs Serbs all over again. Russians can barely send arms and people in Ukraine, and it's on their fucking border. Not only would it utterly destroy the Serbs, but it would destroy you economically also, since you're in Europe, and we all here have to listen to the big boss EU.
Are you going on the Ceca concert in Ljubljanja?
Were you on the three-days-in-a-row one in Maribor?
Are you insane, I don't listen to that shit. Hrvoje stop being an embarrasing your flag
>Russians can barely send weapons and people to Ukraine
>Zelenopole, Marinovka, Saur, Ilovaysk, Lugansk corridor
>T-90A Hohol hunter rampage
No, the Russians are doing just enough to undermine, errode and topple Kiev thugs, whose public support is lower than Yanukovitch's
>Apologizing for a war crime
You don't shoot POWs, let alone civilians, unless they are terrorists, nazis, or commies.
>Masonic pawn
Okay we have Kosovo in our borders hypothetically.
>Kosovo is a shithole
>who would populate it to prevent further uprisings?
>Its undeveloped region our politicans and people on head of state are too corrupted to lead any form of good long term politics that can bring prosperity and greater good
>we cant progress and utilize resources we have in Serbia and Serbia has many natural resources to make it wealthy country but we dont have money to exploit them or we dont want to?
All in all we cant get anywhere with high corruption so Kosovo will be a meme for a long time, maybe in 500 years who knows.
I am not an embarrasment, I am making fun of a nation that appeared out of nowhere in 19th century, whose relatives chose to be Italians and Austrians rather than themselves, and a cute Alpine bitch who tries to insult Balkanfags while his country is full of Jankovič, Mitrovič, Jovič, Dragič, Uroš, Hamza, Mujo, Fata and Haso
>implying mudslimes in Srebrenica weren't terrorist islamists
Only men were killed. Croatia and Serbia should carve Bosnia up and then set up a wall between each other before we find a retarded reason to go to war again.
The US is around 70% white.
>evading the court of justice and supporting Trump makes you good
Šešelj is a fat bag of shit, nothing more. Sure, he is far from being dumb, but he is just a Russian pawn.
The difference between the West and Russia is that, while both are degenerate in their own ways, at least you got money in the West.
THeres no such thing as a "civilian" in a civil war, US marines learn that hard way in Middle east, every man woman and child can pick up a gun and bite you in the ass.
Sure, sure, Kolinda, Hanžeković, Freemasonry in Yugoslavia are all a conspiracy theory, right?
Fuck this fucker. As soon i see normies and get other retards getting off to these kind of idiots i kniw there is sonething deeply wtong with them. It was same with that moron Radulović, fuck them all.
Now i get same vibe about Janković.
This is Balkan we feed on conspiracy theories we loved them they are our bread and butter in daily conversation.
"oh you dont approve my point? Fucking CIA! Who pays you?"
>implying they weren't pow's
>implying thet weren't terrorists in majority
extra territory is never bad, kosivo(besides having our most saint churches) has a lot of natural resources.
also, if we return kosovo to ourselces, i can assuee you we'll do our best to remove people that might uprise.
>Russian pawn
>Russia NEVER supported SRS and SNS
The concept of controlled opposition, false flags, cuckservatives and fake natioalists evades your limited mental capacity.
>implying anyone around here was a muslim in anything but name
I am not defending eastern Bosnians (who are all serbs regardless of religion), as they are all savages.
But, while of course it was not an act of genocide, killing people who were 15-18 years old does seem horrible.
I mean, all in all, we have to realize that the whole war had one purpose: getting the toothless villagers rich and into power, while ruining anyone with potential.
It has only coal(lignite) and some moderate Iron deposites. We can only fuck up Kosovo economicaly but strictly control the borders and not let them migrate to here making new enclaves and shit!
>underage soldier
what a hero and patriot!
>gets killed
Crime against humanity, he was a good boy and a kid
Go through your compiled casualty list. Quite a number of 16-18 year old male "kids" "civilians" in the war.
Quiet you worm, back to making roads for us
Freemasonry exist, but it is nothing more than a club. You even got several flows of masons.
There is no such thing as a unified world-leading conspiracy, interests differ, and anyone would be at eachother's throat.
Maybe there are multiple interest groups fighting in the shadows, okay, but there is def. no world shadow government.
The dignity of war must never be put in peril. Also, there is a difference between our case and some savages in the third world after all.
in that scenario we lose kosovo, which isn't a good scenario since we can do that already.there is literally no gain
israel model in palestine won't work for us because the shiptars are outbreeding us
How about BIS, Trilaterale and Bilderbergs?
American Education system folks. Burgers dont know any country past Mexico
We are far better at making babies for Mojcas.
If a child took up arms, then it's death is no different from any soldier.
But we are speaking about all men over 15 being killed, regardless.
I am simply against unfairness. The minority should not suffer the majority's sins.
>calls Croatia a worm
>has no relevant coast, no arms industry, no car industry, has given 0 important historical figures
>is as much a historically justified country as FYROM
Beli is not redpilled Beli is a random cuck without any real ideas.
This is another case of controlled oposition
I don't deny their existence, nor them often being the platform for most of the important people to meet.
Like said, neither do I deny some powerplays behind the curtains, but to think that any of those groups is an utterly unified world ruling shadow org., it's just absurd.
Quick rundown:
>joke candidate got 20% in his local municipal election (his message was I WANT TO STEAL NOW)
>meant to be a fuck you to politicians
>seems like a funny guy
>turns out he has ties to CANVAS (the libshit revolution training group)
>turns out he has ties to the Democratic Party (our libshit party, like in the US) and the It's Enough movement (anti-establishment libshits, kinda like Bernie but more centrist)
>random cuck without any real ideas
Like any ex-YU politician ever?
Do you feel that Kosovo is a part of Serbia at the moment and that isnt lost already? Why dont you go there on vacation? 99% of the Serbs never were there or steped on its teritory we just talk big thats a fact that can be easily checked.
And you think Palestinians are not outbreeding Israelis? Guess again, war is not an option at the moment we dont have resources to lead a war our economy is shit tier, we must not let Shiptars breed on Serbian territory north of Kosovo, look at Presevo valley for God sake, they want to be part of Kosovo, president of Albania payed a visit to them one week ago! Do you want Shiptars to start breeding in Leskovac and Vranje too?
Well, I don't know who he is, but that picture is really gay and stinks of theatrics... So, probably not.
Yes, but this is worse.
t. 84 average IQ
Ah yes, slovenian girls are nothing if not lustful for fizicki radniki
Kosovo has literally everything, from lignite up to gold and tungsten, it's one of the richest European regions resource-wise.
Now, neither we nor zergs used that because we're all collectively retarded, but that's another story whatsoever.
>Do you want Shiptars to start breeding in Leskovac and Vranje too?
Thing about Israel is that they can bomb the shit out of their Palestinian population whenever they want.
We can't because we would be ''nazis''.