>sweden is fine
>we're not cucks
>just w8 for (((SD))) to take power 2018
>germoney is worse!
>the only problem is muslym, every thing else is a-ok
kek just look at this youtube.com
>hashfag last50yearsinsweeden
>sweden is fine
>we're not cucks
>just w8 for (((SD))) to take power 2018
>germoney is worse!
>the only problem is muslym, every thing else is a-ok
kek just look at this youtube.com
>hashfag last50yearsinsweeden
Other urls found in this thread:
Good morning
Need I say more?
Stop making it a competition, we need to highlight this shit.
europe as a whole is going down
germany, france, uk. its all fucked
good i cant wait for the racists to die (:
Jag är rasist, vart bor du?
typical swedecuck tactics flaming the messenger and avoiding talking about the topic
The problem with sweden isn't muslims or black people. Its the fact no one in the country wants a change. I know most of the good people left back in 2013 (Ironic) to other nordic countries but there's just not enough people to get anything good done over there.
>tfw Swedish men and women compete for the big black cock
We're going to see a lot of interracial amateur porn, and it's all going to be dominant migrants and submissive Swedes
Do what exactly?
I thought that was muslims do
swedes learned from the best
wew, i guess integration actually works
"Gas The Kikes, Race War Now" ?
This fucking video is making me tear up. I hate this so much.
>Manly viking-looking guy tries to be drag
Please no... Sweden, please no.
post flag comics and lets wait for this whole thing to blow over
Send some swedish cuties here, you don't want them to be culturally enriched Sven, right? And give us back our stairs you god damn niggers.
You guys can't even ski. And you KNOW it. Especially in Norway you are the laughingstock of the nation.
You as well shut up though indonesia..
>shitshin telling other people what they can do and what not
top lel
Well that is the purpose of it, don't get so affected by propaganda. It's meant to demoralize. Remember this is all in a bubble within the Media networks that work together for that goal.
I've met Sweden's cuties. They're mentally fucked. Either MASSIVE cheaters and give a dumb excuse for their behavior like "I'm kind of not a nice girl." or they want to "blanda upp" to act rebellious. They're the epitome of daddy issues, almost the same idea as California girls, minus the green hair and piercings.
You don't want them. And this is coming from someone who wants a white wife.
Seriously have you heard the latest In Flames album?!?! I'd say Sweden lost its path quite some time ago.
There is not enough shit going on to make people want change. Sweden hasn't even had a terrorist attack since 2010, in which the bomber was a retard who only killed himself. So no one really cares unfortunately.
Then just give me back my stairs
Sweden will never recover, we will most likely just go bankrupt and end up in anarchy
I'm not demoralized, I'm about to go deadlift 230kg.
At least that would be better than what we have now.
Sweden needs an authoritarian-right government, not just a natsoc one. The people need a fierce backhand to slap them into shape. No more happenings. Happenings won't awaken much. It won't stop daughters from being dumb sluts, and it wont stop sons from being cucks. They've been conditioned pretty hard, and the punishment must be harsh, as much as I'd hate to admit.
>signs of demoralisation
Maybe youll turn to God before its too late.
Yeah, we at least can into a strong leading lady and after her Schulz (who just plays the liberal -as we know from the EU Parlament) so german hegemony over all of EU again. Soon.
i feel you bro, i hope you guys will find the viking spirit again and break the back of the entire government and marxist media
We are steering into the same direction, I am fucking depressed this is happening, really fucking depressed.
I actually find that sweden is s nice country with a nice culture, but I am also happy to be german, seeing how both countries kill themselves is making me just sad.
In the city close to my place there are arab men my age everywhere. How the fuck shall I get a gf when there are twice as men.as women here and the girls want to be progressive and date arabs for virtue signalling?
I am losing hope, planning to an hero this year, I don't see a good outcome...
Danmark > Sverige, fyi
Dat the spirit. Go to english again and steal the alst few pretty women you left last zeit. Mates and then drink lot of mead and make a big party till heaven. :)
They have such a small portion of the population changing the face and identity of a nation. Silencing them would be pretty hard.
Your plans will be ruined in 2018, this is the biggest party next election.
>A referendum on EU membership
>No to Turkey in the EU
>Continued against EMU
>A restored border through the renegotiation of the Schengen Agreement
Says the dude whoms govermant forces him to be fucked by kangeru dick if he plays violent vidio game and zensors even worse than ours with most women over there being worse sjw than sweden, us campusses and green party combined.
Of course you bike fuckers think that.
come on kraut i just want to see you do it one more time
I have a question for Swedish anons.
Do you think the people who are mentally dense in your country are worth saving? Can they even be fixed? I've met plenty of your people and I've never met such broken individuals.
>Meet Swedish lady
>She acts timid and is afraid to admit truths and still defends refugees, almost as if she's trying to cover her tracks to not appear racist
>Play with lots of Swedish anons on an Arma 3 server.
>They all bitch to my friend who's the head admin to ban people for cursing and saying "cunt" because it's sexist and offensive. One is also a really really girly boy with an emo kitty getup in real life.
>Date Swedish girls
>All of the relationships lasted barely a couple weeks. One lasted only two days, even though things seemed PERFECT until she cheated.
>Swedish guy at a bar nearby
>He looks like the "activated almonds" guy and is a little bitch in H&M office attire, being completely awkward.
No, no, no, no! Don't kill yourself! Either become politically active, more voices against cucks = better winning chances for us. OR move to Denmark or Norway, we still have a chance to make things right over here!
doesn't your government ban games too?
hi mehmet, still mad about your minister being sent back to germanistan?
Nobody cares you literal nigger
Who cares. A lot of eastern neighbors wanna join EU even wenn a view countries drop, and you know I am right einhundert prozent. EU is basically the peaceful way to get lebensraum. Germany squeezed out greece, all the rest of the EU that stays (and enough will stay) will follow. And WE are the ones squeezing. Not you. Not the view that leaf. WE are. WE alone.
Not as bad as yours + the USK got a LOT more lenient the last 5 years or such.
His government bans alcohol, pork and women showing their faces.
Ach. Who cares. We will make Erdowahn and Turkei our little bitch as well soon enough.
>wolfenstein banned because of nazi references
whatever you say kraut
>>germoney is worse!
This is always the case when there is a sweden thread there will be atleast one swede who says that not to hate on you swedish guys but we have to stop that shit even some german posters both countries are cucked and suck and we should rather focus on fixing it instead of shoving it onto eachother or make it into a competition of who is more cucked. Congratulations one wins but the other is still toomuch cucked
Just know that it can't last forever.
We're all in the same boat, just sitting in different places.
People are getting red-pilled. Look at what we went through, throughout history. Wars, disease, poverty...
Let the whole thing rot, and we will rebuild. Jews can brainwash people, but they can't alter their genetics.
We will rise again. And this time we'll have less mercy and do the job properly regarding a certain particular question.
Literally who said that? Sweden is doomed already just du to demographics and birthrate, the question is just if we'll go quietly or if there will be a civil war or attempt at reversing this 'peacefully'.
Your project is dead Schulz, wipe the tears of your weird skull.
And no, you don't control the EU, Sweden has more power than you do, but ultimately it is Brussels.
Also this. Holy fucking shit are Swedish girls unbalanced whores.
I personally have ceased to give a fuck about the Swedish race. I'm marrying an asian, I don't care if people mix generally but I just don't want it to be the literally worst people on earth, that is arabs/africans (and all muslims).
I tried getting politically active, I didn't go full 1488, I simply said that we need to fix our own problems instead of trying to be a world saver by screwing up our rental and social system by importing people that are very likely to never work here. To me that doesn't sound hardcore nazi, yet I got socially obliterated, everybody now calls me Goebbels because they think I am a hardcore nazi and because I have a limping leg from rheumatism.
Is Norway a good place? I am really amazed by the nordic countries, but I thought most would start to steer like the swedes... Well, a swede on here told me this.
> How the fuck shall I get a gf
They don't want you to they want you to go extinct
You just need to look some politcian speeches up Cheering when somebody says shit like "germans will be a minority and germany is going to be an immigration country"
But hey goverments usually destroy themselfs so nothing will ever be forever
Thats the time the traitors will hang and the one who yells the loudest gets to take the lead
Beer & Wine 16, 14 with parent superwission, 18 for ALL other alc.
BS. Google "Nürnberger Bratwürste", "Stadtwurst mit Musik" and "Leberkäß". Best food ever. Heck even the muslim refugees adobt it and eat that tastey haram tembdation caus is SOOOOoooooo good mate.
>Show face.
Bitch, you know what a dirndl is? You are high on kangeru and abo semen fag. We have the most beautifull woman + we are sexual quite good. You know prostititution is Einhundertprozent legal here?
It isn't banned. They just had to replace the swastika with a iron cross or such because it is illegal to display the swastika.
If you mean the old games. As I said. Last 5 years.
No we do. Actually our country is like death star to other economies.
I am just sick of this sad life and watching the world becoming a fucking hellhole everywhere because of sheer stupidity, it's eating me up from the inside.
Tbinking about enduring this alone because some Elite wants me to be alone makes my stomach ache
When there will come a bloody revolution I will cheer, but let's be honest, the last thing germans will do is riot, there is only old people and sjw types left, the workers are not caring at all.
holy shit rekt
Fuck this shit is hard to watch. What the fuck is this demi boy shit by the way? Is this a new thing?
I call it 'original bologna' or 'bologna steak'. best German food
Don't kill yourself, faggot. Fight!
Danes understand Swedish but Denmark hasn't yet built GULAG for the right wingers so they make the best undercover agents to teach us what's going on in Sweden.
I personally don't care about those Swedes, Those who themselves can't figure out that marxism is a dangerous diasese shall get the consequences of it.
They deserve it.
if i understand it correctly its like an hermaphrodite, but imaginary
>the workers are not caring at all.
They will once a hardcore leftist like schulz lets all the arabs and blacks come and give them free money and ends up destroying the german economy. Take away the comfort of today
and you will have a revolution faster than a refugee can say asylantrag
And i know what you feel bro i have to live in NRW there are barely any germans left just the old people that randomly talk to me on the street because there are barely any other germans left they can talk to
I just died a little seeing that video.
The reason why I asked is that, assume a culling were to happen, I fear that would greatly remove a good portion of your population at near-extinction levels, leaving Sweden vulnerable.
>there are barely any germans left just the old people that randomly talk to me on the street because there are barely any other germans left they can talk to
Hit me hard, I hope you're just overexaggerating Krautbro..
>sly look
haha leafs btfo by fucking swede cucks
Det är fan över jag orkar inte längre.
Good, let it all burn
we must remember for future generations not to let people feel empathy for subhumans, it only leads to tears
That is actually fake though. Post real stuff.
I wonder if there's anything that white left intact anymore. This is like looking at the last good days of some long dead alien species.
Nothing will happen, it will just slowly continue to degrade and become worse.
Maybe SD will win next election yes not impossible but they won't fix the problems at its root or get rid of the marxist diasese from its core.
It will still exist and continue to destroy whatever is left.
Sweden Is the thot capital of the world
>overexaggerating Krautbro.
Nope in nrw is where most of the refugees go and immigrants and where tons of leftists are. You constantly see grafittis like "free palestine" or "hamas heroes" and on the sidewalk mix of like 60-68% of arabs and blacks and the rest will be slavs and germans who still live there
I am very worried that it will be too late as soon as Schulz is going to drive us into the Müll, I imagine that all the arabs and dindus we have collected will be too much for the germans, or worse, there still won't be a revolution because they somehow manage to keep the masses calm with their feel good propaganda.
Here in the saarland we get similar bullshit, you barely see germans in the cities, they even give the fugee "children" free entry for the local pool (right english word for Schwimmbad?), women don't go there anymore because of groping.
Sadly, he isn't, I have had this happen to me too.
i see the radiation finally bumps japan to number 1 after 25 years of exposure, thats when anime becomes real i guess
no one ever thanks the time travelling staticians for their hard work, but i will, thanks!
True the real HDI is acctually lower
Thank god I'm not an ethnic swede. I love this country, was born grew up in it and its heartbreaking to see what is happening to it but if I were an ethnic swede this shit would be unbearable.
This, They are trash tier, I even got asked by a Swedish female why i don't date Swedish girls and i just laughed told her that they are all either blanda upp-tier (white trash) or they are sluts/whores (it is a-okay to have sex with strangers after clubbing) She then responded that "not all women are like this blabla" well from what i have seen and experienced that is not the case they all have something wrong with them i swear.
Can you guys just hurry up and die out so we can stop having sweden captain obvious threads
مرحبا! عندما قصف المقبل؟ كيف يحدث فورة اغتصاب؟
I'm not an arab.
Here's the real one Abdulla.
You first.
sure you aren't achmed
> Schulz is going to drive us into the Müll
He can todays Germany has nothing to do with Germany of the old times maybe 70 percent of the population would have been hanged or shot back in the day for shit they are doing today
germany has to be rebuilt and a new state has to be founded which bases on german principles and not being founded by allied powers
and don't worry bro don't break your head with it
the tides will turn part for part just find people who are like you and when the time comes you will have a group of friends that you can trust