Should we start whipping wife beaters again?
Should we start whipping wife beaters again?
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Only if you start whipping women that cheat too.
Start whipping women.
It's not socially acceptable to whip niggers anymore.
Why would any man ever hit a woman? Do you beat on small children too?
Yep, also cheaters, remove no fault divorce etc.
>Why would any man ever hit a woman? Do you beat on small children too?
Yeah. Spanking them is sufficient. You shouldn't ever need to hit a woman.
Wife beating used to mean breaking bones. Spanking, slapping, throwing her around the room, or occasional belting or caning is good grooming that women require in order to he emotionally balanced.
Remove dem programs dat give mo benefits too... oh it sho would be deliciouz to see!
I'd rather tar and feather bait OPs.
Don't see anything wrong with spanking if they've done something deserving.
Post red pilled torture devices.
Looks like a gay porno I saw once.
Why does corporal punishment against abusers of women make your butt hurt so much? Did you buy the feminist myth that people from the 20th centuries backwards were all sexist women abusers?
>Do you beat on small children too?
Are you saying we shouldn't? Society would improve so much if schools started beating the shit out of kids who disobey again
>red pilled torture devices
All forms of torture are redpilled.
But it racist!
This probably would not be too offensive.
Good luck getting any law like that passed though.
This is OP.
OP is a shill for the feminist movement and a faggot
Pretty sure people from the 19th and 20th centuries weren't feminists. Rape was punishable by death for most of human history, when it wasn't merely punishable by castration. Your entire macho-man woman-abuser narrative quickly falls apart under close scrutiny.
Women belong in kitchen
>tfw have a wife that enjoys being spanked
>tfw its not really a punishment for her
Fucking cunt, how do I discipline her now?
>implies movement labels retrograde back to the beginning of time
>implies "hur dur toxic man" because butthurt on being called out
Fuck out of here with your bullshit. You're not cute and you're not clever.
>(you) BTFO
What faggotry.
The idea of the state punish whipping a man for dealing with his wife (who was more than likely getting out of line) is so cucked it makes me question whether there ever was "good ole' days" of marriage here. One pic even had the cunt saying the judge should have given her husband a hundred lashings.
Fuck this anti-Christian garbage.
Torture is inherently bluepilled because it represents an obsession with punishment over prevention - it breaks down in a world full of irrational actors.
If we are finally gonna aknoledge that women cannot stand at the same level as men then yes we should punish wife beaters as if they were beating children, but only after we strip women away from all this empowering nonesense and teach them to know their place in society.
what kind of a christian man hits his wife of all people in the first place
I implied neither of those things, mister
Christianity morphed into Mary worship in 400 A.D. with the assumption of the Virgin Mary. Mary became the "Queen of Heaven" (a term applied to Asherah, Yahweh's mommy/Yahweh's wife.
Look it up. The Church espoused gyneolatry heavily during the medieval period to stop feudal land wars.
The kind of Christian that retook Iberia. The kind of Christian that impaled Ottomans.
you're adorable, man with femdom fetish.
Vlad Tepes in all likelihood never impaled Ottomans, as good as that story sounds. Not many extant historical records can attest to it actually happening.
I'm getting the majority of this from Paul Elam, a men's rights activist. The time around 1200-1800 was heavily gynocentric. Just read Shakespeare's Sonnet 57 where he expresses desire for what you describe as femdom, even going so far as to label himself a slave:
"Being your slave, what should I do but tend
Upon the hours and times of your desire?
I have no precious time at all to spend,
Nor services to do, till you require.
Nor dare I chide the world-without-end hour
Whilst I, my sovereign, watch the clock for you.
Nor think the bitterness of absence sour
When you have bid your servant once adieu;
Nor dare I question with my jealous thought
Where you may be, or your affairs suppose,
But like a sad slave, stay and think of nought,
Save, where you are how happy you make those.
So true a fool is love that in your will
Though you do anything, he thinks no ill."
Femdom is a degenerate fetish, by the way. I don't engage in any form of degeneracy, unless you'd consider coming here to talk to you numbskulls as degenerate.
>being retarded enough to not know what implications are
Don't you read the Bible? Women have a curse on them that causes them to try to have dominion over the man, and "stripping" them of their current authority without being able to enforce male authority (which is precisely what wife "beating" is) is precisely what we have today.
Women are weaker than men, in all ways, and always have been. The only reason they have so much power today is because there are armies of white knight cucks ready to defend m'lady's honor, just like the cucks here whipping the husbands.
Women are supposed to submit to her husband as if he was Christ.
You have to go back, Mahmoud.
The Nicean Canon leaves out so much of the "Bible" you probably never even knew existed. Read what I alluded to earlier and research Asherah and Elat. You're gobbling up Semitic myths and rejecting Western Morality.
Until then, a penny for your measly thought. Matthew 20:28, "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many."
I will definitely look into that, thanks for bringing it up. As far as the Biblical canon goes, no, I've done my homework on that.
And yes, I am rejecting Western Morality because it only works with a righteous and spiritual people, not the spiritual children of materialistic judes which comprises the entire West. The West is dead.
>historical record proves wife beaters were punished
Boy feminists never get anything right, do they?
>acting like a sand nigger from Islam in the first place
Yeah sure
There should be torture chambers in prisions anyway. Clearly what we're doing now isn't working. they dont seem to fear to go to jail. There should be a fear. They all enjoy showering naked with each other and havin a bit of bum fun. Being anyone who goes to jail is a FAGGOT
>I've done my homework on that.
How did the Church fathers determine which books were canonical and which were not? How can we be sure their selection wasn't influenced by a bias for monotheism or wasn't just completely arbitrary?
This notion that all civilisations prior to 1960s just treated women like shit never made any sense to me. I always remembered Leave it to Beaver when people would criticise the model 1950s household. "What? I don't remember Mr. Cleaver raping Ms. Cleaver. You must be lying." I grew up watching that shit and then my history teacher would rail on about how oppressive society was against women in those days.
Being white and thus never having experienced the interior of our penal system (wink wink), I agree completely in your authoritarian recommendations. The problem we're afflicted with is how we get pacifists to agree.
I'm pretty sure in even medieval times there are records of laws against rape and everything. Women were really never historically oppressed, at least in Europe and America.
Better question, why do these women stay with wife beaters?
One reason tells me they accept the beatings because they know they deserved it.
And I do not buy the 'she's scared to leave' excuse.
If a woman is too stupid to leave a wife beater, she not only deserves the beating, but it probably keeps her in line and she needs it from time to time like a naughty pet.
Prove me wrong. Women are dumb creatures, and require constant training.
Divorce didn't much happen pre 1950's. Almost Saudi-Arabia tier.
the fact some of you haven't seen through OPs faggotry yet is astounding
Divorce, no fault etc, is largely a Jewish intrusion.
I wouldn't compare it to SA though. We don't throw acid into the faces of women, do we.
Can we start whipping annoying cunts as well?
Romans were truely cunts.
Its blue pill as fuck.
You wanna punish then why torture?
You want info then why torture?
Torture devices not fun devices m8
Bring back Scold's bridle.
Acid, no. You're right about that.
Spousal rape is pretty bad though.
The same reason serfs during the middle ages chose to be serfs instead of freedmen: stability.
You seem to feign ignorance about the ability to love people who hurt us as well. I'm unsure if you're a developmentally-stunted person trapped in perpetual adolescence, but if you've ever had a girlfriend who broke your heart, you'll know the feeling of sickening bittersweet melancholy and how powerful it is.
This was not a torture device. Daedulus built that for her so that she could be impregnated by a bull. She later gave birth to the Minotaur.
Are you serious with that? There was no debate over the canon, everything now considered canonical was already considered so by the late first century. The biggest reason it was canonized in modern form was because of Marcion, not because of all the fraud epistles and gospels floating around. Those were counterfeits as obvious as cheap chinese crap is today. The doctrines within them are even at odds with the legit scriptures.
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt when you mentioned Nicea, but now I know you buy into the Nicean canon debate myth. Do your homework man.
Why is he blindfolded?
Maybe so he doesn't have to see what he's doing to another human being or something. He is too pure for this world.
Honestly wife beating should be heavily punished. I think most people would agree to that.
Unless of course she hit first, but even then, To continue beating after she has already given up should be punished.
Really I dont condone any sort of violence.
An angry one?
hear hear
Yes but HOW did they arrive at the conclusion that these texts are canonical? The reasons were. They're unknown to us. Saying they're clearly fakes is not convincing.
Based branks!
Its a Greek myth m8, she did this to herself because the Gods made her fall in love with the bull. The bull was meant to be sacrificed by some King because he promised the Gods, he didn't kill it so the Gods made his wife fall in love with it an cuck him.
Shes the woman that gives birth to the Minotaur
this, a true christian would give his wife to the enemy and raise her son
I'll agree to disagree mate.
Are you a fellow Christian, per chance?
Turn the other cheek
Also, kill your child if god tells you.
Any story that begins like a Letters To Penthouse gets trashed before the first sentence is over with.
OK, "mate." And no, I don't believe in a demiurge. Lost my belief about 6 years ago when I was a young fedora. I watched tons and tons of debates was thoroughly unconvinced with arguments for God on a philosophical basis.
You know deep down women love that shit, I mean the emotional rollercoasters that come along with a beating then a rough fuck later on. This is why women who are getting beaten always go back to their master's cock.
Maybe we should bring beatings back, we could beat that modern feminism nonsensical bullshit out of their system. Also beat degenerates in general.
>spousal rape
Impossible. You can't rape what you own, and marriage isn't a partnership like you were lead to believe.
Fathers give their daughters away in marriage in order that they be cared for, and not all love is kisses and hugs. Some women need discipline and it's every husband's responsibility to dole that discipline out.
If the woman doesn't like it? She can leave. Not wanting to leave, for whatever reason, is her prerogative.
I said mate as a friendly gesture after I saw the aussie above use it. Last time I make that mistake.
Epistemological nihilism should have led you to realize that belief and knowledge are the same, and that both are choices.
I pray that one day I too can have such a wealth of useless knowledge.
He's not your buddy, pal.
And I personally don't care how hard someone believes they can control lightning and fly to the moon on a magical dragon dildo, I'm still going to know they're dead wrong.
I wasn't trying to be a cunt. Re: belief being a choice, I'm not a doxastic voluntarist either. That's as dumb as believing in a demiurge ;)
Male chauvinism and feminism really overlap in shit-tier understanding of history, don't they?
Just portraying women as pure masochists is dishonest. Maybe that's your fetish, but it's not accurate. Women like to be seen that way, but it really isn't true. Even Christian Grey ate the pussy.
About not being a cunt, gotcha. I misunderstood you.
"Doxastic voluntarist", there's a new term for me. Off to studyland.
myths are important to know if you want to understand human nature
Yeah, just woke up. A bit groggy.
Oh man, the YouTube pissing contests I was involved with... so many terms like that which I'll never be able to apply in any meaningful context. Besides shitposting here, that is.
Just make terms up yourself, it's not hard. Become the self-actualised neologist.
>Just portraying women as pure masochists is dishonest
But they are masochists. I've had plenty of interactions with females in similar positions but they all go back to get cock whipped and eventually beaten again, rinse & repeat.
this has to be the stupidest reason I've ever seen to not read something.
>ignoring the reason why popes kiss the quran and sand nigger feet.
a true christian divorces a wife that cheats on him
in order to understand the bible, you need to understand the draconian laws of rome
hitting someone on their left cheek was an insult to show superiority, and you legally wouldn't be allowed to hit them back if you were struck on the left. to turn your cheek meant to make it so they could only hit your right cheek was a huge statement for the jews, who were conquered and occupied by rome. and if you were hit in the right cheek, it was a challenge that acknowledged that you were equal, and were legally allowed to beat the shit out of them. the passage is about fighting back intelligently.
if you think this to be wrong I'll give an example of another draconian law Rome had thats completely out of whack. Roman soldier could have a slave carry his back for a certain distance, like 20 leagues or 3 kilometers or something. anymore was illegal, and the soldier could be punished with death for letting a slave carry his pack more than the allotted distance, which is why you could occasionally have roman soliders begging slaves to give back their packs.
For men who leave black eyes and broken bones, definitely.
Those are clear indicators that hitting the wife was out of anger rather than discipline, like it's meant to be.'
Spanking is the old standard for a reason. Requires control, small amount of pain, but doesn't permanently harm.
This makes no sense because the "correction officer" is protected by his position and status as a "law enforcement" personnel so the man cannot fight back otherwise his punishment will get worse. However, a woman is more than capable of stabbing the fuck out of her abusive husband and not suffering any consequences from law enforcement because it's self defense. Take away the whipper's protected status and you'll see how fast they are to back down when the playing field is even.
I disagree
And you're really Japanese too...
Women are (sado)masochists. That's very important to understand. You buy into the "woman as victim" narrative when women cause suffering just for the fun of it all the fucking time. Don't you remember that girl from high school who cut herself, liked to talk about murder and watched Tim Burton shit? The one with the Invader Zim memorabilia, who shopped at Hot Topic, probably had a sexual awakening while watching "Happy Tree Friends"? Yeah, they like to see people in pain. Whether or not they're gonna become some prodomme who gets paid to let fat fucks slobber all over her feet, that's unknown.
Didn't they chose all the gospels that had stories that could be found in other gospels? since if more than one person tells the same story it serves as evidence that this event did happen. I haven't read extensively but this is what i remember hearing a while back
>Didn't they chose all the gospels that had stories that could be found in other gospels?
if this were true, there would be no reason to refuse the gospel of thomas as canon
if you look at the false church that established the canon in the first place, and their arguments against other gospels, you'll clearly see that they are idiots.
I pay that one day I can be a useless cunt.
If they did, that's still arbitrary for discerning which texts are divinely inspired. That's like taking a book trilogy and analysing the final book in the series for allusions to earlier events in the previous books, then ripping out every page that isn't referenced in the 3rd.
You can't spell so you're already halfway there, pham.
Protip many women call DA on their husbands to get them locked up.
But they still love them (and need their paycheck) so they let them live with them secretly. It's a weird situation
In prison slang that's called a "check."
That's how you made minotaurs in the past, you ignorant fucks.
AND rape the wives in front of them
>Women are weaker than men
don't you read your bible?
women are wiser than men.
Proverbs 8, and 9
men are suppose to listen to their wives, as if they are wisdom itself.