the world is about to change as you know it
You want Proof?
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is pic related?
you tell me.
I want the proofs
Checked. Now give proof.
It is a duty for a men of reason to demand proof.
no you tell me
You are like a little baby. You think you can see.
the picture IS real. DNA evidence coming this year. Provided your government doesn't steal it.
Skip to 15:40
stop hyping up another shit tv show like last year, fuck off
Watch this.
I just saw an ayy lmao as you posted this OP
Super spoooky
Makes me think of that, see pic. Stop creeping out and stay in /x/ until you have comfirmation.
Kek. Use thy digits to bless me, and banish this faggot OP to the shadow realm.
educate yourself before assuming I'm yanking your chain you poor lazy soul. This specimen isn't like the others. use your critical thinking skills and you'll easily see why.
I saw something about this on Ancient Aliens, some weird skeletons of kids or something who had big thick skulls.
Yeah, the little grey dudes who come from the Zeta-Reticulian system and fly around in those silver disc things? I've met them. They told me that it was them who turned the Swedes gay.
Does anyone here understand skull sutures at all? I'm amazed at the skepticism though i guess i shouldn't be.
That gave me a frighten.
bro just explain it to the peasantry, im curious but alas, i am a peasant.
There are sutures on this specimens skull that don't belong on a normal homo sapien sapien. The culture of humans that lived in the same area practiced skull elongation to attempt to imitate a race or culture that was far superior. No different than the Colonial Americans who tried to imitate high class British culture. Study the differences for yourselves and see that this is something different. Study the ancient monolithic structures and ask yourself how it was done.
It isn't.
Like Stonehedge?
Jk it's a bait.
And this
you belong to the species that added those tiny rocks on top hundreds or thousands of years later and tried to take credit for the entire structure. I can't convince those who refuse the truth even when its been in front of them for years. revel in your arrogance then. Don't ask questions and don't bother digging. be a good little worker bee.
wewlad, you into the nephilim and such?
anyone got dat rare ayyy pic?
Something tells me you're not from around here...
I only pay attention to facts and evidence left on this planet that to this day cannot be disputed or debunked. i don't care what you call it. I stopped believing in aliens 10 years ago. Now i don't know what to think anymore. Study these structures and you tell me how it could have been done back then. No one has been able to explain it. It makes the Egyptian pyramids look like legos.
oooooooooold stuff, been around for years
we know about the coneheads
yks eht ni raeps eht rof kool
This one?
It's from the movie "Naked Lunch"
Nah man, I feel anxious and disoriented and I'm starting to tremble
Or mayhaps the ancient South Americans had millions of jewish slaves to lift a 100 ton solid piece of granite up there with pullies after transporting them 30+ miles and somehow figured out how to craft electric saws with diamond blades to cut these to precision then hid the tools in the bottom of the ocean hmm? thousands of years ago I'm sure they had that kind of tech
name one reason a civilization smart enough to have advanced tech as you suggest, would be dumb enough to think building such a structure is important in the grand scale of things?
I don't know it exists though doesn't it! you tell me how dumb they were? maybe it was just so easy for them they said why the fuck not? Im sorry if it blows your mind. The universe has no obligation to make sense to you.
Full disclosure: Ancient Aliens was a piece of garbage show with one (maybe two) episodes with any ounce of truth or mystery to it. This defies explanation. I challenge you to explain it.
>Im sorry if it blows your mind. The universe has no obligation to make sense to you.
Couldn't I just say the same to you? Why does it blow your mind that humans could complete such projects?
shutup, dumbass
Someone Jimmie the damned proof!
fugg here we go lads ayy lmao :D :D :D
Maybe it was just South America and their strange ways that enabled them to build it. its not like there is evidence of it around the planet from the pre-flood era. ooh wait fucking Russia too! I'm done here. do your own research and youll start to see the patterns. we have devolved, and this thread is proof positive of that.
>ID: ngRSdKC3
So is this the next-level slide thread? Actually sticking around and arguing a nebulous, bullshit point without conveying anything of substance?
Somebody was doing the same thing earlier in a thread about those military laptops which were destroyed by the government. "Look into this if you dare, but be careful". Asked him for clarification and it was the same attitude as OP: "I know something super-secret but I'm not gonna tell you."
OP, if you have something to say, be a fucking man and say it. Otherwise, fuck off.
OP is a retard who just learned about megalithic structures
What do you expect me to say? There are megalithic structures all over the planet that predate even the Sumerians perhaps. No-one can explain how they were produced, it defies all logic. I don't claim to have top secret info. My guess is that we are basically Beagles(low intelligence dog), and the Poodles of our species left this earth when the going was good and left us here to toil with the toys they left behind.
give us dates/time if you're going to shitpost
pretty much half of Sup Forums is /x/teir and we already know about the cryptids/aliens/nephilim. This is nothing new.
I've known about them for some time. Though we keep discovering more in case you haven't noticed. Heres one we discovered this year
this is in nz, experts cant figure out if it man made or natural.
what do you think?
There have probably been many different peoples/cultures/civilizations in this planets time, we as a species would probably pale in comparison to the citizens of old pre flood btfo world, none the less we are our own people. I personally hope we go down the space marine route and fast track our development via drugs, would be nice if we ended up being the strain of human to last.
Ah, that's the conclusion I've come to as well.
Megalithic architecture has made it fairly clear that there was a prehistoric "Golden Age" of man which has been lost to time.
UFO's exist, we hae abundant evidence, but the "aliens" aspect is complete conjecture. All we know for sure is that objects fly around in the sky which surpass our technological level.
They're probably not ayylmaos. They're probably not Antarctic Nazis (although I wish they were). So the only feasible explanation is that they were created here on Earth, which means men made them, which means it wasn't us, but someone before us.
I believe they are remnants of this previous Golden Age. They are probably fully automated and perform some sort of maintainace or research function.
It seems feasible that white and asian men had a prior Golden Age on this planet. Niggers have always been niggers, of course.
fake & gay