Is this faggot the new Shia Labeouf?
How do we destroy him Sup Forums?
Doxxing? Hack his accounts? Troll him IRL? What?
Steven Bonnell II aka "Destiny"
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Send in the kike
literally who
He just debates people who don't normally debate. Like Lauren Southern or fucking JonTron.
Even the Nazis on this board can't deny he is the ultimate liberal destroyer.
Debate him without being a fucking retard
He's good at critical thinking but he's at a point where he assumes no one else can think at the level he can and pushes his agenda on to his viewers with no one to challenge him
Seriously, watching his debates make me wonder if everyone on the right is actually incapable of thinking past a 5th grade level
How short does nu/pol/ have to be to get triggered by a manlet like desTINY
Looks like someone is salty
You're so irrelevant you post about yourself in Sup Forums now? Isn't there a carpet to clean? Fuck off.
To be fair he's willing to debate anyone, he doesn't actively seek out idiots, it's just that idiots tend to be the ones that accept his offer.
he's a nazi
the only reason he's doing this is because he's on twitch and he's on thin ice with them
they'd ban his ass very quickly if he started spouting our type of views.
and he knows this.
and he needs twitch or else his ass is out on the street
his mom plays a weird role in all this -- she's fucking Sup Forums incarnate. seriously, mary bonnell - look her up
anyways he could also be catering to his retarded happa audience I suppose...
anyways yeah. just understand that he's trollin - he has to
Who cares about this fucking who?Dont give him attention or views
Lauren Southern demolished this cuck though.
Problem is that most people never have to debate their ideas against an actual objectionable, rational thought. Then when they are confronted with a logical argument, they start saying all kinds of stupid shit. They have the thought, but don't have the means to properly express their thought.
In other words they are capable of thinking past a 5th grade level, they just don't have any practice doing so. This goes for all people though, not just the right, although it seems like the right lacks the ability to explain their reasoning moreso than the left.
this is the Anita Sarkeesian clusterfuck all over again. by fighting him, you'll give him a bigger audience.
If he pulls a he will not divide us, we'll think about fucking him over.
Um, doxing is illegal sweetie
i like this guy. i hate his fucking politics but it's interesting to listen to him talk
death to libcucks
Also I think the right is worse at it because a lot of the ideals that the right holds are just a type of common sense thing. Like yeah if you bring in a bunch of foreigners with a radically different culture than yours then that's a bad idea. But when confronted with an opposing argument, even though it's flawed, you can't retort because you don't know the facts or data that does infact back up your notion. And saying "It's just common sense" doesn't make for a very good argument. Which is what jontron was doing a lot today.
>jontron comes to Sup Forums to get this guy doxxed and hacked because he got fucked up in a verbal debate
Dont give this faggot attention,its what he wants...let this dude continue to be a literal who
What's Mrs Bonnell's little boy been up to now. Shouldn't he be playing with his video game toys.
Can't watch Destiny when he enters full cuck mode
>You can't use Breitbart, it doesn't count!
>CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NYT are fine though!
This is what happens when he debates someone who isn't a meme YouTuber:
That might explain his Pepe emotes
destiny is very competitive and he sees debating as just another game he wants to win at. he isn't looking for the truth or the best thing for the world, he's looking to beat his opponent by any means necessary. he has somelike like the stefan molyneux syndrome going on except more extreme. he likes to interrupt whenever he feels like it and shut his opponent down with logical fallacies and mental traps.
he's good at what he does, but he's playing the wrong game. and jesus christ that autistic nasally voice..
fpbp as usual
ben would OBLITERATE him
Did you watch the Stefan Molyneux video he made? Destiny was totally silent the entire time
Here is Destiny debating with a 'race realist':
It's actually quite interesting because it's core Sup Forums beliefs vs. ultimate bluepilled cuckoldry. But he gets very irritating once his non-arguments start to fall apart.
His one with Shkreli is also good.
He sounds way to passionate to be faking, if he was that talented as an actor he could just be an actor and eclipse his current salary anyways.
No he's had them for years. Actually since the /r9k/ rare pepe craze
Not be a cunt?
Can't agree with Doxxing lad.
If you want your anonymity, you are gonna have to accept others having it also.
otherwise, you're a hypocreole.
he got demolished by Ryan Dawson
at some point Destiny stopped trying to bring up points and just started asking him questions
He's a part of the Jon Stewart generation and is super contrarian, that's where his hate for his mom comes from. And for his hate for the alt-right my thinking is that because he gets shit on by a lot of stream snipers that he sees them equal to Sup Forumstards or alt-righters and that's what gets him mad. I mean think about it we just like to ruin people's day and we don't really care about the games, but he does and he takes it very seriously and gets assblasted as fuck when he loses to them.
>Haha what's wrong with Whites being a minority
>Wow being a minority is so bad, #BLACKLIVESMATTER
Classic liberal double think
Also is Destiny Jewish, im starting to think he is
>"You can't use the stories fabricated by conservative news outlets about the riots!"
Right there, right fucking there is so fucking telling.
I just picture him going off on his mum whenever she posts some shit from Fox news on facebook kek. I'm telling you, all this shit stems from his hatred for his mom
>he disagrees with us so how can we make him regret expressing his opinion
Literally as bad as antifa faggots.
He was raised in a catholic school. and for some reason I think hes 50% cuban. I could be wrong on that.
>How do we destroy him Sup Forums?
>1 post by this ID
Fuck off shill.
Threads about Destiny are popping up constantly right now, it's probably someone trying to stir up drama so Destiny gets more exposure.
Don't get fooled and sage.
>muslims treat women like literal slaves
>they genocide Christians too
>so white Christians have to stop being evil and racist and let them in they dindu nuffin
This. Doxxing is for blue haired landwhales.