Why cant liberals differentiate between religion and culture?
Are they literally autistic?
Why cant liberals differentiate between religion and culture?
Are they literally autistic?
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They can't even differentiate between religion and race. Libshits need to be gassed.
Picture on right doesn't seem Arabic (from Arabic peninsula). Looks more like North African, which was originally culturally distinct from Arabs.Pretty much like most islamized countries.
Liberals like to pretend that everyone else is culturally myopic with absolutely no sense of irony.
implying we'd be antisilam if they all were europeans
They can. But then their argument would fall apart.
>implying shariah law doesn't destroy traditional arab culture
Even when the ME was muslim from 1900 to 1970, no one wore the Niqab. The full covering is a bedouin thing cause they live in a desert environment.
>Why cant liberals differentiate between religion and culture?
>Are they literally autistic?
Liberals don't know what culture is because Moses destroyed Western Culture centuries ago and the liberals just need to repeat the right mantras to be accepted to their inner circles. They don't actually think much about what they think - they just parrot it like most people. It comes down to them being demagogues and followers of demagogues.
On the subject of the gods, I have restored the claim to divinity of your Emperor by the way...
Liberals can't do fucking anything. They are utterly useless, but they whine a lot and we are too busy making money and screwing women to pay much attention to them, so they just do whatever the fuck it is that they do.
they knowingly conflate things that are not the same if they can make their opposition look more bigoted and unreasonable by doing so
same reason they struggle to differentiate between illegal and legal immigration
Implying europeans would follow a religion as retarded as islam
Oh, wait, they're doing it. Thanks, multiculturalism.
Its Palestinian/Jordanian
I think Arab women are sexy AF
Thats the point.
I like Arab culture.
I just hate islam.
My secular Arab friends are cool af
Red pill: Leftists don't actually care about the results of their policies. All they care about is satisfying their psychological need for purpose, so they will create problems even if none exist. Read Ted Kaczynski's analysis of leftism.
< incompatible cultures
Who weren't originally Arab.
>Top right girl
Are you actually Japanese?
jordanians were arabs tho . they were nabetians an upper class type of arabs
Not all of them. A lot of them are pale white with blues eyes and look Levantine.
>that image
Literal autism. There is barely any connection between the images besides the whole frog and chaos thing but it still doesn't prove or show anything. You just took a couple random articles that mention a frog and a couple random articles that mention chaos and you think you have somehow disproved Christainity or some bullshit. You have actual Autism.