If whites are the superior race, how are niggers and kebabs causing white genocide?
If whites are the superior race, how are niggers and kebabs causing white genocide?
Other urls found in this thread:
Are White people even white?
White women are causing white suicide.
Are jews white?
Actually white men racemix more
If a virus were to kill all human life would that make it the superior life form?
Because white genocide is a bullshit propaganda tactic right wingers use to compete in the oppression olympics.
spanigger eductation
you got what i'm saying faggot
Our babies aren't subsidised by the state.
When you're old, I hope you painfully realise that nonwhites won't be as kind to you as a minority as you are to them now.
I'm not kind to minorities at all. I'm just unkind to you. Because you're a whiny jackass, or an easy target.
We aren't dying, we are thriving. Jews have been pushing this meme and its getting tired as fuck
Get rid of the Jews and the blacks and Muslims wont be our ((problem)))) anymore.
Each people's skin color is not problem.
Communism and Islam destroy civilization.
Because whites arent superior
we asian men are able to give white girls ultimate love and happiness that white bois can NEVER give
ok, nip. Women aren't pillow cases
Jews are causing white genocide.
Because (((they))) are smarter than whites.
Some retard in a deleted thread was saying how great it is that white people are smart enough to be childless while mudslimes are reproducing too much.
Might be one of the reasons, I dunno.
You're a walking wallet.
White wimmin love the monis.
Check out tag my sponsor.
Based Japan
How Jews Opened America's Borders
Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda
Why not give it a try? White people getting bred out is no big deal. It might feel like genocide, but I guarantee you the right asian or hispanic chick would change your mind real fast.
Fucking ayyliens...
we should focus our anger on the root of the problem - the jew.
are non-white people even people?
>based japan
it's a proxy
Actually yes, although virus is technically not alive, they need live hosts to replicate
Bacteria is the superior lifeform, they can even survive in fucking volcanos and nuclear waste
Besides they have been around far longer than our species and who knows where else
Because we tried being benevolent.
And as we can clearly see, they don't want that.
By coming from inferior societies with higher birth-rates and lower life-expectancies, sending their genes into said societies en masse.
She got kick by an ugly horse. Let the other races have her.
(((Beacuse reasons)))
A virus is a lifeform you fucking retarded Australian
Akamara (Virus and Viroids) is a fucking Domain you stupid mongrel.
Stop posting using our flag ameridumb
And boy was he wrong the opposite happened.