Can you tell Asians apart?
Can you tell Asians apart?
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I just ask them if they're chinese or japanese
its very easy for fellow asians
also they dress differently
Koreans are easy as fuck to spot.
muay thai, kung fu, karate
they forgot that koreans girl have puffy cheeks that push the eyes up
I notice a korean girl every time
Pretty easily.
Manchurian are also Japonic.
Also, I think there should be a Mong/Turk subset (pic related)
Even with a lot of experience it's hard. FFS my girlfriend is Viet and is constantly mistaken by other Asians. It is only easier if very stereotypical features are present like in the OP picture
Yes, I can.
Shape of face, skin colour, body size, cheekbone placement....
t.worked in backpacker hostels.
want to improve your racism? deal with other races daily.
Kill them all and let god sort them out.
Manchurian and Okinawan Japonics
Good image. Thanks.
Yeah, pretty easily.
Blacks, on the other hand, no.
Sino + Monic = Cinnamon
viets are very similar to southern chinese, so its harder, especially for women--both cultures value fair skin, wear kinda the same fashion etc
when i went to vietnam i would get people talking to me in viet sometimes
but my backpacker-ish dressing often gave it away, apparently its a faux pas for men to wear shorts there (reserved for boys)
you're on anime board
all neets are specialists in telling asians appart
Yeah chinks have niggers noses and japs don't, pretty simple
Fuck off red button nip monkey
The Cinnamon Challenge.
Pic related.
Northern Chinese and Southern Chinese are quite different in appearance.
I don't get it.
You mean this cheek thing?
Left kicks banana tree down and looks like a man.
Center looks like a cross between man and woman.
Right is wearing panties that match his metrosexual haircut.
I'm sorry, OP, but why do you have three pics of Bruce Lee up there? I don't get it.
I got mistook for Jap by Japs even tho I am a chink. Maybe we should accept eachothers, amirite jap bro.
Where is cheek? All I see is plastics
I already knew this
The dark ones in the shitty places, the gooks in the chinese places, and the japs/koreans
>posts a half jap half chink
Fuck you filthy chink. Nanking 1937 was my grandfathers best vacation!
Everyone knows Japanese = honorary Aryan. Someone mistaking you for japanese must be blind, you are the niggers of Asia
Damn your words hurt user. But I know you don't mean it.
>niggers of asia
That's Burma.
>not flipland
Not even asians kan, Oda. My wife's Vietnamese and other asians regularly mistake her for Chinese or Thai, some Japanese even started to talk Japanese to her. The only criteria she uses to guess if someone is Vietnamese or Chinese is how 'slanty' the eyes are (not exactly a scientific measure).
Koreans are distinct from Japanese. This is a stupid image.
not East Timor
Costa Rica?
Or how they dress. If you don't dress too shitty or too shiny, they assume you're Japanese. Mom's a Chinese, they all go "konichiwa" on her, including Nips.
Can you tell whites apart? Didn't think so.
Northern Chinese look more like Japanese
Maybe even more than Korean
But southern Chinese is like different species. Big flag nose etc
Fixed your stupid fucking image (jk, but really I added to it)
Our apart?
Also, you could honestly make Turkics and Mongs separate asian types. Too lazy to do that though
It's still shit.
Arent native americans mongoloids as well?
Yes, if you can't you lack basic parent recognition
Beat me to it.
what the fuck are polynesians? They look like giant brown asians to me
Theyre nonexistent and irrelavent and mixed with Euros
Only Native Americans worth mention nowadays are Inuits like in Greenland.
nice try japs
Polynesians are too far from Asians to properly be called Asian.
Who care MALE Face?
are they just their own thing? They seem far more human than goddamn abos
They don't even look Asian
See, they look like that for a reason
The atomic bombs were so right, they caused quick but natural mutations to permanently cause squinty eyes to compensate for generations.
thx brah
Isn't Sup Forums illegal there
>Koreans a d Jap the same
Kys navy man
For me is easy, Asian niggers.
I'm surprisingly good at telling you guys apart but I struggle with Africans desu.
gook is korean tho.
Pic related
I can tell the ethnic groups apart but it is much harder to tell weather an Asian is male or female...
the japs are the worst to tell apart
They are. Though, Abos are a massive downgrade from real humans due to the fact that the Australian desert is too lacking in available nutrients to support a fully thinking human populace.
Americans are absolute shit at telling Asians apart. When I was in the States for a month I received "Konichiwas" daily from hotel staff and service personnel simply because I'm a photographer with high-end equipment. I look pretty Southern Chinese.
Konichiwa, senpai desu ^.^
I think I can tell apart Koreans from the rest. All the other ones not so much.
Polynesians are literally Polynesians. Micronesians, Polynesians, and Melanesians like all originated from Asia/Australia region (Guinea etc), but long as fuck ago where they developed into their own groups. Literally got lost in the giant as FUCK Pacific ocean. I don't think anyone really understands how big those 3 regions are (Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia).
However I think Polynesians and the 2 other groups helped to populate South America and Mexico. I think South America is a convergence of Asiatic peoples and Oceanic peoples. (Oceanics arriving by boat on the western coasts and Asiatics from the north).
Japan ugly face and invader ww2 rest beauty
What are the demographics of Singapore? How many Malay, Chinese, Indian, etc.?
Fuck, ignore that first sentence. I thought I deleted.
t. mobile poster
wtf delete now
Just curious but can Europeans tell each other apart?
Tbh, I can't tell if some tourists are Italian or Middle Eastern
it's konnichiwa
>Struggling with differentiating niggers from niggers
Flips are SEAbeaners.
definitely. I'll spot a frenchman, german dutch, italian, english any day. You can test this if you want to.
taiwan likes japan. turn off your proxy laowai
nope but the reCAPTCH can't load here so had to buy a pass
say what you will about China's ancient bureaucracy, but any job that lets you go to work in a bathrobe is pretty cool
But seriously though, that outfit does look comfortable
you can just go to settings and use the old format you dumbass
fuck you johnny!!
If Polynesians made it to Rapanui(Easter Island) which is right off the coast of Chile, it's very reasonable people made it to South America.
I think Amazonians were the first people there. They have a very distinct look. Very similar to Borneo people.
that's because Italians have a history of being fucked by the middle-east
polynesians are mainly decedents of the lapita who were mostly pushed from taiwan by the han chinese and were the first to navigate the south pacific.
the culture died out but gave birth to the later Tui Tonga and the ancient Polynesian civilization
Captcha doesn't work in China because it's provided by Google and Google is banned in China.
Yes, we see Elliot Rodger, but none of those is correct.
Japanese are the ones that are most related to whites. Already nazi Germany knew that.
You can tell if someone is from Ghana and not Botswana? That's a great skill, user!
yes, but Melanesians and Micronesians have a separate expansion from that of Polynesians.
Oceania is pretty fascinating.
Explains why half Japanese hapas often look very white.
not really, but you can spot nordics, latins and "celts"
thank you davido-kun
Flips are literally same people as Indonesians and Malaysians
They just got cucked hard. Real hard