A new robot comes onto the market that over the course of a year replaces 50% of the human workforce

A new robot comes onto the market that over the course of a year replaces 50% of the human workforce.

What would be the response?

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A large EMP

Back to work for me then...I'm unlikely to be replaced anytime soon as I work as a carpenter...

Lots of complaining, the unions would win for a while, murmurs of civil war but in the end the free market wins and it becomes the norm, automation is inevitable.

I check out Sup Forums see all the happenings

>muh freedom
>muh second amendment
>automation is evil
>t-trickle down will work this time around, i-i swear!
>corporations need to be taxed less so that they create more jobs™
>mexicans are taking our jobs
>it's not like unemployment is on anyone but the unemployed
>they just need to educate themselves in something other than liberal arts
>the robots got there through hard work

No problem. I retired early.

Your job is 20 percent math 80 percent you putting wood on a other machine.

rape female robots

Isn't it just make a modular robot that can have a drill, hammer and saw built into it's arm.

Like treasure planet.

I need to buy me some of those robots

Universal basic income.

Kek this

>I'm unlikely to be replaced anytime soon as I work as a carpenter...

Are you taking the piss? I'm a solicitor and even my job is going to be replaced within a decade or two. Carpentry is almost certainly one of the first things to go, it's menial as shit. Perhaps if you were a Master Carpenter working on antique furniture things might be different but I highly doubt that. Robots will soon have more dexterity than the average human worker so your job is gone within 5 years at most.

My job can already be automated. I still make more than double min wage operating machines from the early 90s

>fighter pilot
>your job is 50% math 50% you moving two things around with your hands

>your job is 80% reading completed cases 20% you doing simple logic

>your job is 50% putting your name down on contracts 50% doing complex math

turns out you can make anything sound simple if you reduce it enough

>try to requalify
>if that fails then get a job as a toilet cleaner
>tfw i was looking at jobs yesterday and you need one years experience to be a toilet cleaner

So i'd probably just get disability gibs for my depression

Need mo money fo dem programs
Also importing more unskilled terrorists


I work as an engineer and I am pretty sure that 20-30% of my job could be done by automation. By that I don't mean machines, but also programs that could do a part of my job. This has already been done in the past.
FEM-Analytic, gear calculation etc. probably cut down the engineering work force.
Much of my job could be taken over by a program that checks in my models into SAP or solves fucking SAP-number problems for me.
I am pretty sure it would be possible to create a program that checks drawings. Not tolerances or such, just to check if a measure has been forgotten or not.

wow you are retarded, please kys

It's gonna be interesting to say the least

What use will the elites have for all these jobless people walking around? How will they be placated? Virtual reality?

Robot war, duh

they're not talking about automation in that sense (that has been going on for all of human history and anyone who disagrees needs to look at the invention of the wheel), they're talking about automation as in a robot sitting under a desk somewhere doing literally all of your job

not doing math, not checking drawings, not even creating models or anything like that, but actually doing ALL of your job. including signing off on work and so on.

they're delusional.

Socialism would literally be the only way we could sustain ourselves with an automated workforce.

>What would be the response?

>Gotta get me one of them robot slaves.

>What would be the response?
buy stocks in the company that produces the robots

>one years experience to be a toilet cleaner
But OP you have experience, you do it at home all the time.


let it happen

That movie was so neat I miss action cinema like that

Prices would drop hugely and now 50% of the workforce is freed up to do things we previously didn't have time/manpower for.

The adjustment period will suck somewhat for certain people ofc, but in the greater scheme of things this is only good for humanity as a whole.

>if you want full employment just ban all farm implements and see how everyone now has a job yet half the population starves and we slide back roughly 10.000 years in development.

That exactly correct and those jobs are exactly that simple. In a few years fighters are likely going to become fully automated. An ai will have reflexes and piloting ability far beyond that of any human. There already exist expert systems that outperform human lawyers by an enormous margin. Expert systems have already been shown to surpass human diognosticians at making accurate diagnoses of patients illnesses and prescribing the correct treatment.

Ditto for me, as an industrial HVAC technician

Are you high? They've BARELY gotten robots' to the point of walking, and you think they'll be SETTING UP EXTENSION LADDERS AND CLIMBING THEM IN THE NEXT 5 YEAR'S?!

The building and service trades are safe from this bullshit for quite some time!

Explain why. Manual labour is the first thing that automation will take over. Machines have been responsible for making cars for decades.

Buy one and send him to work for me. My boss wouldn't notice.

An AI will be better, but it's a much more complicated journey to achieve those levels of AI before we get there for higher skilled jobs than you might realize.

holy fuck you are delusional, like reddit tier delusional.

>That exactly correct and those jobs are exactly that simple.
no, i've used an F/A-18 simulator (and they aren't F-35 tier simulators where they do EVERYTHING, they only simulate some bits) and i could barely fucking fly the thing for a few minutes before i stalled it. when you take into account everything pilots have to do, there's a reason they're so well trained.

>An ai will have reflexes and piloting ability far beyond that of any human
you're referring to the F-35 expert dogfighting AI, that one had a direct connection to the simulation, something that not even pilots get. come back to me when it can tell a false track from a real one without reverting to the simulation's data.

>There already exist expert systems that outperform human lawyers by an enormous margin
Mr Beep Boop 9000, Attorney at Database Management, can not sign off on anything. this is something you're completely missing.

>Expert systems have already been shown to surpass human diognosticians at making accurate diagnoses of patients illnesses and prescribing the correct treatment.
you can not sue an expert system, an expert system can not make diagnoses based on information that it does not have.

want a redpill? that's just going back to the 1940s before women worked.

try telling that to the boomers

Maybe i should take pictures of me plunging some fat logs down the toilet to put on my CV

you are too naive, human ingenuity is a force to be reckoned with

>you are wrong, here's some vague statements and, if i'm pushed hard enough, a few popsci articles that are totally not on the front page of /r/futurology

Robert Picardo gets his ass fired. *^_^*

25 years as a cabinetmaker, moved to home renos last year...and there is no way a robot will take my job...far to many little variables I deal with every day, decisions need to be made based on what I find after I open shit up...

Just isn't going to happen...

i'm a translator and the future isn't bright. these fags at google translate can even make japanese understandable now

Butlerian Jihad

Guess there will be a booming trade in robots that "fell off a truck".
Perhaps I'll provide the truck.

>automation shill bernouts
sorry you lost, try again 8 years

lol. You're in denial, but that's okay.

Requires 30 years experience in toilet cleaning of a toilet that has only been out for 1 year.
Defiantly boomer hr people.

So, if robots replaced people, human workforce would decline. But, if robots supossedly work better, wouldn't that mean we would produce more money? So, if human worlforce was completely replaced wouldn't that cause to have tons of money for giving to people?

How do you deal with heights and do ever have problems with numbness in your hands?

A steady increase of hackers and angry/depressed content creators asking those who still have jobs to support them via crowd-funding.

Fucking robots man. I wish I was better at math...



I guess there's no stopping what's coming so why fight it. Fight the people who will blame you for it instead.

A change of economical system would actually be better for everyone if robots come into play.

Personally I would love to see a resource based economy because we would be far better off with it instead of any other monetary based system that is open to corruption.



Capitalism brah.

You won't see anything of that cash money unless you own the robots.


Lots of lots of death. World wide financial chaos, and the rise of nu-fuedalism.

Just build a robot to liquidate the surplus labor. The libtards would like it because they hate the stupid bigoted working class, and the Oligarchy hates workers to too so they would pay for it. The tards are too fucking stupid to realize they are surplus, so it would kind of be a utopia, but only for people who are smart enough to build robots to do their bidding.

I don't know how things will turn out for me...I'm a software engineer, if I'm replaced then that means software can write itself, in which case I think being jobless will be the least of our worries


people without work=poverty

GG no RE said country will have a civial war at its hands.

Buy 5 robots and start my own business.

elites make a virus to kill the poor and stabilize the economy

Yeah i thought about that, but i mean, when CEO's start to have as much money as entire 1st world countries, people would eventually start to piss off. And robots could be still used as a state property and not a private one.

>invent a system that requires people to perform menial tasks 40 hours a week in order to sustain themselves
>invent robots that can perform menial tasks

Clearly it's the robots who are at fault.

Pretty bad lmao

People still need to work, not working is degenerate. Don't work, don't eat. Make them break rocks all day.

The rich would get richer and everyone else would get poorer

This is good, it invalidates the left/libtard arguments of muh immigrants to keep the economy afloat
Relying on automatization, whites with no jobs can live off basic income

>you can not sue an expert system, an expert system can not make diagnoses based on information that it does not have.
Neither can a doctor, moron.
>Mr Beep Boop 9000, Attorney at Database Management, can not sign off on anything. this is something you're completely missing.
It can flag documents for signing, moron.
>you're referring to the F-35 expert dogfighting AI, that one had a direct connection to the simulation, something that not even pilots get. come back to me when it can tell a false track from a real one without reverting to the simulation's data.
>t. I don't know how AI works
>no, i've used an F/A-18 simulator (and they aren't F-35 tier simulators where they do EVERYTHING, they only simulate some bits) and i could barely fucking fly the thing for a few minutes before i stalled it. when you take into account everything pilots have to do, there's a reason they're so well trained.
>stalled it

Is that William H Macy?

Meanwhile, robot owners have easy lives. Because the robots take care of the owners and themselves, the owners never have to work a day in their life.

No, that's a Johnny Cab. The door opened, and you got in.

They earned it by being rich enough to own robots. Being poor is degenerate and degeneracy should be punished.


but muh racism

It would be the introduction of the 2hr work week. Haven't you seen the Jetsons?

I will take solace in the double edged sword of death. No matter how bad things get, there's always an exit from it available to you.

already learning electionic engineering on my own

don't you guys build skill sets

Also the point of tech is to not work or only do so a few days a month at most

I fucking love Total Recall.


Form gangs and go after the other 50% of the workforce and take their stuff

>Robots will soon have more dexterity than the average human worker

Think about it though...

Robots don't get tired, don't need breaks, are probably stronger and won't show up hung over. It's over. We really are finished.


They still need a lot of immprovements though. The average robot of a college competition can barely turn around while walking.

>What would be the response?
Civil war.

>Robots don't get tired, don't need breaks, are probably stronger and won't show up hung over. It's over
People know that stuff since 19th century, the problem is that it isn't happening soon. Even when processing power and awareness are getting more sophisticated, you have a lot of mechanical barriers to overcome first. I don't know why the media suddenly pushes this automation idea but it's probably to make you forget about the hundreds of millions of chinese slaves that build your stuff and actually steal your industries while the west falls for the services meme.

It's already happening now though. The mechaniacl barriers are gone, just price barriers left in that area. The software is going to get exponentially better with machine learning and cover that faster than you probably think.

>The mechaniacl barriers are gone
where? The most complex machinery by far are robots used in the car industry since decades, and that industry still employs a shitton of people. Drones and robots used by Amazon which are currently used as an example of automation use propellers and wheels, nothing groundbreaking, you can't replace a carpenter or a toy painter with that.

this threads lacks the jew and his fuckmachine webms

Not even close, there's a heavy capital cost of upgrading machinery and the car industry has had robots for decades. There are robots today that are at least as dexterous as a human (but a bit slow). They aren't the ONLY cost because to use a robot in say a fast food kitchen you need to remodel your kitchen and add more easily scannable markers to the parts, etc.

The price point is the primary thing holding back robots from taking most jobs, secondarily is stuff like machine training. This is still much much more advanced than shit like car manufacturing robots use but still takes a while. Far less time than it used to.

College competitors can't spend a grand on a stepper motor and a dozen lidar sensors.

>resource based.

Venus project nigger detected.

Sorry queer, money his hear to stay.

Car manufacturers also realize that having people on the line is cheaper then retooling every 5 years when new models come out.

Still just a price barrier. OSHA and shit ain't cheap either.

the aussie actually added legitimate arguments after the initial ad hominem. (you) do not and are clearly bottom befuddled.

to answer your question, look back in history--
ask yourself, how did industrialization impact the workforce of say France for example?

The industrialization in the mid-nineteenth century produced a more cohesive and politically organized working class. (basically workers unions type of shit_

they focused on political agendas of economic inequality and expressed disdain towards the machines replacing man

but what was the final result?
he workers union eventually collapsed as the market was ever-expanding, and workers would never be able to compete with machines.

although some workers managed to find other work, overall:
this led to a massive unemployment crisis, poverty and crime ran rampant in those years

so basically: if machines replaced 50 percent of the workforce, we are looking at:
1. people will organize in unions.
2. unions will dissolve
3. massive poverty, and crime.
from here: there are two options:

3A: the government, issues massive funds to help the poor, and thus increases taxes on rich, and cuts back spending on healthcare and education--the middle class, and the rich revolt

3B: Ignore the poor, let them die, but the poor now revolt against the government, and rich are now unsafe outside their houses due to angry and hungry poor

Phone systems with voice recognition can already replace India, they're just not quite as sweatshop cheap. Only a matter of time.

Civil Revolution.
It will be violent, it will have highly educated people, and highly dedicated people.
It will have fathers and mothers. Students and industry veterans.

It is incredibly serious. People with bare minimum wage and a bad job will be dissatisfied but passified.
People with no ability to support themselves or their family get active.

Best case: Civil action and unions will help stabilize the economy. We will slowly develop more welfare and public utility based policies to support the new financial era.

Likely case: Violent revolutions all across the west with no end in sight. Police brutality, riots in the streets, there will most likely even be enacted a 'Peace Department' for using drones to squander protests.
Colleges and universities will stand empty as robots surpass our cognitive abilities and education becomes meaningless.
General workforce robots will replace physical labor faster than ever.

There will be no consumers.


although to be fair, the government will never allow massive robotization at such a fast rate.

they'll place sanctions on factories using robots