Is JonTron dare I say, /ourguy/?

Is JonTron dare I say, /ourguy/?

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destiny analized him

They're both fucking retarded. What the fuck is freezing culture.



Things are going to get crazy in the next few years, anons.
Normies are waking up.
The cycle is repeating itself.

unironically yes.
Pewdiepi makes jokes but his stance is anyones guess.
Jontron has a clear stance. He's the last guy expected, being friends with Arin the supercuck, but he is /ourman/

he has ascended

>Noone would ask Japan to be less Japanese

SSC....they're filling it with niggers as we speak

Well cut it out Japan, you're our last hope.

then kill them. I know you japs have crazy ass-kicking skills and hate foreigners, so get a band together and hunt niggers.

>bunch of gooks
>your last hope

why don't you deal with your own fucking 47%


How many redpills is he on?

>implying they're getting jobs

Nobody will hire niggers. They smell and steal and our jobs go to our own.

Because of the 53% left, 50% of that is sjws

Guarantee this is why game gamegramps broke up

hol' up Sup Forums, shoop incoming.

Yah, thats why i'm telling you to kill them. Shit, people still do it here in the south, don't be a pussy.

Anyone have that old ass ben garrison edit made way back when jontron was still in game grumps?

it featured arin "aryan" hanson being a slave driver of a retarded jontron

it was fucking great, and I can't find it on google or otherwise.

I never know if I'm supposed to read these fucking twitter images top-bottom or bottom-top

Im actually surprised by how on point he is

Meanwhile on the left:
>who cares about what some comedian video gamer says about politics? he has no qualifications to do so!
>btw have you seen colbert last night, it was so funny when he called drumpf a racist again xD dumb bigots should listen to this guy!!!!

literally who?

I struggle with twitter as well, I think it's horrible.

And I'm a senior UI/UX developer.

You read it top-bottom, but each "post" created by a mention over a status is a different conversation.

>Destiny playing the race card against a 2nd generation middle-eastern immigrant

You guys know how to handle it.

He may he /yourguy/ but i have to tell you, his comedy just doesnt tickle my funny bone.

Ive always heard of this faggot but jever checked him out. Recently i took a look. I watched 3 videos of him and concluded hes not funny and borderline annoying.

For my stupid internet pop comedy, i much more prefer someone like PewDiePie. I like his non filter. Jontron was to PG. It felt like he could have been on the Disney channel tbqh flam.

Someone on this very forum said jontron was the funniest person theg ever watched. Well he was far from that. I watched his ps4 resident evil VR video. He was annoying and not funny.

Reminder that Destiny verbally gang abused Mia Rose daily and raped her at a party. Don't believe his liberal lies.

>being friends with Arin the supercuck
They had a huge falling out.

>tacit admission that 'american culture' is being undermined


I miss when less effort was spent on video quality and more was in video length and quantity.

Sure, his humor was never really all that great, but I loved it for what it was back in his earlier days.

Still waiting on that ben garrison if anyone has it.

You guys are so emotional; someone agrees with you and they suddenly seem smart to you. JonTron didn't make a single actual argument.

Destiny got BTFO on japan first in the tweets, then in the debate.
All that showprep and still got owned. SAD

Ironically this post right here is not an argument.


Doesn't matter. As long as someone has a large following and shares our views, he is accepted

You gotta watch some of his older game reviews to really get a sense of him and his comedy (think the CD-ROM shitty click to play adventure games or his NES reviews). You could tell in that vr video that he felt out of place and umcomfortable.

No one here claimed I was smart though, so it's not hypocritical at least.

What's a good jontron video to watch? (Any subject)

WHO AND WHO? Seriously who are these two tards?

A couple of years ago people like Jontron would be considered leftist, I think he probably still thinks himself as a lefty. But the left has become so fucking retarded common sense is considered "right-wing"

I remember when niggers were only in roppongi.
Now they're in fucking shibuya. Niggerian touts everywhere.
If this continues olympics 2020 will be fun when thousands of american tourists get robbed by nigerian scammers.
Just remove all niggers.

>ctrl + f "smart"
>3 matches
>they can all be attributed to you
really mixed my macademias familia
He's not that funny tbqh, this is the funniest thing he's ever done. I used to like him as a younger lad and if my child were to watch a game channel I'd want it to be his, (since he's not a raging degenerate) but here you go:

He is definitely racist.

>tfw I wouldn't reveal I'm racist and I'm a fast food working college student
>this fucking millionare video creator reveals he is racist


he's not even white, he's iranian. He's saying USA shouldn't fundamentally change because leftists hate white people.

He really has been watching Stefan Molyneux.

Get your friends together and make a plan to kidnap and rob niggers. Film what you do without giving away any voices or faces and send it to your local news station. If journalists are the same selfish cunts worldwide, and im sure they are, they will air it BEFORE turning into the police.

Start striking fear into the hearts of niggers. Make them feel unsafe.

I can trace my maternal family to before the American revolution.
When they came to America it didn't have welfare, social programs, section 8. Hell, it didn't even have fucking police. You had to guard your own damn property from the savages that wanted to eat you.

They were colonists.

JomTron is doing what Lauren Southern, Mister Metokur and Sargon of Akkad failed to do: he's tearing Destiny a new asshole.

>japan successfully integrates the load of niggers pouring into the country
>blacks carry on japanese tradition

That's like saying Chinese can't be racist agaisnt blacks.

You're just... just plain stupid man.

Hell, there is a surprising number of spics on this board who are white supremacist. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

they let in like 10 refugees last year and 2 of them ended up getting arrested for raping women iirc

Love seeing an autistic brainlet videogame dweeb try to talk like he knows what's going on in the real world.

He's probably not about to recite the 14 words in a video, but pretty much. Definitely a step beyond civic nationalism at this point.

Jonathan Aryan Jafari strikes again.


He's only half Persian, and persians are technically part of the larger aryan tribe. I think if you are half-persian and its the real (aka aryan) persians, you can be just fine in our ethnostate, consider this guy:

Jesus jon just cockslapped that faggot into next week

Some of his best videos imo:
Monster Party -
Bubsy -
Takeshi's challenge -
Food Fight -

His worst:
The fucking walmart advertisement

As far as his latest stuff goes, I the drug psa, bootleg videos, and food games videos were alright.

Also please someone post the ben garrison image. I'm fucking dying for it!

The answer is yes ti OP aftrr this one

Holy shit JonTron. Why would he back out of GamerGate but go hardball on this issue, Disney is gonna sever ties with him now as well.

Good on him though.

Just give it another couple of centuries, racist. They'll integrate just like the Irish.

top kek

I'm starting to think Disney doesn't pay these people much or they might actually give a shit.

That guy looks less white than a typical turk. Why da fuck a non white dipshit licking whitemans ass? Pathetic

Are Iranians /ourguys/?


>Tom Ballard hosting


disney pays gamegrumps?

>the irish
Don't you have a mass murder to be attending?

Well, they want to bomb israel so...

turks are mongol arab halfbreeds

SSC? I've never heard of them before. Jews of asia?

if he is partnered with Maker (owned by Disney) they just released literally everyone from their contracts apparently.

Nice, i want fucking revenge


JonTron is american as fuck. Unlike sub-humans like you some non-whites actually learn to appreciate the culture they grew up in. But roaches like yourself don't have that capacity.

He is literally turning into Obergruppenführer Jon Tron.


Where's the link so i can up vpte this shit



Some have white admixture, largely due to taking them as slaves in the past. There's sort of an east-west racial divide IIRC.

Jesus Christ, how fucking willfully ignorant and retarded do you have to be to not only walk right into, but perfectly set yourself up for, that a blowing the fuck out of such a monstrous scale?

He really came out of the closet.

Jontron is half Persian half white. Fine by me. Persians are already the Aryans of the Middle East


fucking beautiful

Being hard on UIs is a depressing state of existence.
I would like to burn most UI designs down and punch their devs in their throats.

>the Aryans of the Middle East

But they were the original aryans


You feel it, too, don't you?

Exactly user

Every week or so there's another random YouTube """celebrity""" getting posted on Sup Forums with the question "IS HE /OURGUY/?" attached.

How the fuck do you kids find the time to watch so many YouTube nobodies? I've never even watched a single Pewdie-Pie video for fuck's sake.

Why do you even care what these "literally who" people think about anything?

kek why dou you assume every subhuman turk as same. turks in europe should be lined up and shot on the other hand turks in usa are well integrated since they didn't hired as ''cheap labor'' like european ones, they'r mostly academic. those turks in your country can not even speak proper turkish i'm almost sure they can't speak dutch either.


They have heavy influence over the youth, which makes it important

> Implying a turk could look even close to white
