/polder/ attack VVD CDA and GROENLINKS lack of credibility everywhere

PVV / FvD voters allied agains partijkartel
>Coalition tier
>Rape victims tier
>Useful idiots
50 Plus
>Just fuck my country up SJW tier
>Meme tier
Nieuwe wegen
>Turk Traitor tier
>Niemand is perfect tier



EXPLANATION OF PARTIES: pastebin.com/rM2x5tqQ




THIERRY INTERVIEWED AT RTL (Dutch, no subtitles):

De objectiviteit van Pauw en Jinek bij de NPO

Theo/cratie on RTL Business Class

Pim Fortuyn on fifth column - with Eng subs

Stille Willem RAP
forumvoordemocratie.nl/Verkiezingsprogramma 2017.pdf


Other urls found in this thread:



even if wilders "wins", he has no shot at government

you'll either get a left-green coalition, or a cuckservative-center one.

Onder die Theo Hiddema filmpjes staan comments als dit, hoeveel is daar van waar?

>Theo Hiddema is een advocaat die vele van zijn cliënten heeft misleid en opgelicht. Is daar door de orde van advocaten voor berispt. Dat deze man op tv durft te komen en in de tweede kamer wil komen is schandalig!

>Ben ik met je eens. Maar als je zo'n dure advocaat betaald die je moet bijstaan en hij vervolgens alle vertrouwelijke stukken uit t dossier met derden deeld en je een judas noemt. Bovendien laat deze advocaat je tientallen duizenden euro's als voorschot betalen om vervolgens niets of weinig aan je zaak te doen. De

we know faggot

Wilders will debate rutte today , right? Will there be subtitles available?

Kek, she was truly the Jan Roos of that election cycle.
Geen poep Baantjer

Jungs, het is mooi geweest. Wilders is al jaren lang de grootste. Ik ga er gewoon voor uitkomen dat ik PVV stem. Het is tijd dat ze salonfähig worden.

Als men met mij in discussie wil zeg ik gewoon dat dit niet het parlement is en dat ik daar niet van gediend ben.

Somewhere in some poor neighbourhood a Rita mug is collecting dust and cat hair

Imagine my shock , it's like this everywhere in western europe.

niemand is perfect

>De politie in Amsterdam heeft gisteren 13 mensen aangehouden bij een demonstratie van Turkse Nederlanders in de Amsterdamse wijk Nieuw-West. Alle arrestanten zitten nog vast.

>Ze werden opgepakt voor het gooien van stenen naar de politie, het brengen van de Hitlergroet, opruiing, belediging en openlijke geweldpleging.


>call us nazis
>bring hitler salute

More memes desu

yes well let's all pack up and go home german bro has discovered political apathy

Obviously a complete victory is going to be difficult, but we are working on getting as much done as we can.

This is the pinnacle of political comedy

How will we fix the Dutch women coalburner problem?

btfo goofie

Sorry for shitposting in the last thread , i will leave you swampniggers alone now

By removing foreigners

>when you don't have Kek on your side
sucks to be a klaverkadaver

>45 jaar advocaat

Defending scum for 45 years and only reprimanded once, not bad.

we don't, look at their age
these women are all from the last generation
modern girls arent like this anymore

Check his interview with sven kokkelman. he explains why he has been suspended.

Even if you manage to get an erection there's no chance mehmet is going to let you join in fucking your wife.

But we all know you're going to try.

I've been trying to convince my gf to vote for FvD, but she's stuck at CDA. Any tips to change her mind? (She's mainly worried about the whole leaving the EU stance of the FvD)

Frankfurter School demoralization tactic.
This sounds like "you can't be completely objective, so why would you even try".

Uuuhhmm, so how do you get a girlfriend?

I vote FvD btw

Not by changing women or the propaganda. I'd say by being a good option to as many as you can; men can select for women too. They just like coal for superficial reasons (and those women you often don't want) so it's pretty easy once you leave high school/college. Enough people doing that should stem or turn the tide.

>tfw 2/3 of the Tinder likes I get is from coalburner single moms.
I'm all for it.


Why do lefties suck at memeing? First shill the Hill and now this crap.



By killing the traitors

Not at all. More coloured women for us.
Emphasize the FvD points that actually have a chance. Let's be real, just FvD, SP and PVV is not enough to get out of the EU.

that is not gonna happen anyways. and as long as people keep voting for the main parties or the left, we will keep going on with everything france and germany propose. a founding member going actually majority voting eu-sceptic will force the eu to change and give more power back to nations.

why the hell would she be concerned about leaving the eu
educate her ffs

I seriously want you to unironically kill yourself

I dont believe you...no such thing as a coalburner single mom

I've never seen a nig ice skating before, it just looks wrong for some reason.

Shani Davis is a pretty good skater desu

Forced memes vs. real lols

FvD memes are fake and forced as well.
Trump memes were real because Trump had bants and is a legitimately funny guy, making the memes genuine. The memes followed him, whereas Hillary followed the memes.
Not even Wilders has that.

Aangezien dit een Nederlandse thread is laat mij even het volgende zeggen over mijn land Turkije.

Jullie moeten begrijpen dat het extreem hypocriet gedrag is om tegen ons te zeggen dat Turkije een dictatoriaal land is/wordt, terwijl jullie vervolgens de vrijheid van meningsuiting inperken door Turkse ministers te weren. Te weren omdat juist, jullie kennelijk racistisch zijn. Als het een Duitse minister betrof zou het helemaal prima zijn.

Wat maakt het uit dat ministers van een NAVO land naar Nederland komen om hun mensen in te lichten over een referendum.

Vandaar de extreme uitspraken van Erdogan er is oprecht geen andere denkbare reden dat jullie zo moeilijk doen.

She thinks EU stands for security. This weekend Turkish government officials called our government fascists. They went against our wish and entered our country. They deliberately caused riots. These nederturken have a turkish passport. In the event of war they will be called to serve in turkish military and it's clear where their loyalty lies.

Or they stay and subvert shit here.

Now ask her, what did the EU do to defend the Netherlands from this event we saw coming for months? What did they do afterwards to reprimand turkey? Nothing. Not even a discussion if something should be done.

If any country wants to steer a different economic course, they have immediate emergency meetings. If our safety is threatened... Nothing.

The EU will not keep her safe. The things keeping her safe are the dutch state and NATO.

Our EU governments incliding CDA have not been keeping up with NATO demands of 2% GDP on defense for more than a decade now. We need to break this cycle before our country becomes indefensible.

Klaver memes are memes made by people who hate memes. There is no love or dedication in GroenLinks, on the other hand Sup Forums is a board of comradery, peace, autism and understanding. That's reflected in the memes.


get out roach

Well, the memes made me read the programme of FvD, so I guess they're working.


Almost, the problem is islam. Not race.

Kakkerlak is geen ras

*autistic screeching*

Remind me toothpasta brothers, when will your elections occur?

>vrijheid van meningsuiting inperken door Turkse ministers te weren
Hoe is dit het inperken vrijheid van meningsuiting?

Thanks guys, pretty strong arguments.

I guess she's concerned because of the negative way the media reported on brexit, or maybe just afraid of big change. Dunno, wymyn man.


nigga get u sum wilders senpai

Turn yourself into a desirable person. Ask yourself: if some girl could observe one day in my life, would they want to be a part of it? Beware, they can't hear your thoughts or anything, just see and hear you. If the answer is no, change who you are. Get a job, get hobbies, work out, and develop a fucking sense of humor.

People who pretend this somehow implies you need to change into a degenerate club-whoring gym bro are just making excuses. You can be a stoic philosopher or a right wing activist and attract women if you want to. Self-improvement is the ultimate redpill.

Yeah, right. All luck to you.


Buitenlandse politieke campagnes zijn in Turkije verboden.

Remember kids:

- don't talk to roaches
- don't let them touch you
- call an exterminator immediately.

Stay safe!

2 days

So you don't even know. Try to get to the bottom of her fears. Talk it out. Keep the facts close at hand. Turn it into a "us against the world" thing.

>ignore turkbait
>do not reply to turkbait
>trying to reason with a cockroach is a waste of time

Did somebody here save the picture of the last Op? That VVD poster with Turkish colonization?

>convinced by facts
Fearmongering is way more effective bro, trust me I've been there. An emotional argument makes them tick, a rational one doesn't.

1) speak english you roach
2) press freedom index:
#2 NL
#151 roachi sultanate
3) i know it comes natural to roaches, but let me just lay this out for you:
>erdo has turned a democracy into a dictatorship
>mobilizes his roaches across the world to lay this reality down in constiutional law
>gets even a little bit of pushback
>yells about the civil and political rights he has abolished in turkey
>turks scream and rant about NL interfering in domestic turkish affairs, while telling NL what should and should not happen in regard to public order on NL soil and actually calling on millions of roaches across europe to rise up against native governments
>all the while, campaigning abroad is forbidden by turkish law
4) erdo has been doing these hissyfits for years. if you think he's only starting to blame the west for everything wrong with his own shithole of a country, you've not exactly been attentive as to what your own roach-in-chief has been up to

you need to stop listening to the sultan's propaganda, achmed

I would probably acknowledge her fear but state that sometimes you need to make one step backwards before you can move forwards and then explain why getting out of the EU will be the correct move in the long run.

Nobody likes your kind, turk. You are filth. I consider the shit under my shoe more important than your entire country. I would nuke it if I had the chance. Just know that everybody in The Netherlands think this way about you. You are filth. Nobody wants you here.

Just as bad as npo. Politicians who open the borders and want more more more mosques are heroes.
Those who oppose it are evil monsters.

I hate King Roach just as much as anyone but can someone explain to me why, given that Turks abroad have a right to vote in their country, a Turkish minister isn't allowed to enter the Netherlands? Weren't there some small campaign events surrounding the USA elections as well for burgers living here?

If the reason is that our government prefers one outcome over the other then we are overstepping our bounds imo. Turkey is a sovereign nation and it's up to them how they want their government to function. If that means centralizing power around King Roach, then that is their choice. Why do we give a fuck?

Remove kebab

Make Groot Nederland Great Again. Hoe schatten jullie z'n kansen in?

king seems to believe in blood and soil. how did you expect the media to respond? mouthaan seems mild there by talking of 'the most right' and not 'extreme right'


Because our government said so. A minister doesn't need to be here to do his/her job like a diplomat would, we are sovereign over our own country so we can tell them to fuck off.

he was only disallowed after he started threatening the dutch government and had called for roaches across the continent to rise up against native governments.

the sultanate really forced rutte to play all the cards he held.

Hun volk?

Dat je dat al durft te zeggen is waarom mensen problemen hebben met turken. Als je hier geboren bent, hier bent opgegroeid en hier een toekomst wilt hebben, moet je misschien het verleden achter je laten.

Als je in Nederland wilt wonen en zo hard roept dat je een volwaardige medeburger wilt zijn, stop dan met je loyaliteit met een ander land.

Het hele turkse beleid van het automatsche turkse staatsburgerschap, de verplichte dienstplicht, de blijvende bemoeienis vanuit ankara via dianet, is wat mensen wantrouwend maakt.

Het zwaaien met turkse vlaggen en het bekogelen van politie in rotterdam en amsterdam, bewijst alleen maar dat jullie loyaliteit inderdaad bij ankara ligt en niet hier. En dat is op zich prima, maar ga dan ook naar ankara.

Maar niet hier de uitkeringen opstrijken en vervolgens vast blijven houden aan de loyaliteit aan een vreemde mogenheid. Maak een keuze en ga daar voor, in plaats van van 2 walletjes te eten.

Daarnaast, als natie bepalen we zelf wat we wel en niet willen. Als na redelijke verzoeken om te wachten tot na onze verkiezingen, of het te houden bij kleine, niet publieke optredens, waarop gevolgd wordt met schoffering, dreiging en misleiding, moet je niet staan te kijken als we een streep trekken.

Wat tijd werd, we zijn al 60 jaar te lang doorgegaan met die onzin van dubbele paspoorten/loyaliteiten

Who /Breda/ or /Eindhoven/ here tonight?

Threadly reminder that FvD is a meme party led by a white supremacist with a lavender fetish. The VVD has a longer party program + one with actual solutions in it, opposed to the unattainable things that are in FvD's program.

Because the elections are coming up. That´s it. The civillians all hate roaches so the parlement is trying to make themselves look good by not letting them into the country.

Even though not even a single year ago the same minister was allowed into the country by VVD and PVDA to campaign for Turkish elections which made Erdogan president again.

Rutten wants the PVV voters back to VVD.

It´s all show. And some stupid fucks are actually falling for it (i.e. )

You're replying way too serious to a pasta.

FvD has partijpipo's, Obama bin Laden and Emieleke Roemer and that's just from yesterday. We are much higher energy desu

>mashing up trump rhetoric copied by wilders and greater netherlands
what are you talking about? wilders or a dutch irredentist policy?

as for the first: he has just not been campaigning. he's completely fucked up this election cycle. looks like he hardly even wants to go on himself.

as for the second, you tell me. a majority over here has been all for it for decades.


He was asking why we would be allowed to, not the reasoning why we actually do it. Of course it's for show I'm not a complete retard.

Bored at work

heil rutt
heil rut
heil ruttt

040 representeer

Install the extra flags mod user.

flaghunters github io/Extra-Flags-for-Sup Forums/

I'm not debating if we have the right, but if we have a reason, so this is not an argument.
No, he was kindly asked by Rutte to please postpone his visit to the 16th.

I know about that one, meant to ask who is going to the FvD events in those cities.
Wtf I love Rutte now

you just haven't been paying attention. the dutch government has actually been trying to de-escalate every step of they way. it's not just rutte saying that, dummie. you should've paid attention to what was being said here, in germany, in turkish state media every step of the way for the past couple weeks.

>Controlling immigration is unattainable
>Putting a fence around the Netherlands is unattainable.

And people wonder why VVD is such a joke.

the only source for that is the roachi sultanate ministry of silly talk, i.e. turkish state media

The point is we don't really need a reason. Hypocritical? Of course, but perfectly legal.

>in turkish state media every step of the way for the past couple weeks.
Probeer het nog eens in het Nederlands want ik kan hier geen wijsheid uit halen. Opnieuw: dezelfde minister mocht wel naar binnen toe nog niet eens een jaar geleden voor een veel belangrijkere kwestie. Rutten wist dat het Wilders erg veel stemmers zou opleveren als hij deze minister naar binnen zou laten dus heeft hij hem geweigerd. Excuses als jij dit probeerde te vertellen maar je Engels is niet al te best.

>Hypocritical? Of course
It is not hypocritical in the slightest.

Then tell her about all the migrant rapes and how literally only Wilders and FvD are talking about it.

Weet je wat het is met die Turken. Ik kan je garanderen dat veruit de meeste Turken gewoon tegen de uitspraken zijn van Erdogan. Maar die kunnen absoluut niet hun mening uiten, want dan krijg je die "tolerante" gemeenschap over je heen.

Het is hier volgens mij wederom een geval van de luide minderheid, net als altijd bij die jankwijven. Maar ja dat zijn mijn twee centen. Om gelijk te roepen alle Turken terug naar Marokko los je ook geen problemen op. Ik blijf er bij dat je goed moet differentiëren en goed moet benoemen.