This is what happens when racist Sup Forums ideologies are exposed to normal people

This is what happens when racist Sup Forums ideologies are exposed to normal people.

>muh red pill on the normies!!!!111

Right, how's that working out for Jon? He is hemorrhaging subscribers rapidly and even said himself on Twitter that his life is falling apart because of his ridiculous debate on Destiny's show.

This is the reality. White supremacist BS has NO PLACE in a modern, inclusive society.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody cares faggot

Oh noes, 1.6% of his subscribers. I'm sure he's devastated.

In less than 12 hours.

Anyone with the slightest brain cell would care about this.

Can't wait to see it go tumbling down further tomorrow!

Use an accurate tracking site next time

He's an Iranian white supremacist?

>White Supremacist Ideologue
>Has anything to do with Sup Forums

you show them how Zionist jews treat decent christian people who travel to isreal.

literally the exact same information

It's funny that JonTron considers himself white but he's fucking Persian and Hungarian. His last name is literally the same name as the villain from Aladdin except with an I at the end. Yet he complains about minorities not wanting to be minorities. Pretty ironic.

>Anyone with the slightest brain cell would care about this.
Tell me why I would care about some e-celebs youtube sub count.


Fake News

Well he is Caucasoid.

>caring about ecelebs

>Videogames turn children into school shooters
>Videogames are misogyny
>Videogame YouTube people are all NAZI LITERALLYHITLER
Funniest timeline

There is a delay when presenting sub stats on these sites. It only shows the subscribers gained/lost trend for the period it is counted. Fact is, he lost 60,000 subs in only a few hours. Come back tomorrow and he'll have lost a whole lot more.

lol blue shills thinking they won some victory.. LOLZ

Haha good fuck normies

Wow, now you're not even trying.

lol lol lol, X jewtuber is losing subs
>they aren't
lol lol lol they are


Who dis

How has anything he said even hinted white supremacism? Insecure faggot.

He's a fat boy

OP is a faggot sage in all paths

He's part of the iranian people who wish they were white.

Iranian = derived from aryan.
Literally an indo aryan people, swede brother.

>being this retarded

The subscriber count is inflated for every channel, so YouTube refreshes it every once in a while.

Literally every channel has these drops occasionally, it's just an anti-bot mechanism or whatever, it has nothing to do with losing subscribers.

We've gone over this last time JonTron seemingly lost subscribers. It was bullshit, he gained quite a lot.

literally championing white imperialism. sad!

Oh and here is Jon's own plebbit page right now

What a disaster!

Wtf i hate him now???

It seems like Jontron cares about truth more than losing subscribers. At least he's not pandering.

Nice alternative facts

I can't wait to see the rest of us increase his subs by 5% in reply :)

>You sure are a dumb nigger bitch.
>We blasted the CIA not once or twice.....but thrice.
>We worked faster than the NSA and FBI together to find 1 flag/pol/ in a country that is 9.834 million km2 with nothing to go on but a visual of a blank sky.
>Aren't you tired of failing with your bullshit yet?

Lmao shareblue shill btfo multiple times in his own thread, how does it feel to be cucked for life??

Colonialism was literally better off for the ethnics though.
How does stating something like this even lean you're a white supremacist?

Reddit went far left after their guy Bernie the communism merchant lost.

How are they better off if they get slaughtered? Imperialism worked out just fine for the native Americans, aborigines, Indians etc.. You all apparently care about preserving culture and ethnic homogeneity, yet when races of people are systematically slaughtered in the name of white imperialism, you're strangely silent and suddenly it's a good thing. I wonder why that is.

>>We worked faster than the NSA and FBI together to find 1 flag/pol/ in a country that is 9.834 million km2 with nothing to go on but a visual of a blank sky.
Explain? I must have missed this but it sounds pretty damn cool.

> knowing this little about history

shiggy dig

literally who?

So native american genocide didn't happen, as a result of (white) european colonialism?

This must be those Alternative Facts I keep hearing about

Do you know how many of your lefitst cucks i've put in porn because of faggotry like this?

>You CAN'T compete.

And are responsible for your own and others destruction....thanx for teh lulz XD

>You missed ALOT friend :)

> I have no idea the timeline of the spread of smallpox among the native Americans
Wyte pipul amirite

>So native american genocide didn't happen, as a result of (white) european colonialism?
No. Most died of disease.
The image of Native Americans as savage barbarians was mostly correct, and the reason the European settlers started to retaliate in brutal fashion was because the natives didn't wage war against the warriors of the enemy tribe, but against their civilians. It was considered more honorable to raid, murder, scalp and enslave civilians than it was to attack enemy warriors. Native American warfare basically revolved around genocide and enslavement, rather than military conquest. When they tried this on the white settlers, obviously they weren't very happy about it, and retaliated in kind.

Wait, people actually thought this would have the same effect on his subscriber base as the Pewdiepie incident? How dense can you be?

The obvious difference is that Pewdiepie isn't a neo-Nazi or even alt-right, whereas Jontron's rhetoric is that of an unabashed white nationalist. You can celebrate that, call him redpilled or based or whatever, but you can't then turn around and say he's being unfairly persecuted by people calling him what he is.

Accept that the Overton window is not yet where you want it to be and move on.

I wonder who brought those diseases?

Makes me reconsider my political views.

Those people, aside from the Indians, were living in the stone age when we found them. People suffered at the time, but their descendents are undoubtedly much better off because of it.

> preserving culture and ethnic homogeneity

We left.

>but their descendents are undoubtedly much better off because of it

Yeah, I'm sure the 1% or so who were left alive are really thankful for the roads and shit.

So you would consider colonists incidentally spreading disease as genocide?

>Anyone with the slightest brain cell would care about this.
Why? I'm not him

>almost happy that a popular internet personality openly took anti-liberal stance
>realize he made zero actual arguments and came out as blatantly racist

He could of at least googled something before stepping up to the plate.

It's the most remarkable thing i've ever witnessed or had the pleasure of being a part of in my entire life. After that....I am fully confident that between the 4th and 8th.....we could fix the world, if they would let us.

It took "1day" to find that flag with near zero to go on aside from contrails....birds....frogs....and the stars. (That was amazing, and one of the proudest moments of my 8 yr Sup Forums life! Trump was number one.....but "This" was not far behind it.

>Ebin fuggin ebin

if it includes destroying their culture, their people and taking their country from them, then yeah, that's the literal definition of genocide.

There are probably more natives alive now than then in sheer number if you count the 1 drop rule.

Get this e celeb bullshit off here. People kept spamming that other fat fuck last week crying about healthcare. Normies don't even know who they are. I'm so surprised he lost subscribers (cucks). Real people don't watch youtube gaming shows

>Sup Forums taking credit for infinitychan's /hwndu/ board
Like pottery.


Exactly. This keeps on happening whenever some nobody (((journalist))) or streamer starts getting attention on Sup Forums, because it makes them 10x more popular with the release of all the articles about this cool guy who's suddenly "pissing off the alt right".

>this is what happens when you're not a good goy
Really made me think

What are you talking about? Africans and Indians are competing to become a global majority. Aboriginals and natives died to smallpox from isolation. This was inevitable, we couldn't build a bubble around their continents and leave them in the stone age for the rest of time.

Are you saying the the colonists purposely infected themselves with a deadly disease traveled across an ocean with the purpose of waging biological war against the natives?

so he is losing non white people?
who cares

Goddamn. That is epic.
Gj to any anons involved

>we couldn't build a bubble around their continents and leave them in the stone age for the rest of time

yet Sup Forums is the first to complain about "muh white genocide" when native europeans are being ethnically replaced as the majority demographic as a result of immigration and white people having less children.

really makes you think.

no, i'm saying they went over there with one explicit purpose: to take the land at all costs, with no care about who was already there. this is imperialism 101.

> Europe is in the Stone Age, is a backwards savage nation filled with shitskins
At least you tried Ahmed

There is literally nothing wrong with this. The only argument against imperialism is limp-wristed humanist/egalitarian/universalist garbage and appeal to emotion or moral outcry.

If you can conquer, you should conquer. The only mistake we made was not systematically slaughtering the Africans like we did the Native Americans.

Jontron will be fine.

You're retarded for even thinking that's a valid comparison. We have the power to change the situation at any time. Things only happen this way because we're too benevolent for our own good and allow them to migrate.

If whites actually got angry we could exterminate every other race on earth easily since we hold something like 95% of the worlds military power.

You're just lucky we're nice.

Manifest destiny came much later my historically illiterate friend, second smallpox killed millions of Europeans as well you just don't care about inconvenient facts because they don't fit your cookie cutter muh imperialism view of the world

Not a racist but your understanding of history is just as shallow as Sup Forumss is.

What are you even talking about? European pandemics were suffered from contact with Asia, like the bubonic plague. Europe rebuilt. If they had all died out, the land would have been taken by somebody else.

>being against sjw "you can't be racist towards whites" = white supremacy
you're retarded

I'll remember this when the muslims become a majority in europe and white people are rounded up and exterminated, because they lack the numbers and can't fight back against superior conquerors, using attrition and slow-death as their winning tactic :)

lmao he went up
kill yourself shill

Funny enough....I just got off ban from here ummmmmmmm 7 hours ago

>I've been over infinity.... for the past 2 weeks

Also the one that tipped off Jackie that the little wanna be thugs were trying to set him up wk 1 (Profile name Jimmy McCrickets) *Used for 2 days and deleted* Also one of the ones who called FBI/APD/DHS on gang gang, grillz, and musla-negro jason.
I've been there since hour one bro. Here and the 8th. And the 4th was also involved in ctf hwndu....just not as much.

well hey, at least you're admitting that these shitskin "refugees"/migrants are actually invaders

now I want to see your mental gymnastics to say we're not justified in fighting back, go ahead

He said conquer. Legal migration isn't conquest.

Muslims these days can't conquer anything they're weak cowards who need to take advantage of white peoples hospitality and then stab them in the back.

I don't think he cares really. Honestly at the end of the day those that unsubbed were probably annoying cunts anyway. Good riddence and a nice way to clean house.

I really wish I had your powers to divine people's exact thoughts across the expanse of time. Clearly the British colonists went to the new world solely to fuck over a people who they had never interacted with. The religious persecution of the protestants was just an excuse to justify it for the history books.

Thankfully you have seen through this cunning ruse and have come to enlighten us all.

>cripplekike pretending they're relevant again

Have a lulz on me

>Like I said....since day one

i subscribed to him simple because he started repilling and this will continue and outpace instant short live kneejerk reaction by "progressives" from his audience.

CIA Kike pretended they ever really were relevant....

>Fail Harder

There is literally nothing wrong with white imperialism. Most Brutush colonies were better off under the Empire before it collapsed.

Caucasians need to start having more children and stop helping people who want to destroy them, whites included. Just tune these people out like a wrong frequency.

I'm surprised you aren't utilizing the lefty faggot qualifiers like 'sweetie' and 'honey'

This is not political, no one here gives a fuck about some faggot jewtube got

Fucking kill yourself. Saved and reported for being a shill faggEt.

destiny?? wtf did he draw that from a hat full of gayest names possible???

Doesn't this guy just review games in a funny voice? Why is he considered some kind of political commentator now?

At least pewdiepie legitimately seems like he never asked for this, it seems like jontron is actually trying to establish himself as a pundit.

Is he any good at it? Honestly, a le funnyman sand nigger who hates liberals has some good redpilling potential

Low caucasoid birthrates are a result of traitor globalist governments and jewsish social engineering.

There isn't much you can do until we have a real holocaust

I just don't understand you faggots that follow these asshole e celebs or whatever on YouTube. Just ignore them.


>Yeah, I'm sure the 1% or so who were left alive are really thankful for the roads and shit.
lmao this is what they actually teach people?

>shills start using trump's tweet format because they realized it works

This is only a mere step for the ultimate redpill.

holy shit who cares

This reminds me of old Sup Forums. Well done guys.

and now that board is tumbleweeds. interesting, that.

He didn't lose any subs.