what did mozilla mean by this?
What did mozilla mean by this?
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this has to be a joke
they meant switch to chromium
I use Opera
Good thing I use vivaldi and don't see this autism
Use Brave
they meant to lose their last 5% marketshare
Good thing I don't even know what internet is.
>using faggotfox
>using laggyfox
They want you to switch to Pale Moon.
>going from faggotfox to jewgle
Good goy.
is pale moon compatible with ublock and no script?
Where did he mention Google?
virtue signaling via pulling numbers out of their ass.
>switch to chrome already, stupid goy
Doesn't matter if it's firefox/chrome/Iexplorer. Their goal is to merge their user bases. Firefox putting pressure on their user base is just another expression of this.
Mozilla is retarded, Firefox is open source. Chrome and its derivatives are botnets.
Which browser does the CIA want you to use?
>(hint it's the botnets)
It means they're staying in the kitchen.
That doesn't seem remotely true
i use chrome with duckduckgo
filters out alot of jewish crap to stumble upon to aswell
Yeah, but it also sends data to google about where you're going anyway. You literally can't escape it from Chrome. Might even be sniffing your bluetooth now.
Chromium is open source software that Google has no involvement in
What are some good open source browsers for Android?
>that Google has no involvement in
Most developers work at Google lmao
Which still phones home to google and may retain the ability for google to push malware into it.
Fuck if I know, android is more botnet than a browser.
Brave, Lightning
Brave CEO is Brendan Eich, the one who was kicked out from Mozilla for having donated to anti-homo prop 8
Which browser do you think does Mozilla want you to use? Theirs?
Do you believe the IE developers at Microsoft made their browser shitty because they lack talent?
They are sitting at the same table working towards a common cause. There is no "browser-war"
palemoon is buggy af
i use (((chrome))) and (((windows 8))). nothing can be done. they won.
shit op shit post kys
not politics
Who cares what Mozilla wants? They're a bunch of faggots. Mozilla didn't write Firefox, they scrapped Netscape for it and the reason it sucks is because after a decade they still failed make it significantly better. Soon, maybe they'll get a good product out with Quantum.
Firefox, or maybe one of its forks like IceCat, is STILL the only solution. Everything else is tainted by giant corporations who make their money from spying on users.
>that font rendering
>still using (((firefox)))
Where did they get those statistics? Women are glued on social media all the time.
>switch to chrome goy
>be sure to sync your passwords goy
Standard liberal white people MO. Women in africa and china are less connected, I'd guess. That must mean women in the US are oppressed.
Its a subtle message to uninstall Mozilla.
wher are ze proofs ?
Which makes it a pointless number, as increasing that significantly would be as difficult as unfucking the countries in general. Not to mention, the left doesn't acknowledge that anything needs unfucking, so they'd never get anywhere. If they want to improve the world, they need to realise that nothing is sacred, and sometimes the most humane-sounding option is actually the least humane.
women are less likely to know how to access the internet
educate women!
Which is all the more reason to reminder:
Mozilla develops Firefox, it doesn't CONTROL Firefox.