Give me your best pieces.
Sup Forumsitical humor thread!
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I do love these threads. Never enough.
These are Nice.
Would that work? That could work. That would be fun as fuck.
Checked! Kek wills it!
I fapped to this post more please!
Should be 2 couples, this looks like one of the men turn into a woman
Pls be real.
Is this real? Jesus Christ, these people have no self awareness at all, do they?
Lol, mural in spanish means wall.
Holy KEK dat meme!
remember white children
NEVER run toward a moving car
>we are honest people
Hillary eternally BTFO
why did those kids have blindfolds? were they thrown infront of it or something?
that looks staged as fuck
are you even old enough to post here?
That minesweeper is inconsistent!
The four in Switzerland can not border four mines since the one on the left and right together cover all the fours unknown neighbors thus allowing at most two mines.
Therefore at least one of those three numbers is wrong!
>we just literally cannot stop committing crimes
pic related is after a refugee welcome party ended as expected by anyone with a brain with them groping and assaulting any white women on site.
Comments include gems such as "Not accepting a no is just a different culture and mentality. I don't think there was even any damage." written by none other than our own Gurbir Singh
I had more funny comments saved but apparently I deleted them
They're makeshift balclavas you moron
Palestinian kids throwing rocks in israel
No it doesnt you subhuman beaner scum. It means art on wall.
Masterful bait
>You will never eat meatloaf with trump
Australians are the masters of irl shitposting, pic related(Australians arrested for wearing Malaysian flag budgie smugglers and doing a shoey)
I knew one of those guys.
He's a fucking tosser who works as a lawyer.
Still a moist shitpost
Balaclavas* you idiot
>White Power.
Been looking for this one since November, thanks senpai
>Limited free speech
Not collapsed
I was mad about literally everything on this list though...
>appoint judges in all districts
>anyone who disagreed was dismissed by courts
>but you all had your chance to speak up about X
There was also the time our navy chased off a pirate vessel by swearing at them.
Oh, its you again. Is this still your favourite webm?
Too bad it's not in Spanish
This is so shit but it's got me in stiches. plz gib sides bak
forgot to mention using stolen german technology
HAHAHAHAHAHAAH this is too good to be real. But yeah no, even the top 20% of the niggers aren't above white average
This is an impressive image and it made me happy. Thank you fatty.
That's why I like Israeli Jews.
Somebody has to. Nothing but respect and love for diligent user.
>Felt two lumps in my breasts recently, turned out to be my knees
the autism is strong in you