What happens here?
What happens here?
Terminal faggotry.
Better stay away I'd say.
Nothing. I've been a and it is a shithole. Full of chinks and maoris.
More often than not this.
There's some decent folks but in most cases drunks, attention whores male and female and idiots roam the lands.
Benis in boigina :↑↑↑↑
rapidly becoming non-white. Auckland, which holds 1/3rd of NZs entire population, is a white minority, and dropping fast.
But I must say, i do enjoy creampie-ing tiny little asian cunts. If you're a moderately tall, Germanic looking white guy with light-ish hair and blue eyes, you will drown in Asian pussy.
Right now theres a Chinese girl in my bed after meeting just twice, as im sitting here at my desk. Creampied her little pussy just before. plenty of work to go around in AUckland too, ASSUMING you are skilled and experienced.
Living standards are decent, though I dont really have much to compare it to, but rental prices are some of the worst in the world because our KIKE Jew prime minister John Key opened the flood gates to Asia and also let them buy up homes.
THere isnt really a future for Whites in NZ at this rate. Im just trying to make the most of whats available to me.
Cucked beyond belief.
cao ni ma
white pig!!
sheep get fucked by "humans"
also the Indian male population is a fucking problem here. Even though we have decent standards for choosing migrants, and asians commit little to no crime, Indian men are dirty horny freaks who are borderline nigger tier aggressive if they get too confident in packs and are lacking pussy.
They will eye ball your women, try and steal from you in shops, show no respect etc.
Fucking shitskinned indians. We dont need them in this country. White-Asian alliance is great, but Indians are no where near a "model minority"
nothing much
though they do have fast internet
tfw you will never beat the mad butcher's meat
Do you think its a good value? Compared to other Butcher shops?
I remember the quality was low-tier and fatty and just moderately cheaper than supermarkets.
My uncle lived there for abou three years. He said it was comfy, has great landscapes and god-tier surfing.
indians are fucked
we are importing only the males. seriously i havent seen a dairy/piss shop/fruit shop/4 square in 2 years not manned by fucking currymunchers
my local 4square is staffed exclusively by white women, it's pretty strange
Where do you meet the chink pussy?
Help a brother out
yep. they dominate those jobs but NOBODY complains about "workforce diversity" and I wouldnt mind them so much if only their eyeballs didnt pop out their face at the site of a woman, or if they didnt try to scam you every time you buy sometime from them.
Ask most women and they'll say quitely and shy "ehh yea, dont really like the indian guys"
They flood tinder and all these dating apps and are just going to SHIT UP the already confusing future gene pool. East Asian - European mix is fine I suppose, cant expect nordic master race white men to flourish here, but having large Indian male migrant numbers in a country is so cucked and unnecessary we might as well import highly skilled Africans instead.
Fuck the immigration department and their blatant treason, nation wrecking, lack of regard for the future demographic and cultural identity of this nation. How can you just mix a nation into oblivion like that?! talk about careless.
As long as they retire in a nice comfy baby boomer home with a shinny kitchen and 2 car garage, they are happy to literally destroy an entire nation with their reckless immigration policies.
I cannot even fathom how a NATIVE white nation like Sweden would allow even 10 times the influx from even worse shitholes then NZ> They must be very culturally and mentally ill, or genetically defective to let that happen
white things
Dating sites mate, and recently have discovered you can approach them in the street. Try the shy nimble asian girls first. They're always clean and sweet natured, and would be flattered and surprised by a decent looking white man approaching. Any shopping mall in Auckland will be filled with Asians these days desu. North shore has the most though I think
honestly don't think I've ever actually been inside. I assume its good for shit where the quality of the meat isn't super important.
yep.. :) do you Kiwibros go to roast shops often? there everywhere here in west auckland. like 10-15 dollars will get you big pieces of chicken and roasted golden potatoes. I like to think thats a nice thing about NZ we take for granted, borrowed from British "Cuisines" I.e the classic British "Sunday Roast"
I would but they are run by Indians or Chinese. I wouldnt goto a Chinese restaurant run by Indians, I'm sure as not going to a traditional roast meal shop run by Chinese.
well mate lets just accept the reality that basically all takeaway shops, bakeries, dairies, supermarkets, butcheries are run by indians or asians. Asians are clean as and they make decent food. Cant expect some Brit to greet you at a food shop in Auckland anymore, and you still gotta eat. Im sure you still go to bakeries and no whites run bakeries anymore.
I guess we have to live with the environment we're stuck in. Id rather cooperate closely with asians than eye-bulging horny indian perverts. Asians are like the Whites of 200 years ago. Racially proud but still respectable towards other high tier races like whites, and make high quality goods and services.
Yno, I kinda like Helen Clark. She almost destroyed NZ-Israel relations when Israeli agents were caught trying to catch a plane from Australia to NZ. Did any of you guys hear about that? Any other PM, particularly Neo-con National party Ministers would have swept it under the rug for their Jew overlords, just like the Christchurch earthquake scandal and the Israel Jews killed when their van was crushed by earthquake debri, and they were found with dozens of fake passports. Meanwhile John Key the giant Kike was having a personal phone call with Netanyahu that day.
if you look closely, NZ is the Italy upsided down twin
hello my far away twin, how is life down there?
not too bad thanks. Do you have many shitskin invader "refugees" in your town? which town are you in? And is the local populous fairly red pilled on the invasion of the once Great historical Italy?
where are i live, there are like 12/15 "refugees", only beacuse i live in a small town in the north toscany. Everyone here hate them, they can't stay for more than 2 week here or everyone go full crazy and start doing shit against them. i think they are send to germany or austria
where do you live? im guessing not a major centre
wait 12/15? what do you mean by this? 12 out of 15 of population is refugee!? well at least its good to know the native Romans are against this invasion> Is there any decent right winged political party gaining strength in Italy? we know of Austria, Germany (Afd), Netherlands (Geert Wilders), England (UKIP) but in Italy is strange that there seems to me to be no major far right party especially considering Italy seems to be the frontline of this sea-based "refugee" invasion from the middle east and Africa
I guess the Italian poster has been overwhelmed, raped and murdered so is not available to respond.
Many such cases.
4square confirmed Old Nostalgic New Zealand. I support them whenever I can.
Only once been into a Mad Butchers. Seems to be the choice of maoris and PIs with 273 kids without seatbelts on hanging out of their people movers.
Chileans are bro tier. Have met a couple incl a stinking hot wee lassie. Your uncle is welcome.
I've started not going to 'Kiwi' food places owned and operated by Asians. So the answer is no. My local food court has a roast shop, everyone working their has been in NZ a total sum of about six years. I actually get my pizza two suburbs over from a proper Italian family. Not a dominoes full of Indian imports. As for fish and chips, don't get me started- Chinese make the worst, sub standard mercury laden Mekong delta fish. If you don't have a kiwi family making them in your area, Greeks and Italians make the next best.
>fish and chips, don't get me started- Chinese make the worst, sub standard mercury laden Mekong delta fish. If you don't have a kiwi family making them in your area, Greeks and Italians make the next best.
I take it you have the luxury of choice because you dont live in Auckland?
i was in nz a few years ago. everywhere but auckland is majority white.
even the 4squares and the fish and chip shops.
there is a fish and chip shop in te atatu that is own and run by a kiwi bloke and his family.
maori's dont bother me. its the stupid islanders and the asians,
auckland is overrun by gooks. you'd honestly think your in china man.
Same shit that happens in the rest of China.
Also, Murray Ball died yesterday.
Tvnz 6 o'clock news leading story last night was a protest march at the beehive by a rowdy group of 300 16 year olds protesting 'rape' culture in schools.
The fact such an insignificant, irrelevant sjw issue took precedence makes an absolute mockery of our 'premier' news media outlet. Also confirms its now fully staffed by recent media graduates who are all homos.
Seriously? Kids wagging school to shout at parliament is news? And 'rape' culture is a thing? Alleged incident anyway. And if it did hallen stupid sluts shouldn't have gotten so shitfaced and put themselves in that position. Besides, no crime because the girls so wasted they have no idea it even happened, no one knows who they were.
I live in the 03. Christchurch.
Top FNC choices
> Red Snapper, Sumner. Kiwi family owned
> Theo's, Riccarton. Greek family operated since about 1950. His standards.
> Its all Greek, Waltham. Simple, cheap, cheerful, hearty quantities and fresh fish.
i live our west and traverse Te-atatu often. DO you remember where this fish and chip shop was? so I can take the extra drive out of racial pride and loyalty :) Im sure he does a good job too ;)
>I live in the 03. Christchurch.
> Its all Greek, Waltham. Simple, cheap, cheerful, hearty quantities and fresh fish.
TFW Live in Auckland and there is no actual White, ethnic European NZ community left here.
But me and my flatmate are poltards and pretty prowhite. I have mature asian women lining up for some young Germanic White seed. But it barely helps to distract me from the Asian conquest of NZ.
Seeing what is happening in Auckland has made me appreciate more what we have in the Mainland.
I will always go out of my way to support a proper Kiwi owned and operated business. Doesnt matter whether its a bicycle shop or a corner dairy. If there's no Kiwi business available, I'll support a European one- Italian, Greek, Swiss its all good, they're European and that's what matters to me. If theres no European one? Then I just don't buy. Exceptions if I want a curry or something like that, doesn't happen often enough to matter.
When in Akl I get fish n chips from a place called Fish Pot in Mission Bay. Around the corner from my aunts place. Confirmed white owned. Check it out if you ever go that way mate. Do yourself a favour and support a dying industry.