>be me
>white australian male
>live in victoria
>go to city for lunch
>on the train see aboriginals staring at blonde girl on her phone
> le me "somebody's getting raped tonight"
>walk out of flinders street station
>see lgbt sjw fags parading about how there are over 7 trillion genders and how we should learn them all
>walk down street as homeless person asks me for money
>ignores and keeps walking
>homeless man gets up and says by not giving him money im a transphobic cis white male scum and i am also a nazi
>entire lgbt parade stares at me in disgust at how much of a nazi scum i am and how im so impure from the communist superiority
>get chased by fags down the road but its ok because they cant run from the 300kg of mcdonalds patriarchy on their bodies
>finally get to a taxi driven by a man called abdul to drive me home
>get home
>read abc news
>get on Sup Forums
Be me
>Be me
>Live in Perth
>Go on the trains
>"Funny, i never saw a black person other then the odd abo a couple years ago"
>The longer i stay on, the more black people i see
>This is the first time in my life i've seen more then 5 black people.
Australians are truly interesting people, how can you resist with this kind of assholes?
>white australian
redundant. There is no such a thing as a non-white Australian.
who doesnt like lookin at a blondie? something is wrong with what you said there.
I saw more Sudanese and Chinese people at Melbourne Central than Whites last week
>Sudanese and Chinese
Exactly, they weren't Australian.
Nuke the south, QLD is real australia
Where's the cutoff? I think central/Northern NSW can be saved
>Be me
>Litrially nothing happened again.
That's a good thing
>mfw reading about the battery back up plan for energy in SA
Our country is run by fucking morons.
>Live in sunshine coast
>Starting to see African Niggers every time i go outside
>Multiculturalism has finally came to my 95%+ home
>I gradually came to hate them
Elon Musk is coming for you mate, don't worry
I hope you lads can resist the sjw shit.
I love your country and haven't met an aussie I didn't like.
An actual aussie that is, not a gook invader.
Queensland is 10/10, would Anzac again.
CQ reporting in.
>Live in sunshine coast
>Starting to see African Niggers every time i go outside
I was hoping to move to Sunshine Coast next year to get out of Brisbane.
honestly, the majority outside major centers can be saved. If it ever came down to a vote on immigration, the right would win in both a popular vote and a count on the number of parliamentary seats.
You obviously haven't been to the Caliphate of Sydneystan then.
what?? where?
I live on the sunshine coast, and the only nogs i see are exchange students
At least this time you werent running from emus
>be me
>living in ACT
>walk outside to inconsistent weather
>everyone is white with a few poos and asians
feels really good man
nuke melbourne
>tfw rural vic
>tfw my city used to be all white plus a few naturalised goldrush chinks under ten years ago
>tfw can't walk down the street without seeing a Sudanese or muslim gang anymore
Fuck you Melbourne
Fuck you Canberra
Fuck off you sideways fuck
The Western Australia is the best
Because white people dont loiter in train stations all day.
pretty much this- it's ALL confirmation bias.
If you only see lefties on the internet, the media and non-humans milling around in transitional spaces out in the wild, it means YOU'RE the problem.
So get busy working and fucking your misses like the rest of us.
Up your shitposting game Australia. Save us from the leaf menace.
Shame our state government has been too pussy to do anything but send away our resources for pennies in my lifetime.
>Dad talking to me other day
>Lamenting about how money from the gold rush went to infrastructure and building up Australia while today we give it all to chang
>tfw we are ruining our water tables and land with fracking then getting no energy from it because it all gets exported
We need to do something about this, we have been complacent for too long.
We need an Australia First party, sort of Semi Conservative protectionist party that's highly anti-refugee\mass immigration and foreign investment
>be me
>live in brisbane
>all i see are australians
bullshit. Brisbane has shitloads of Kiwis, Poos , Asians and now Moorooka is Little Africa
no offence, but fake and gay
t. fellow Victorian
>a few poos and asians
>feels really good man
Does not compute, cunt.
Oi you cunts, you're responsible for draining the UK of white well adjusted people! And then we're accused we're letting in too many immigrants.
Though on second thought maybe I should move there...
Fuck off we're full, no pakis
You can do it chum. You were always my favourite son.
> mfw California Jr thinks they're white
This never happened.
Although if it did, shit-tier enclave Sup Forums's AND in turn the SJW's acquired narrative would be aided.
>t. Melbourne Suburban
Flinders can be a cesspit but it's not usually that ridiculous.
If it did actually happen, I truthfully to apologize though.
Fucking same adelaide is such a shithole even the SJW kikes hate it here
>Sudanese and Chinese
California Jr is NSW.
Over the next eight years you'll go from felicitating China to felicitating us or the UK.
Fuck yeah CQ is g8 except the mines shutting and abo's