vitun pelle
ylis vauhdis :DDDDDDD
ylis on speed again :DDDDDDDDD
Mikä tää memi on? Miksette voi pysyä yliksellä?
tarkistaa ne
I am so sorry you have to see this, not all finns are like this.
Elä kisuta
Thank you master of univercity
>tfw when Finland is the first former Axis power to be rejuvinated
not all fins are like what?
im here for the memes lads
kiitos, Mestari
Some of us are cucks. Like that guy
Aight, someone fill me in on this one.
What is happening?
Fuck me i havent done anything else but playing zelda this week and it seems that i missed out on many happenigns.
Turkey will attack netherlands in a few days
The great Master is running for chairman of the Finns party
Can you provide some more context?
Is this just some of shit posting or is there more to it like a political decision made now in findland?
Wads habbening :DDDD
Embrace your eastern heritage. Start speaking Japanese.
All i know is that the Ebin-Elections are in 3 weeks. Somethingh must've happened.
I wish
The Master is running for the chairman of the Finns party, and will likely win.
There's a chance he might be our next prime minister.
Thank you, master Halla-aho!
This mans supports TTIP and CETA.
Don't believe these Halla-Laho shills. This man is globalist scum.
takkubotti tuli tänne saakka?
a quick rundown on Jussi? Is he our guy?
Ebin :DDD:DD
Wow, could say he is /our guy/
You can just wait for Kosola, then.
Hes an anti-Russian globalist muslim lover.
People who support him are scum.
cyka ))
Jussi Allah-aho is the best fucking bantmaster so far
t. Igor
Reported for speaking finnish.
definitely /ourguy/
For those who dont know the Master Of Universe
Putin bot spotted
In September 2011 Halla-aho wrote in Facebook that Greece's debt problems cannot be resolved without a military junta.[41] He soon retracted the comment, clarifying that his intention was merely to point out that making necessary but unpopular decisions is not easy in a democracy.[42] Timo Soini, the leader of the party, demanded a temporary suspension of Halla-aho from the parliamentary group.[43] In the end the parliamentary group unanimously (Halla-aho himself included) suspended Halla-aho for two weeks, although Soini had initially called for a month-long suspension.[44][45]
Our guy i guess.
From Wikipedia:
>In December 2008, Halla-aho was put under investigation for incitement to ethnic or racial hatred (under Finnish law referred to as "ethnic agitation") for remarks published on his blog.
>On 27 March 2009, the Helsinki District Court ordered Halla-aho to stand for trial on charges of ethnic agitation and breach of the sanctity of religion. The charges were raised on the basis of remarks related to the sentencing of Seppo Lehto on Halla-aho's blog in 2008. Here, he wrote that the prophet Muhammad was a pedophile, making reference to Muhammad's relationship with Aisha, and that Islam is a religion that sanctifies pedophilia.
>In another text, he asked if it could be stated that robbing passersby and living on taxpayers' expense are cultural and possibly genetic characteristics of Somalis.
Halla-Aho (more like Allah-Aho) is married to a muslim.
He is against the cooperation with Russia and he is pro-EU globalist.
People who support Halla-Aho are globalist weak cucks.
t. ahmed
Seppo lehto/Siitoin(rip in bärs) would have been a vote from me.
Def. OurGuy
>is married to a muslim.
He is againts muslim immigration but at the same time he makes stupid ass decisions by supporting these shitty trade deals like TTIP and CETA. I used to support him, but his stance on TTIP and CETA made me hate him.
He is nothing more than a puppet of multinational corporations.
>>In another text, he asked if it could be stated that robbing passersby and living on taxpayers' expense are cultural and possibly genetic characteristics of Somalis.
Where di he ask this? To whom?
Look at that fucking heavy metal mane!
He's a hard mother fucker
The shills are getting desperate!
Mikä vitun takkubotti? Vittu te Halla-Laho fanit olette psykoosissa. Miksi vitussa tuette tyyppiä, joka huoraa Suomea monikansallisille yrityksille? Siinä ei paljoa joku maahanmuuttokriittisyys paina kun samaan aikaan kannattaa tuollaisia TTIP ja CETA:n kaltaisia syöpäsopimuksia.
Halla-Aho is simply a puppet to the globalists.
He make some mildly racist remarks and neets worship him.
In reality he is just selling us out.
He is an enemy of the state and he is an enemy of our friend Russia.
You do realize that there won't be TTIP
kiitos mestari
>>In another text, he asked if it could be stated that robbing passersby and living on taxpayers' expense are cultural and possibly genetic characteristics of Somalis.
And I thought the only decent Finns are Savo.
>>When conscripted, instead of military service he chose civilian service.
Coward. Disregard.
Thank you, Master
Gotta shill quick
>our friend Russia
They aren't even trying anymore!!
Don't listen to dumb shills, they'll do everything to make you vote green and sweden party.
Yeah, for now. CETA passed last month and Halla-Laho voted in favor of it. It's same shit but with Canada instead of USA
Hes just pushing Finland to globalists and the EU.
We dont need European weak countries we need to improve our relations with Russia.
Too long we have been suffering under the EU heel.
Halla-Aho is just a lapdog to the EU overlords.
yfw Master's wife comes from one of the richest families in finland.
>He later expressed regret at his decision, calling the choice a "stupid political protest", and voicing support for the present conscription system.
Halla-aho has stated many times he regrets the decision.
Yeah I agree, there are a lot of Halla-Laho shills.
He wrote this in his blog, speculating the reasons as to why such a high percentage of Somalis are lazy and unemployed.
Then he must kill a random russian or 3 swedes as an offering to Tuoni.
Rules are rules motherfucker.
that's it? Where is the full video?
Lopeta autistismi
Voi sitä peppukivun ja ulinan määrää kun Halla-Ahosta pääministeri ja muutamaa viikkoa myöhemmin paljastetaan uusi maahanmuuttoministeri, Hakkarainen.
Voin jo kuvitella silmissäni pääministeri Halla-ahon ensimmäisen ulkoilmapuheen Senaatintorilla. Kauniissa kesäsäässä kymmenet tuhannet ihmiset kansallistunnon ja vuosikymmeniä odotetun todellisen johtajan saapumisen nostamassa hurmoksessa huutavat samaan rytmiin
Korvia huumaava rytmikäs huuto kantautuu HS:n, Vihreän Langan ja Radio Rockin toimituksiin sekä Vasemmistoliiton ja Vihreän puolueen puoluetoimistoihin. Leninin ja muiden kommunistijohtajien kipsiset rintakuvat tärisevät hyllyjen reunoille, ja murskautuvat lattioille. Kansanjoukkojen huuto laukaisee noissa tiloissa lattialla tuskissaan pyörivien suvakkien keskuudessa psykosomaattisia sydän- ja aivoinfarkteja.
Ja kansan syvien rivien jyly tuntuu jatkuvan tuntikaupalla.
Kunnes hillitysti hymyilevä Mestari pienellä kädenliikkeellä pyytää hiljaisuutta. Sitten hän aloittaa ylivertaisen verbaalisen kirurgian, jolla vasukkien ja vihreiden Suomen kansan kollektiiviseen psyykeen vuosikausia levittämä syöpä leikataan pois viimeistä solua myöten hänen säkenöivän järkensä jääkylmällä skalpellilla.
Voi taivas, mitkä loiston päivät Suomella on vielä edessään.
Kiitos mestari!
How the F do you read that without getting a seizure.
Tää :D
I ordered that exact coffee once. It's pretty good.
Meant for you