When did they become so degenerate? Why? Were we doomed even as far back as World War II?
What happaned to woman Sup Forums?
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Women have always been degenerate. Difference was, they used to be kept in their place.
giving women the right to vote was a ultimate mistake
>Be me
>Walking down the road with my cousin
>See two English slags
>5 minutes later one of them is sucking my dick
muslim detected
t. Mohammed
What's wrong with women indulging in parties and enjoying themselves from time to time? Does it piss you off that much because you know you will never land a dance with Stacey at a party, you autistic little shit? Eat your heart out.
Here's a doc
I reaaaaaally don't know what happened.
>hey you are free now
>and if males say anything you do is wrong just yell at them society will protect you
3 things.
1) Jews/Cultural Marxism
2) Media/Capitalism
3) Beta Males/Whiteknights
>What's wrong with women indulging in parties and enjoying themselves from time to time?
Lefty makes a good post for once.
Human is inherently prone to degeneracy.
Female degeneracy has been celebrated and praised for generations
They can only do what they do if you enable them. Look at these hedonistic "rock Gods".
Shoot the lot of them
>giving them the right to vote
>they took a mile instead of an inch, as anyone with a brain could've told you
>we continue to coddle them in all areas of life
Gee, I wonder why they're out of control? We might never know...
Society became safe. Women generally have gotten exactly what they wanted as a group in western society. They got the vote when they wanted, but not before. In fact there was a couple year delay in women's suffrage in the U.S. because women were afraid that since the supreme Court had ruled that granting full citizenship to men three years earlier also meant that the government had the right to draft them, that once women received the right to vote they would be eligible for the draft as well. Men are evolutionarily programmed to take risks for the good of the tribe, women are programmed by evolution to avoid risk when possible and let others take it for her, This is rooted in reproductive strategies. A man who takes great risks can fail to reproduce, but he can also be wildly successful. the Ur example being Genghis Khan who sired as many as 1000 children. This is because a man can impregnate a woman and immediately die, and he will still be successful from an evolutionary standpoint. By contrast a woman has to carry a child for nine months and nurture it for another two or three at least. Reproduction is incredibly expensive for her biologically. At best she can produce a dozen or so children under ideal circumstances and taking risks, putting herself in danger, dramatically lowers her chance to reproduce. Risk taking women did not survive to breed. So women will always seek to minimize danger and eliminate every possible threat. "Patriarchy" was as much a construct of women as it was of men. Women, by and large, wanted it and enforced it. The industrial revolution led to safer and safer environments, which led to women feeling safer. As women felt safer and felt society was less risky, they demanded that the rules that had kept their mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers safe be dismantled. That they be free to act as they wish. That's half the answer.
this could have just been a /thread
Too many weak mean, degenerate women mean a society filled with men who can't control them. MGTOW? Just another way to perpetuate the cycle for "freedom".
Hiroto is wise.
Alfred Kinsey paved the way for our present situation. Judith Reisman wrote books about him. Some of wich are free online and on pdf format.
All the rest is propaganda an conditioning.
Unfortunate, but we let it happen nonetheless.
Second half. I've already mentioned that men and women have different evolutionary reproductive strategies. Men often take risks while women avoid risk. But it goes further. Given the choice, women will choose to breed with the top 20% of males. And, given the chance, the top 20% of males will happily fuck the top 50% to 60% of females. Which kind of leaves the bottom 80% of males fighting over the scrubs. In traditional patriarchal society, this doesn't happen. Even the top 20% of males can realistically support only so many women and their children, so even in a society with polygamy, some of those bottom 80% of women will have to settle for less than a 20% male. The world is dangerous, and in that world 6/10 Betty may want Chad Thundercock, but she knows, instinctively, that Chad will pump and dump her and settle down with 8/10 Stacy leaving her in the precarious position of being pregnant and with no support. So she settles for someone more her speed, and is grateful for it. Enter modern safe society with birth control, abortion on demand and welfare in case the other two fail. Now that bottom 80% of girls can indulge their instinctive biological need to bang ol' Chad without fear of getting knocked up. She can ride dick until her 30's when suddenly she realizes there's an empty hole in her soul where biology wanted to put a baby. But she's overwritten that biological imperative for the carnal pleasures of the moment and it has left her an aging, emotional wreck that Chad doesn't want to touch and even to bottom 80% find kind of gross. Bottom line, modern society has given women everything they want, and they'll destroy it because they can't help themselves.
Women and people in general have always been degenerate. In todays world women can be as degenerate as they wan't and they take the opportunity. There is nothing hard to understand about it desu. Burka women would be just as slaggy as western women if they got the chance.
A few years back a long term study that had been following trends of college students for decades, noted a increase in bindge drinking and annual number of sexual partners in female students that occured when 'Sex in the City' was a popular tv show.
so it's men's fault
Don't be so patriarchal user. They are just having fun while they are young. Eventually they will start getting tired of getting so much sex and will settle with a loving husband that will take care of her and her sons.
next time you feel the need to go on a rant about "breeding" think about how that undermines the point you are trying to make
It leads to dysfunctional societies dominated by failed abortions and floating pieces of shit in the gene pool of mankind like you.
Women have always been whores, they're just free to act upon it now. I don't judge women for embracing what they are though, so what if a woman sees a hot guy and wants to suck his cock, how is that any of your business? Logically explain how it is? Men are just mad because these women are FUCKING THEM or marrying them, well they don't have to.
I love you whores, even if you don't want to fuck me, be what you are!
And that is your problem how? You aren't in government, you stock shelves on a counter at Costco.
In all seriousness though, yes it is men's fault. Men fall in love with women and then they try to do nice things for them and they thought giving women more freedom would be a nice thing to do.
But they failed to realize that not only do women not know what they really want and function better when told what to do, but also that giving them more freedom and power disturbs the power dynamic between genders that was and is extremely important for evolution. This is why feminism and the sexual revolution have actually decreased birth and marriage rates in the civilized world.
Basically pussy-whipped men who thought they were doing women a favor by giving them rights are to blame. Women don't know what to do with their rights.
The end result is a society full of herped up whores raising children on gibs me dats at the expense of an increasingly number of aggressive, sexually frustrated males.
The social order is on the verge of collapsing now. And it's because of whore women and their lack of moral agency.
Good, I don't give a shit about social order, I care about whores who want to swallow my testicles while telling me how big my dick is to stroke my ego and make me feel like a sexual god. Something your dicklet ass probably knows nothing about. You sound like a virgin version of a sjw.
I know plenty of gorgeous non-degenerate women but their standards are high as fuck
>And that is your problem how?
Look up 'taxes' and 'welfare'.
>You aren't in government, you stock shelves on a counter at Costco.
If that was true it would still be nothing to be ashamed of. Stocking shelves is honest physical work and not everyone is born with the mental capacity necessary to become an engineer.
you let your cousin suck your dick?
that's fucking disgusting you degenerate freak
Do you mean looks, social status, money or personality?
Would they prefer to be single (no whoring around) to being with an average guy?
Uhh women have been doing this shit forever. Women were the gift to the victors of war, given to the wealthy and famous like a bag of money, or simply openly available to fuck for a few bucks.
The only difference is women think they have a choice now.
Japanese wisdom right here.
In the early 2000s when nigger music really took off
I'm sure I care all about that shit when I have Stacey at my place grinding on my dick. I'm unemployed too and she would rather fuck me than guys with a college degree and a job! LOL You got conned and now the wittle baby waby is mad beta males don't get anything in return for their hard work in society waaaaaaaaah.
It's always sad when women try to larp as men on the internet.
Men are hunters by their natural role. So they know how to place themselves into somebody else's mind.
If you are actually a guy, you are the biggest faggot that ever found a keyboard.
>telling me how big my dick is to stroke my ego
If you need women to stroke your ego it only shows how insecure you are. Over compensating with this faux masculinity is common in those raised without a father.
They're usually rich, well-read, have high social status and are very strong-willed. I've also noticed they kinda worship their dads
And yea they'd rather wait than date an average kid
Go work hard for your Federal Reserve notes, Stacey, Ta'eesha and Maria need more WIC and food stamps!
When we let them know we would do anything for dat ass, did I mention dat girls ass.
>tfw 27yo touchless virgin
Anyway, it all comes down to pic related.
and Jews wrote all the fairytales.
-The princess isn't worth saving.
-She's going to marry Chad once you save her.
-If you kiss her you'll turn into AIDS and never wake up.
-The "evil wizard" keeping her captive was just the last gallant white-knight dumb enough to fall for her LARPing.
Seems reasonable. Ironic, how patriarchy seems to teach women self-respect.
Keep ruling them with an iron but fair fist, Grichka.
You're really not missing much desu. Yeah, the warmth of human touch is nice. But I've come to prefer my own hand over the flagrant jewery of the vagina.
If you really need to get laid, find a fatty on the internet. Women with battered egos consider taking a guy's virginity a badge of honor.
It's not that important. Be proud of our wizardhood. Eventually you will lost your sex drive, and you will be able to concentrate on more essential things. Like posting on a laotian engravings exchange hub.
Just use a hooker you faggot. Sex will lose it's magical thing for you and you'll be more easy on women in general.
Bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks
you're not missing out on anything. trust me. i wish i was asexual or gay.
Embrace Islam. This is the only religion that still keeps women in line these days.
Hell modern Western feminists are even open to being subjugated by Islam. That's why they shill for Islam and wear headscarfs to show solidarity.
So yes. Islam is the true redpill to save the West.
Ignorant Sup Forumsacks will continue to deny this because they are insecure about themselves but it's the truth.
>If you really need to get laid, find a fatty on the internet. Women with battered egos consider taking a guy's virginity a badge of honor.
Very bad advice in my experience.
Mentally unstable cunts can ruin your life on a whim, and they can be hard to get rid of.
Fucking is nothing to be proud of anyways, especially if it's with a fat ugly dumb damaged slut.
If you're really curious, get with a prostitute.
Yes. It was the fault of men, of our forefathers for allowing this to happen. The degeneracy started in the West and was imported all over the world; your fathers could not step them and our fathers could not stop these ideas from spreading on our shores.
>what happened to women Sup Forums
Women have always been whores you dumb faggot threads like this are complete shit
ITT: undesirable men
RIDF raid incoming.
oh looks like it was a goy behind it all
>Mike Young
Too bad this document destroys THE JEWs meme you autistic faggots REEEEEE hard on.
Somehow, you'll find a way to convince yourself a jew was behind this memo and just like SJW's you'll openly admit to having no agency of your own.
It's really nothing to be embarrassed about. Having sex these days has become void of any real intimacy/romance/love most of the time. It's like Zizek says, it's masturbation with another person.
However.. examine why you haven't had sex. Is it because you don't go out much? You're shy? You're a NEET? Find the underlying reason why and fix that. The problem is not that you haven't sex the problem is that you probably let go off yourself too much and your life is out of control.
And I'll say don't go for cheap whores that have been used up. Don't follow the advice of these guys and get a prostitute. Let your first time be with your wife or future wife. I'd say try and improve yourself and find a traditional wife. Find a church and go to their gatherings/events and hopefully you'll met someone there.
Says the roach. who dates a roach?
Pretty much. Getting chicks is the easiest thing in the world now and getting married was always for cucks. I'm happy just studying philosophy and growing plants for the rest of my life. These girls all have daddy fetishes now cuz their fathers were so weak. Once I'm 30 it'll be even easier.
Trips of truth claiming the heart of another rekt degeneracy enabling cuck poster
what is this from?
>not wanting to preserve a harmonious society
Kill yourself. You're what's wrong with the west.
>Once I'm 30 it will be easier
I'm a 32 YO fireman who is in fantastic shape. I have never had an easier time fucking 20 year old girls.
It's actually pathetic. There isn't a day that goes by where an opportunity to exchange numbers and flirtatious behavior doesn't happen.
As I get older the easier it is. It isn't even fun anymore, it's just pathetic.
What defines what is and isn't desirable? Before the widespread availability of birth control a reliable male who could provide for children had high value. Why did that metric change and in what way?
Most women are nothing but a bunch of sluts that will give off pussy at the first chance they get.
This is slowly happening in the Middle East as well, or has been happening in secret.
Where in Iraq? I was in Baqubah, Taji, Terimyiha, and Abu Ghraib.
Alpha fucks, beta bucks.
Works every time.
when they could not find men with good intelligence, goals and heart who are willing to settle down they thought why bother?
>work hard in society
Pick one.
You seem to be confused by the difference between alpha and pseudo alpha males. I'll give you a hint. If a guy is ok with fucking other guys, he isn't alpha.
Propaganda combined with birth controls and a Nanny state that will provide to single mothers.
Honestly, can we make these threads bannable? Its just getting boring. Wow. Women. Sluts right? Yeah. What are ya gonna do? Probably join Islam or something. OK sure sounds good, allah ackbar. Yeah, Allah Ackbar bro. OK.
(one hour later)
Yo I said my conversion prayer and women are still sluts Sup Forums ugh.
Well, did you pray the Hadith? Oh fuck my life, I forgot, thats why. OK BRB
Sup Forums come ON women are still sluts, its 2017 and Allah hasn't taken over! WTF!
Mashallah brother, wait. OK I will make threads about this every hour until we win!
sup reddit
social engineering.
jersey shore,my princess tiara,big brother, etc.
do you think its coincidence that all they play in nightclubs is rap music?
lets not forget about 50 shades of grey,lala land, and all the other garbage.
if you are a male and posting on Sup Forums this shit probably doesn't affect you, but for a female its another deal.
Here's what I don't get. While stuff like 's picture explains a lot, what happened to the way they dress and their general manors? For example, the old women in pic related would never have ended up like the women in the OP pic.
They were given political power. Even the few intellectual women told you exactly where it would lead, when you give power to people that act on feelings instead of facts.
Yeah, well you've basically pointed out how dumb most men on Sup Forums are.
From Hitler to Allah they're just looking for a cult of personality to guide them through their pathetic miserable lives.
Blame Jews because your life sucks ( not you most of Sup Forums) worship a dead junkie vegan ( hitler) realize Nazism probably isn't going to make a come back "Oh shit what do? ISLAM"
You basically have the formula of the feeble down. Good observation.
>doesn't know that Jews who try and implement societal changes change their names to gentile ones.
(You) really don't belong here
You are confusing alpha with honor. Alphas are about risk, aggression, dominance, and group sentiment. Honor is pure self control (which women have more of). You are changing definitions to feel less beta, when in reality, this is normal alpha behavior. Even in an intellectual setting, you would be the cuck doing normal science, and they would be the ones doing paradigm shifts
Like I said....you must be so fucking weak in life that you think the all powerful magic jew is dominating every impulsive variable of the non-jew.
You literally have no autonomy. Its pathetic.
(you) really do belong here, with the rest of the feeble lot.
You realise that degeneracy and depravity has been part of history since antiquity? It's funny how you mention Doomed as far back as WWII, Actually, the Wiemar republic of the early 1920's was considered the degeneracy capital of the entire world. In Berlin, anything depraved you could get with enough money. This was one reason Hitler rose to power.
History repeats.
Sasuga Hideyoshi-dono
>You're really not missing much desu
the way everyone looks down on me for it I think I am missing out on something there.
my dick will never leave me alone, this high libido is fucking hell
I live in a small town and live with my parents, no whores here and no way to fuck them (implying I would have the balls to make such a meeting)
and I wish to be balls deep into pussy but its impossible to achieve anyway
NEET or not doesn't even matter, when I had a job the girls there all already had long term bfs and were getting kids n shit.
I'm too late to the party and its over anyway, why the fuck settle with used up sluts and their sons? fuck this cuckshit.
Look at the use of Pervitin. It was literally everywhere.
That and anonymous sex clubs. Germany was a hive of degeneracy.
Even the Nazi leadership were abusing it.
>honor killing
>I live in a small town and live with my parents, no whores here and no way to fuck them
You are making pretty silly excuses.
They are there for that. It is basically like getting your hair cut for money.
yes but there is a fine limit to everything. just because someone was having orgy in the backass of nowhere dosen't mean the world was degenerate. now its the norm and its sucks to be man today.
Women's suffrage is what destroys nations.
What destroys women, themselves, is an entirely different issue. I would blame women's rights for "empowering" them. They cannibalized themselves because they are not programmed to be empowered like that.