>Sup Forums is only 140k people
how do we grow stronger
Sup Forums is only 140k people
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw fox news and infowars still has a bigger audience
this is just counting the posters, not the lurkers. only 10% of users post
>>Sup Forums is only 140k people
Looks like it's based on total posts from archives. Number of people would be a lot less.
Meet up lol
seeWhen I first got here back in the day I havent post a damn thing for almost 2 years.
Seems like within the last 2 weeks of my ban for "Banned Text" they remapped their MOD/Janitor Team. I've been paying attention. I would say remap the MODS because they've been banning EVERYONE ON THE RIGHT since the election.
But honestly after "Shill Smashing" for like 2 years!!!!! I like "Comfy Sup Forums" back with regular users just for a few weeks.....before we go dragging newfags into the mix "Again".....dealing with their bullllllllllllllshit and newfaggery while breaking the conditioning.
Peace be to Sup Forums for 2 weeks. Aside from Vault7....that's acceptable. All praise be to kek!
>Sup Forums is now the biggest board on Sup Forums
Is that posters only or does it include lurkers?
If 10% of users post, but the average user posts more than 10 times per year, it's still less than 140k people.
It counts unique posters retard
Sup Forums has half a billion more posts, don't be dumb.
>mfw i never seen namefags or tripfaggots
Twice the size of the CIA and NSA combined. Think about that for a moment.
>how do we grow stronger
Why don't we just open our borders to Sup Forums, and invite them to join our community?
I am sure that this board would experience a serious cultural enrichment through all their memes.
they tend to congregate in the generals.
I dont mind them anymore, i recognize alot of posters just by style and what images they use anyway.
just get a twitter account. all it takes is one autist to spam twitter and the internet goes apeshit.
We need to centralize first and educate the newfags
Theyr all retarded
I know that because i came from there
go to /brit/. im not sure what happened in the last year, but its full of them now
Happenings create more traffic. Real Bataclan, Nice type happenings.
I swing by here once a fortnight or so and rarely post. But if I get whiff of a decent shitstorm in Europe thanks to muzzies, I'm here like a shot because I know the info I get will be immediate, precise and unfiltered. I think I would represent a large amount of poltards.
Sup Forums is pornography and edgy teenagers. we've got enough of that here
I immigrated here from Sup Forums
This place is a lot more fun, and slightly less autistic
He meant it in the sense that we're currently the board with the most posters, activity, and posts per minute. Election Night was the most active a Sup Forums board has ever been.
Sup Forums has a higher post count, but that's because it has been here for 14000 years, since day two.
And productive. Way more productive. Remember that time we elected a president?
Shit was cash
And just recently Sup Forums stole Shia Lecucks HWNDU flag.
>how do we grow stronger
You globalist piece of shit want more immigrants? Fuck off!
>how do we grow stronger
We're already full of cancer esp. after the flag capture
u wot mate?
I didnt post for around 3 years when i first came to Sup Forums and just lurked.
We need to have more Sup Forums babies.
Is this nominal or adjusted for summer?
leave Sup Forums faggot
lol fags
nfw fags are 2.86% of Sup Forums
No way in hell are there 100,000 posters on any board.
There are 5000 people posting tops. Even that's pushing it.
imagine everybody from Sup Forums in one stadium
Summer has no real impact on posters, even m00t said so senpai
He hates bogans though
namefags > anons
when i started Sup Forumsrowsing and i was Sup Forumsrowsing for atleast 40 hours a week, like a normal week in the job, i haven't posted anything on a any board for at least 3 to 5 years can't remember exactly but somewhere in between.
3rd partty archives can't count that you twit, only per threat.
Sup Forums is a board of peace.
Kek is the true and only God.
Pepe ( cbuh ) is his prophet.
Death to subhumans, Shadilay.
We need to focus on what topics we cover, that is how we will grow stronger.
There are too many posts like these...
>How will "_____" fags defend this?
I couldn't count how many fags could defend this... those threads always max out.
>What happens here?
There were two threads that maxed out on this just 5 minutes ago. A quick google search will tell you.
>Why is "_____" country so shit?
There are a couple theads like this right now.
>What is your iq?
There is at least one thread like this kept alive all day.
>"_____" guys on suicide watch.
There is a thread like this right now.
>Redpill me on "_____".
You know you could redpill yourself.
>Is "_____" degenerate?
You should know by now.
>"_____" hate thread.
>Why is "_____" country so much better?
It's not.
>"_____" fags btfo.
Just kys already.
>How do we fix "_____"
There are many threads that do not even belong in Sup Forums.
Keep Sup Forums on the real issues.
>>Sup Forums is only 140k people
No, more like 1-2000 shills that post a million times the same propaganda and spam you newfags eat up. 3rd party archives just count number of posts.
>how do we grow stronger
You don't you fucking degenerate
God I fucking hate newfag redditors that came here in 2014, go to reddit or facebook if you want popularity
We don't. The majority of this board is edgy retarded teenagers. We don't need any more,
It was eight pol you fucking cuck
don't confuse stronger with bigger
quality > quantity