Don't take him out of context next time guys
Goyvin McCuck speaks and is here to CTR
Fucking LOL
As soon as he landed he got a heated phone call from (((ezra))) reminding him of who he works for.
Interesting he had to do this video the second he landed at JFK...
>this entire video
>this entire channel
Stick a fork in him. I wont defend this faggot any longer.
wtf i love gavin now
Come on guys its a coincidence gavins not working for some shadowy figure somewhere thats not possible.
Don't be childish guys come on nobody seriously lies thats a conspiracy theory.
>The Nazis say the treaty of Versailles was done by Jews
>It wasn't
Yeah, I closed the video there. What a spineless shitbag shilling for his Jewish boss.
wtf i love degenerates who show their buttholes on stream now
DUKE: The true weather vane of truth.
If they ignore/block/delete contact with the DUKE, you can be sure there's a long-nosed rat behind it.
Damage control do he doesn't get fired by his kike boss. Here is the vid he is refering to.
no doubt that kike who owns rebel media wrote him a big check to take back what he said
So this kind of explains why Lauren Southern wouldn't go on Red Ice Radio, eh?
(((REBEL))) Media.
This is so true. Duke says nothing bigoted at all but ((( they ))) consistently lose their shit with him. All he says is that all peoples have a right to preserve their culture and heritage. And he does it in the most polite and calm manner possible.
Jews Win!
>divide an conquer Shareblue thread?
Divide and conquer Shareblue thread
Interesting how he couldn't address this on Israeli soil huh.
he's done.
Just think Mcmuffin didnt really have to do shit on this one. This guy burned himself. Fucking Judas.
I'd agree and call out OP if it were pretty much any other person, but watch the video. This is the real deal. I was actually excited for a new era of Gavin and others becoming more hip to the JQ, but nope. Instead we get full capitulation. Unlike some people I am fine with many "alt lite" figures because they are a stepping stone to introduce normalfags to the most basic of redpills. All I ask is that they do not punch to the right. However, this goes beyond just cucking for Zionism. This is flat-out sniveling cuckoldry and he has a history of punching to the right.
What a suprise Gavin is a kike servant. Just goes to show you can never trust a leaf
"No man can serve two masters: for either he. will hate the one, and love the other; or else. he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."
>entire thread
>no one addresses his actual points
The relationship between Stalin and the Jews was complex, it was similar to the relationship between Jews and the anti Israel Obama in today's world.
It's fair to say that Obama was supported by Jews and that he was also anti Jewish, same with Stalin.
And saged
Hahaha very good Gavin, very good. but fuck up one more time and you're done
I love Jews who can take a joke and laugh about the conspiracy. We should be able to laugh about it. The reason politics is so fucked up right now is because nobody is allowed to joke about anything.
so did gavin dildo his ass on air or is that a ctr lie?
because if he dildos his ass on the air and defends milo and spouts hasbara, he's pretty much indefensible at this point lads
Sounds fake doesnt it? If only ...
Rebel Media is compromised. Jay, Ezra, and Gavin are now going to make this podcast into SJW radio
Your future.
I wanna put legos in there
Im more disturbed by the fact that he shaved his asshole. this means either he is a regular shaver of his asshole or this wasnt spontaneous and he fucking planned it out. I mean are we really surprised the co-founder of Vice is a cuck?
where is his anus
what. the. fuck.
Well he did point out that he was welcomed back AT THE AIRPORT by people like david duke
I didnt take his original video out of context, to me it just seemed like he was trying to pander a bit to neo nazis and the edgy kids here on Sup Forums while still remaining impartial, but its pretty damn obvious he doesnt hate israelis.
israelis are based as fuck and Gavin knows this
Everyone should already be unsubbed from that garbage after their whole "civic nationalism" nigger talked down to everyone.
>the enemy of my enemy is my friend
Confirmed fucking brainwashed and a retard to boot.
>Stalin was an ex christian atheist
Fuck off you traitorous cunt. You must hate the UK to support Israel. Get out you fucking twat.
The based Israelis meme needs to go, ones I met were cunts. Funnily enough, I thought they were cunts before I found out they were Israelis.
Sup Forums is a pro Israel board.
LARPers gtfo.
This image says enough right here.
I came to this thread hoping you alt right babbies would be tripping over yourselves to defend this squaw fucking degenerate and his crew over at good goy media. What happened? Don't you want to tell everyone how captain cuck is your secret friend? Don't worry, Gavin might have naughty thoughts but he knows which side his bread is buttered on. Maybe if you can give him more money than jews do he'll tell you the truth instead of lie to you for his own benefit.
you type like a fag
>Holodomor wasn't done by Jews
If you look carefully at the video you can see the leash in his back.
Poor thing. He won't eat or feed his family if he doesn't do what (((they))) say.
5Cd6THOY, are you using the i'm retarded on purpose defense?
wtf is this
>Holodomor was done by the jews
Lel, he'd go to jail for this vid if he said it in Russia or Germany
I'll feed you in the hopes of harvesting more salt from Gavins fanclub. Other than that you can fuck off.
There are worse pictures than that.
fuck yourself cunt, the UK will always be my home although we could learn a thing or two from Israel, such as how to take care of our own people instead of bending over for muslim cock
>Lee Rigby: Butchered in broad daylight in the middle of the street by some barbaric cunt
>Nobody did anything
>Israel: somebody gets run over in a hit and run by some cunting muslim, the response, a random armed israeli citizen shoots the fucker 10 times
I admire them for their nationalism
And another thing, if you honestly support Palestine over Israel then you're a traitorous cunt, thats not to say you have to love or even like/support Israel though, just wanted to point that out
>if you honestly support Palestine over Israel then you're a traitorous cunt
How can you betray a foreign country? Do the British take an oath of loyalty to Israel?
Gavin Cuckinnes
My gut tells me he is more than gust a good goy. Everything about him screams kike.
This fucker doesn't realize radical islam is killing more muslims then anyone. But he knows enough to get on a mic and shill for israel.
>Warm up the oven
>Jews dindu nuffin.
This is sad and pathetic. that tiny gay Japanese hardon McInnes! In all seriousness eriousness is that even a white man's penis?
How any cunt could ever have put any fucking value in this blatant faggot to being with, with a Jew boss..for fuck sake seriously Sup Forums
The only threads I wanna see on this cunt in future are the ones researching his (((real))) family tree
The British Empire fought the Palestinians to hand Israel over to the Jews.
I don't think you read what I said
>thats not to say you have to love or even like/support Israel though, just wanted to point that out
I was just implying that if you do take a side in the israel/palestine debate and you chose palestine THEN you're a traitorous cunt
I suppose what im trying to say is you should either support Israel or NEITHER
The only ones pushing based Israel are fucking kikes. Don't ya know Sup Forums is fucking overrun with em.
eternal anglo cuckson at it again
It was probably a Jew who filmed that Islamist lunatic..I can't see anyone else having the psychopathy to tape a guy, for the obvious TV shekels, who just butchered someone.
Look him up I'm betting he's a Jew
>Everybody I dont like is
>a kike
get back to your potato farm paddy, I wouldn't expect you to understand civilisation, geo politics or integrity
Its the jews! the jews do everything!
>I don't think you read what I said
You're right I didn't I'm just here for the salt.
>I suppose what im trying to say is you should either support Israel or NEITHER
By that logic I could make a case for Britain fighting for Canada because of the war of 1812 if the day of the rake comes. WHEN the day of the rake comes.
You dumb miserable fucking moron.
Israeli NGOs are the twats LETTING THESE MUSLIMS IN.
Also Israel funded the fucking argies and gave them weapons which they used to kill good British lads in the Falklands.
If you support a state created on a lie that also does everything it can to fuck over its allies to get what it wants, you're a disgusting filthy fucking traitor and we don't fucking want you here you dumb faggot twat.
Its the muslims the muslims do everything!
>The only ones pushing based Israel are fucking kikes.
Plenty of cuckservatives like Gavin McInhisasshole do this too.
The fuck are you even talking about? you must be some west coast fag who's constantly stoned or something
Insult kikes and the kikes show up.
What a shocker
> says Irish lack integrity whilst defending kikes
>The fuck are you even talking about?
It would be tedious to walk you through it so I won't unless I need to do it to bump the thread.
>you must be some west coast fag who's constantly stoned or something
Nope, we're just on completely different levels.
fucking kek
>the holodomor was committed by jews, marxists communist JEWS *hehe*
>holodomor was committed by stalin a christian!
>Israeli NGOs are the twats LETTING THESE MUSLIMS IN.
rightttt... its not our retarded politicians and the women who vote and cry for more immigration
>Also Israel funded the fucking argies and gave them weapons which t
I actually didn't even know that, just looked it up though, fuck them for doing that, I wont defend them for this.
>If you support a state created on a lie that also does everything it can to fuck over its allies to get what it wants, you're a disgusting filthy fucking traitor and we don't fucking want you here you dumb faggot twat.
Yeah yeah whatever cunt, allies fuck each other all the time, we've been fucked by the americans, bombed by the germans and invaded by the french but we still consider them allies today, I know its not exactly the same though, you just need to understand geo politics to understand why shit happens
calm your shit and have a cig faggot
>israelis are based as fuck
>Yeah yeah whatever cunt, allies fuck each other all the time, we've been fucked by the americans, bombed by the germans and invaded by the french but we still consider them allies today, I know its not exactly the same though, you just need to understand geo politics to understand why shit happens
Are you just ignorant or is it willfull? I'm gonna go with willfully kike.
I see your repeated "you don't understand geopolitics" line is looking like you're getting this from a script which would make perfect sense for a dumb fucking kike who know fuck all about history or "geo politics"
>(((I))) love Jews who can take a joke and laugh about the conspiracy. (((We))) should be able to laugh about it.
just when he started to get a bit more respect from me he fucks it all up
he should do like Lauren how has the balls to go independent.
Lauren is truly /ourguy/
This is a great Vlog and I'm happy that his boss Ezra Levant found the budget to send him there to get put inline.
He's a GoodGoy.
Do you really think i'm a shill? I'll put it in very simple terms so your potato brain can understand
Israel is our foothold in the middle east, its that fucking simple
They also keep a lot of attention focused away from us
And like I pointed out in one of my posts earlier, I admire them FOR THEIR NATIONALISM not their jewness and I simply pointed out that we could learn a thing or two from them in this regard
are you a muslim or just an idiot? im gonna go with muslim
There's nothing sayng we can't send israel weapons and then shit all over them online. We have that option.
stop supporting that ass dildoer.
Go with whatever you like you fucking obvious shill kike.
>Israel is our foothold in the middleast
Yeah if your a Jew it you cunt.
Why the fuck would Europeans give a flying fuck about having a foothold in a desert fucking region? A foothold that has cost an infinite amount of money to sustain as well as continual bloodbaths..which in turn have focused Islamist hate onto Europe along with hundreds of thousands of refugees.
>something something geopolitics
Nobody could possibly be this dumb. That's why your an obvious lying sack of kike shit.
Even baldy gets Jewish nationalism is a fucking double standard. Not (((you))) though
t. Jihadi Paddy
>Why the fuck would Europeans give a flying fuck about having a foothold in a desert fucking region?
Oil amongst other things you fucking mong
>which in turn have focused Islamist hate onto Europe along with hundreds of thousands of refugees.
Yeah yeah, because muslims havent been invading and trying to invade europe for the past thousand years, it wasn't muslims who took over a million europeans as slaves/sex slaves and fucking destroyed Mediterranean europe. Or did they just do that because of the jooooos?
The thing is, I understand that there is too much jewish influence in europe and a lot of them are causing problems (and helping) for us, but people like you who blame the jews for everything bad that happens are very much like the boy in the story of the boy who cried wolf
nobody will believe you when you actually are telling the truth
Did some Jewish guy fuck your mom or something you are literally psychotic
Isn't molymeme a jew himself?
What does this do to your "all jews are trying to destroy europe" meme?
Will your potato head explode if it tries to compute this fallacy?
Israhell is a big oil producer now is it? You fucking retard.
The west already does business with the major Arab oil producers in the Middle East..nobody gives a flying fuck that they are Muslims until they start flooding the west..which they wouldn't be doing if not for the Jews destabilising the fucking region in order to create greater Israhell..Israel is fucking irrelevant in terms of oil..if it was oil rich it wouldn't need continual shekels from the JewSA and Jewmany to keep it afloat.
In future do some basic fucking research you fucking lying kike cunt..
Get this NAXALT shit out of here.
>Israhell is a big oil producer now is it? You fucking retard.
I knew the irish were dumb but damn...
I can't stand molyneux..nothing to do with him being a Jew. But if even he can suss out there double standard and admit it then that should make it fucking obvious. Not for (((you))) though
Guy in pic was a Jew too..I didn't say they were all bad. Especially the ones who convert to chistianity
Yeah thats my point..
You're just proving my point
or is your point "all jews are bad except for the few that I like"?
I honestly can't follow anymore
I think Ezra may have gave him shit but I bet FOX was blowing up his phone "you fuckin goy dont you know who ya workin for? I bet ya think ya hot shit dontcha!?"
It's not a huge oil producer you thick cunt.
>Irish are dumb
Well you must be fucking fully retarded