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Good for them!
Shes a dim witted idiot. Fuck her.
Alex Salmon said there wouldn't be another referendum for a generation
Scotland will never join EU. Spain and Belgium will veto.
>do an interview in front of the mirror
>can see people in the crowd
>they move more than LastNightsHaggis so naturally drag your attention
Another 18 months of political uncertainty, yay.
That's how fast Scots spawn, user
Why doesn't Scotland unleash the Loch Ness Monster on England ?
These are the questions we need to be asking people
So we're going to have to wait another year for brexit?
Fucking Leaf, Nessie swears allegiance to the Queen
Scots die out so quick that this is a new generation
>UK already in uncharted waters with everybody on edge
>Scotcucks try to take advantage and fuck everything up for everybody
Nice job. Your selfishness is going to fuck this country harder than even a hard Brexit would.
they intend to do this with the Republic referendum as well
How petulant is Scotland? Didn't they vote to remain in the UK, then the UK leaves the EU, now they want to leave the UK again?
what the fuck are these guy's problem?
>the queen isnt a reptile descendent of the king of the reptiles nessie that hides the reptile city under loch ness.
Why can't she take a hint and just shut up about it. Shes like Jabba The Hutt's little friend sitting in office chattering like a retard and not getting anything useful done.
Alcoholism will do that for you
>hard brexit
falling for the shill media memes
LOL, wop
I met 1 scotish guy in my life. 40 years old with no teeth, alchoholic and mental issues.
They're fucking cucks like all Nordic betas
Make no mistake, an independent Scotland would be worse than Sweden
edinburgh here
i actually despise this fucking cunt and there will be even more votes fore remain this time, owell, what a waste of media time this will be
he was probably 15 desu
Meet one, you meet them all
That's pretty standard
I hope they vote for independence and I get to see UN tanks in Scotland giving out rations to the population Mogadishu style.
Anglosphere needs a good uncucking soon. United Britannian Alliance when?
>Average Scott (minus the heroin addiction)
Just let them go. They are a socialist cancer on the UK.
its not "these guys" you stupif cunt, its snp, they aren't "the people of scotland" no matter how much they claim to be. thats why they lost before.
the only reason the leave was so high before was because they reduced the vote age to 16 and spammed facebook with fucking muh brave heart memes
>breaking news when it's not important
>happening when no one cares
>linking directly the big black cock and not archiving
3 strikes and you're out new fag.
If it were the rest of the UK voting they'd probably have gone by now
i thought david cameron said there will only be one referendum?
Good work agent Farage.
Same here.
At least we know what's ahead of us for the next meme war.
We'll win, again.
>not important
The potential breakup of a 300 year old political union isn't important?
britfags BTFO
It'll get slapped down by Mayhem.
Nothing to see here!
How's that access to porn going Worst Korea?
In fairness, thats a pretty accurate representation of the average Scot
>tfw brexit's going to cause uncertainty and confusion so you fix it by causing more by having an indy ref.
But no porn jew is a good thing. Acutally talked to a girl yesterday. My macro was pretty good too.
Circumstances have changed.
When the Scots voted in 2014 the UK was a member of the EU. Now, the UK is out of the EU. the Scots have a case for a 2nd referendum.
Constitutional experts said Brexit will lead to the breakup of the UK. It appears they were right.
No more Union Jack Flag.
What is the point of archiving the BBC? They don't make any money from clicks as they don't have adverts.
The BBC don't make money from clicks desu
Scotfag reporting in. Can't tell you how much of a retarded idea independence is. Nicola sturgeon should step on a land mine.
i have recently "debate" in MMO swtor with some scot, i was rly just shitposting and was having fun like little kid, was bit childlish but man what a fag he was. Antiracist, feminist, prorefugees, proEU etc. lold.
Good! I'm willing to see Edinburgh as a pile of ashes as long as they flies a saltire at the top.
So tremble, false Whigs, in the midst o' your glee,
For ye've naw seen the last o' my bonnets and me!
Independence for Scotland, fuck the union.
Is that because if they don't veto and Scotland joins then other separatist movements in those countries will get revitalized?
I'm sure we'll offer you and any other Scots who don't want a part of this British citizenship if there is a yes vote
Crucial question here: When does Sup Forums change to English, Scottish, NI and Welsh flags? I want to get this blue off my posts.
Ireland next.
SNP will keep pushing polls every year until they either get a yes or get destroyed
I thought all the powerful people on earth are actually lizard people.
I damn hope so. That's a best case scenario. I don't even think It would be economically viable for me to stay in Scotland.
They voted to remain in GB because they thought we were going to stay in the EU and you have to have permission from all EU nations if you want to join kek
Can't you Pommies just roll over Scotland in tanks? There is only 5 Million of them.
She goes on about it every month since they lost
Its the same with the remain people
They seem to think they can keep demanding votes until they win
But you can bet if Scotland voted to leave or if we had voted to remain we wouldnt get to have another vote a few months later, they would say its over.
He said he'd activate article 50 quickly if brexit won as well.
He was and remains a ham-faced chancer.
MI5 needs to fucking do something about the SNP
Fuck yeah.
Yeah, but we're an actual country. So they've already confirmed they wouldn't veto.
Referer clicks are traceable. BBC is basically GCHQ's ministry of truth.
Fishy scots
Union Flag. Only a Jack when it's on a ship
As a siol nan gaidheal supporter, I say fuck the English - let's become independent and seperate us from the anti-white scum known as the anglo
This desu.
The amount of lipiservice they give the security services while slamming foreign ones is ridiculous. Just from the way they report favourably towards the state you know they can't be trusted as news source
Fix Hadrians wall.
Northern Ireland shares a land border with the EU. It will be politically dangerous to rebuild the border between the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland. This means Irish Sea ports on the UK mainland will be the new border.
This effectievely unites Ireland, once again.
Spain's opposition to Scottish independence is hugely overplayed by people who don't know what they're talking about.
Scotland already is a goddamned country with its own devolved government and independence is a serious prospect backed by the people. Catalonia is a meme.
We should start trying to get Fix Hadrian's Wall to the top of Google searches.
>He thinks the SNP are pro-white
lol are the scots autistic or something?
are there any scottish guys here?
>we only want independence now that it means we'll be less free
top cuck
Being this stupid.
We will have open borders with the Eu.. and we will have to sign up to the shzengen agreement!
Spend a few minutes liking up what that means you fucking weegie alci.
No more blue in the Union Jack.
Many Scots won't be making the same mistake at the next election. She better enjoy her temporary position while she can before she's voted out.
Could you guys just properly subjugate them already? Same with the Irish. I'm not saying genocide just crush their spirit.
I didn't say they were, but the anglo scum are so anti-white, it's laughable - come back to me when you can wave St George's flag without being called racist.
Catalonia has its own PM, elections, parliament and government you do realise?
Was it my da?
It's because they were all friends at Yuunaay.
The Army doesn't get the same level of respect, as they're meanies and Tories.
Catalan independence doesn't need revitalising, mate
We are being jewwed by a woman. So progressive.
You can outside of London, people do that all the time. We have a big gnome with a St George's flag on it and dressed as a crusader on our front garden.
They might let Scotland in just to fuck over May and the the Brexit voters
>implying we won't be vetoed
same government that ruled spain back in 2014 is still in power, so they'll veto us meaning no EU membership. A Norway status would be good tho
Scots leave
They get their flag
We get new flag that looks something like this
So if this evil bitch gets Indyref2 and it's a Yes vote, when will we start the meme battle to push for Sexit?
Get Scotland out of the EU.
Spain will use the Scots and a bargaining chip. Spain will say to the UK, we'll block the Scots joining the EU if you give us Gibraltar...
Between Scotland and NI we have no end of bother. What about Wales? Never cause any grief to anyone, about time they got some representation on the flag
yes and we dont want this, thats why we voted to remain part of the UK just two years ago, this is actually farcical. SNP are the absolute scum of the earth, i can't describe how angry i am right now.