How left wing are you Sup Forums?
How left wing are you Sup Forums?
Not at all even though I am an ethnic minority and it would be in my interest to do so.
Hello anglo
how is hillary left wing?
i guess was is the correct tense.
Praise be.
what would a centrist be on this chart? mike pence?
How cucked are you OP? And aren't you tired of losing?
How cucked are ALL democracks?
Why are democraps so cucked?
Why does SB's twitter director have a cock in her mouth???
>more left wing than Obama
Who the fuck made this?
90s era Clinton was pretty Centrist.
I'm centre right, but I hate everyone on the left. And it's more funny to hang around right wingers.
FDR was the most left leaning president in US history
Actually accurate.
99% of the entitlement problems we have today stem from these two mongs.
Nah, they were responsible for the biggest shift leftward, but that doesn't make them the most left. If president A takes a huge step to the left and president B after him only a small one, president B is still more to the left.
>Great Society
>New Deal
>LBJ literally loved niggers so much it changed almost a century of voting history in the south
>FDR was so determined to join WW2 to kill Germans he did everything in his power to get at least one Axis to attack the US
Both of them were shitty presidents.
FDR's second bill of rights was basically something you would expect the Green Party to put forward
>Both of them were shitty presidents.
That's not what we're arguing about.
That doesn't make him more leftist than all the subsequent Democrats who kept his shit up and added to it.
Bakuninist reporting
whatever pinochet is
recent democrats have rolled this shit back though because they are neoliberals, like clinton and obama, and the democrats who came after FDR never went as far as FDR did with his second bill of rights in any case
Proper compas
One dimensional charts are shit, Hitler would be center or left wing on that.
Two dimensional is still kind of shit. Authoritarianism is a garbage axis because the government can have different roles in different ideologies. If you have a strong government on the border, strict immigration and a strong police force but very liberal civil laws with no substance control and little gun control; are you authoritarian or libertarian?
Civil Liberty
Economic Liberty
Size of Government
Might be slightly better?
i think one dimension works fairly fine, left = less hierarchy, right = more hierarchy
Economically left, socially right.
I kinda agree. Considering I'm far left economically, my outlook is very right winged. I believe in equal opportunity, but also believe man is not equal.
Same here.
Everyone knows anarchy is far right, just ask the Hoppefags
Same here m80, the real NatSoc
What goes in the top right Sup Forums?
His brand of anarchism is pretty left. Mine is pretty right. They're all pipe dreams though.
all of the others combined
i don't have helicopter fuel anymore
Pinochet libertarians are so cringeworthy. They don't realize the fact that they are just an edgier form of George Bush.
This list is literal shit
Somewhere around the tip
>Saged in all fields
>it's a meme you dip
monarchist actually
I don't have a soul
Too wordy
Has to be "a x" to fit
I have no problem with monarchists desu. The system I support is basically a new type of monarchy. I just have problems with libertarians and ancaps.
Thanks. This is me.
i have a problem with everyone that isn't in my square
Nip bantz
Unfortunately 2/10 this time.
literally Hitler
No. I stand monarchy, falangism, and even Fascism. I can stand the blue, but not green or purple.
i'm ok with fascism, it's as far left as i'm willing to go
you're like a little baby.
watch this
It's hilarious when someone asks me which politician most aligns with my beliefs, social and economic, and I can just say "Hitler" and watch their jews drop.
>unironic edge
head injury
I just answered strongly agree to everything
"I don't have a girlfriend."
Sup Forums has turned me from a moderate right winger to a far leftist
Not at all Democrats are retarded
obama and the clintons on the left? are you insane? most of what they have done in office benefits the wealthy and obama care is a right wing idea thought up by think tanks during the reagan years.