So people keep going on about how Trump has lied about everything, the past 2 months.
What has he actually lied about?
In Denmark, it's the main reason why people hate him.
So people keep going on about how Trump has lied about everything, the past 2 months
>What has he actually lied about?
But he's only 2 months in?
Literally just Google "list of Trump lies". Even the most adamant Trump shill had to admit he lies constantly.
You posted pro-Trump stuff and expected that shills wouldnt pop up?
Trump is an existential threat to the politcal sinecures and civil service freeloaders.
He is approaching government as if it were a business rather than an excuse to pay yourself a six figure salary for three days work.
They will say anything to preserve their parastoidism.
For example: Trump delivered on every platform campaign promise bar one (very large, concrete, requires lots of planning one) in the first ten days of office. You name me one politican who even comes close to that.
He's hardly a god, but he's not a politician either, thank God. I'm sure he'll become corrupted along the way, they all do, but for now he's scaring all the right fake power groups.
Who were you for?
He's actively worked on more of his promises in 2 months than most presidents do in 2 years. Peope like Obama wait as long as possible, so they have the illusion of coming close to realizing their promises right around re-election time. If you hold a shit talker like Trump accountable for everything he says, then yeah he'll seem like a liar, but if youre actually paying attention you'll see he's doing a good job of keeping his main promises
The only thing he's shilling for Trumpcare and it's a fucking disaster.
The "who's going to pay for the wall" thing is out of date.
Instead of a tariff, now he wants to cut 10-15% off the budget for the coast guard, tsa and fema.
Christ, you just can't make this shit up.
He picked three budgets that really help keep America safe to slash, so he can build a white elephant that does nothing.
Most of those don't seem broken, he might not of got day one but he got them by now.
one of two
(the lie)
man the shills are really at it early in the morning
two of two
(the admission of having lied)
They say he lied because the media is constantly lying and he's saying things that are different from what the media is pushing.
"I'm going to make Gary, Indiana great again."
(classic Trump, from the 90's)
>hating a politician because he lies
Lmao , i thought you snowniggers are supposed to be smart? EVERY fucking politician lies , that's not a valid reason to hate someone
>They say he lied because the media is constantly lying and he's saying things that are different from what the media is pushing.
>implying half his lies aren't just him repeating unsubstantiated claims he gets from breitbart and fox & friends.
The people who say he lied literally believe MSM.
They still believe those polls too.
They live in an alternate reality where liberalism is king and Islam is the most peaceful religion on earth. They are like children, liberals who think like this.
CNN will say "Trump lied." These people will see the headline without actually reading the fine print.
Which the fine print usually is something like "opinion: trump actually said this, technically he was right. But he still lied!"
Why are you using that tweet as an example? It's true.
It's not hard to guess that i guess for Hillary. I am by no means a fan of Hillary, but Trump seemed like a madman during the campaign and he proves this more each day with each tweet. Sup Forums likes to use le 4D chess meme but all this does removes any transparency from the Trump administration and replaces it with baseless faith.
The man is hilarious to watch, but i unironically wonder how so many people actually let him have the nuclear codes.
because pol is made of people who used to make MLG videos and other cringe and decided they were experts on politics over night
>just kidding it was all a prank bro!
or will you never back down from sucking trumps withered knob, even when he goes down as the worst president imaginable
>They still believe those polls too.
The ones that said it would be close, but Hillary would get a few million more votes than Trump?
You can't be serious.
its all garbage. listen to none of it. they were all proven to be propaganda for globalist checkbooks. the garbage you see that is anti-trump is obama and clintons doubling down against trump trying to cover up their scandals from being noticed
Do you truly, sincerely think that Obama and the Clintons meet each week to decide how best they can topple Trump?
Isn't it possible that Trump's hyperbole walks a fine line between rhetoric and lies, and it's the media's responsibility to inform the public?