HUGE Crowd of Muslim Protesters Raise Turkish Flag in Rotterdam, Holland
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kill em
I thought the roach thing was a joke but holy shit its true
Drop napalm on this scum and youll make world a better place!
Same problem as Mexicans in the USA. If you like your home country so much, then go the fuck back there then.
>all clumped up together
Why is everyone against Turkey all of a sudden?
Because they chimped the fuck out
>t. Roach
Fucking leafland needs to be annxed and pruned away already.
Oh good, I get to cross another country off my "want to visit" list.
Mate, it's not night over here now. Picture is from last night or the night before. The police is handling it pretty well, doggo's got to munch some roach and we finally could deploy our new water cannon.
Protect the cheese!!!!
once another 30's-style financial crisis hits the west we will have a civil war all across europe.
>all of a sudden
yeah, no...
Is this turkey shit boosting Geerts numbers?
If yes seems a bit too convenient this close to the elections to be a coincidence.
Just kidding Kek
Holland needs to start deporting Turks in mass
>100% adult male crowd
There's no reason not to eliminate them there and then. They can't even use the "innocent women and children" defense.
>Literally an invading force
But you're a racist of you stop it
lol Im not, theyre giving yurotrashes hell, and Im happy for it
yeye fuck them yuroscumbags and their kike overlords!!!
good job mustafa!
Wow I didn't think we would reach race riots this soon. It seems that we are getting to a point where deporting muslims doesn't seem too unlikely. The only problem is other nations interfering.
Such a lovely display of assimilation.
Just look how much they love their host-country.
We're all one people.
>all of a sudden
You let them in you daft gullible fools. Brexit please!
I'm not my friend
>Satan trips
>objectively right
>all of a sudden
>implying everyone was ever not against Turkey.
>Can't have Nazis!!
>Muslims will be much a better choice!
Natives better mobilize voters or the Turks are going to literally take over your country.
Obligatory insect joke
When were people ever on Turkey's side?
Why not deport them? I assume killing that filth wouldn't be allowed.
This clearly shows that they are not assimilating and love their old shit country more than Netherlands.
the french were and always will be
Crusade when? Oh yeah modern westerners are fedora tipping faggots now, too late
It's a simple rule of courtesy and common sense, but it seems impossible to get it through to Leftist shits and all their pet groups. So I think they actually know their own culture, including leftism, is utter shit and they want us to wipe their arses and give them free hugs.
>wanting to visit any country in Europe
The French and the Dutch when fighting Spain
The French and the British during the Crimean War against Russia
The Germans and Austrians in WW1
>Turk >>>>>> russians
I see nothing wrong with that
>All of a sudden.
>Leave Constantinople you fucking roaches.
>hurr russia gommunizm vodka putin hackers smolensk chuj kurwa
lol @ you kacapie
treason against host country
Its shit like this that is why you should never let huge amounts of people from other countries come into yours.
This has just proven to me that muzzies don't assimilate. They will forever remain loyal to their religion and backwards nations rather then support the countries they invade.
Netherlands, send in the tanks. And machine guns. And dogs with bees in their mouths. And sharks with lasers. Kill these traitorous scum. Call their bluff. Do to them as they would do unto you.
>europeans flood their countries with millions of people from hostile lands
>get surprised when they act hostile towards you
What did they mean by this?
Magik yourself out of the nearest window.
Am I the only one who finds this whole situation amusing ? A NATO country with the strongest army is doing this to other NATO countries.
How funny is that ?
Holy shit faggots someone throw a molotov in there already from a rooftop and escalate it already we cant let them feel open to disrespect us like this and we cant afford to let it drag on
Based Southeast Australia
You do not welcome kebbab you remove it,the balkans learned it the hard way now its your turn.
>go to netherlands
>fly turk flag
You know back in the day this would get you arrested on sight.
i truly see it as an act of war. sovereignty is at stake here and the rest of europe and the world should take note.
these "people" need at very least, to be shot at until they comply. no more games. western civilization is at stake, and for all us- blind, stupid, weak and lazy is no way to go through life.
id rather the hate that flows AFTER these traitors hang than to think for a second western civilization loses an inch of land let alone respect. im tired of my way of life being treated as a joke.
Turks burn french flag, because they're mentally retarded.. all of them.
Intelligent West Islander
What is amusing is reveal of hypocrisity of the "democratic" EU - since from legal and moral stanpoint turks in fact did nothing wrong.
Having citizenship in a country, that citizen - regardless of his origin has same rights as all others and can hold any political beliefs and appreciations and cultural values they want.
You cant get "offended" about Turks without revealing yourself as hypocrite - since any Dutch citizen is not better than any Turk with Dutch citizenship, otherwise the whole talk about enlighted age and european values reveals itself as shit.
Turks can be pro Turkey in Netherlands, can form political parties, get elected to lead the country and vote to join it as new Turkey protectorat if they want to.
You either hold to your liberal ideals or not. You either tell all citizens are equal or not. There is and can not be "right" beliefs and political views - you cant be liberal and at same time nationalist when its convenient to you.
Read the law faggot, ow right, the law doesn't apply in Russia. Go and be a degenerate with the Turks
>all of a sudden
yeah, no. Everyone's always hated turkroaches
So when are you cunts all leaving then?
>tfw yurope tells me to go and be a degenerate
you're not the one to say that, kek
Gas them
> every day 50000 new votes for him
He doesn't have to do anything tho
Because Western Europe is weak as f after they let in the Gayreeks and Slavshits and told the Turks to fuck off.
Now Europe is fucking finished because it's two biggest threats are pissed and all it takes if for Turkey and Russia to unite under a glorious new EURASIAN banner and you guys are back to Gypsyland.
Seriously, if I were you I'd be buying gold and air filters to prepare for the ass raping that's about to come.
If you turn on the lights, will they scatter?
Man when are the left going to realize that Islam is for the destruction of ALL non-muslims?
Atleast in Canada Chinks and Pooinloos raise the Canadian flag, realizing full well, this is Canada. Its their new home.
You could say "well if they like Turkey so bad why dont they go back". Its not about that. They are trying to take our clay by mass immigrating here and having LOTS of kids per household. 4-10. How can we compete with those numbers when 50% of us or more arent even married yet?
We are doomed unless we can find a way to send them all home.
Thanks for helping the Geert cause Roaches
>Turkey and Russia to unite
yeah, no. Or temporary. These two couldn't have more opposite interests
Problem Solved.
I thought poles hated mudslimes
its a proxy faggot
divide and conquer, you know?
look at that cultural enrichment and assimilation.
I think this is pretty relevant
>Dutch airforce "accidentally" drops a bomb right in the middle
I guarantee literally nothing of value would be lost
>tfw American cucks will liken the mass expulsion of Muslims from Europe to the trail of tears
Stem vir Geertjie! Se nee vir Moslems en kakkerlakke
i fucking hate the eu but i dont think anything like that could be done voluntarily by every 28 nations whitout some fucked up happening
but trump is president now so the future doesn't look so bleak
Exactly why we need russia as an ally.
is dat afrikaans?
Aaand we have a winner!
The next candidate to be enriched with millions of turks is POLAND.
It is against diplomatic protocol to campaign for your own elections to strengthen your political position in another country.
If Putin campaigned to abolish the Duma and went to pander towards Russians in the Baltic States, do you really think they would let him?
>Search google for "VLAMMENWERPER"
We have our fair share of t*rk apologisers here too, sadly.
Ottoman Empire 2.0: Roaches Don't Die
>Turks think they are alpha
>Literally surrendered to Monteniggers in 1912
I don't think it requires much of a propaganda to rouse huns against the turks though.
It seems this will be how the fire starts
This. We should be hoarding food. Guns, communication systems.
We threatened to tow their minister out to germany( she locked herself in armored car). Too bad she got out because it would've been hilarious to tow someone from Rotterdam to Germany
And the rest of us in general. Calling the establishment for Nazis was the best thing that has happened for us since the inauguration of Donald Trump
Haha where are the turks that usually post here? How fast they ditched this board. Running like the roaches they are.