>Open random youtube video on ISIS in one thread
>p1J2EZULeiM.sfw tries to open in the background

who the fuck is doing this?

Other urls found in this thread:



Are you seriously this stupid?

how would a link to youtube be able to do that

its putin
>putin is wikileaks

cia fags are in the phone lines

>windows 10
>edge browser

You should be using templeOS

Alright man this is strange

We've always been compromised, the CIA is always watching and listening, this time they're relying on more gorilla style tactics of infecting!


I wouldn't worry about it.

It's just a file with the video, you retarded faggot pussy.

why did youtube do this? now i have to login to pass the stupid age filter

shut up jew swede

Just open it with VLC facebook frog



I'm sure you'd love for us to think that.
Go blood libel some goys, Rabbi.

What's in the file?

.swf self execute file, drops a couple .dll files in windows directory and starts honey potting your information and sending it to the CIA or Russia while it plays the video.

Flash video, so he's watching the youtube file with Adobe flash and is asked to run it.

this entire site is AIDS. what the fuck did you expect?


open it.

A LARPr said a while back to not hit links to anything like longer videos that would allow and spyware to get in.
So who knows.

Open it in virtualbox

Stop being silly, everything is perfectly fine. Keep sharing,saving and posting as normal.

I understand that you're on the internet all day, but this us *actually* uncommon knowledge.

Please explain how a youtube link could open another domain without our knowledge, or retreat to your autistic cave and refrain from talking to humans.

If you piss on shit, it just spreads it around.

Clear cookies off your cpu, run ccleaner and clean up some stuff from your browser just in case user.

It doesn't unless your PC is compromised and redirecting youtube connections to russian hackers or youtube itself is fucked, which is highly unlikely.
What most likely happened is that OP's PC is infected with some malware.

probably a keylogger or some shit.

What was the name of the malware the spooks were using ricky bobby or some shit?

These guys are correct. There's nothing wrong with the file. You can open it as is, no need to run on virtualbox or anything. I already downloaded it and it's running just fine.

Download the ageless extension for Firefox

JIDF please go

>youtube link
it's a youtube link served to you via Sup Forums

if your PC is already compromised, why do they need your permission to install more stuff?

thats the stuff you actually gets noticed.

think about the rest...

Doesn't really matter if they pwn the router bro. They own the router, they own EVERY device connected to it....down to smart toilets, home security (Which I haven't seen anyone talking about yet) and smart toasters. OS's don't mean squat anymore user. There is literally nothing we can do aside from completely disconnect from the net....to avoid being survailed :(

>you actually notice

i meant

I dunno, ask Google, maybe they didn't pay they didn't pay the rent for their backdoor.

This is why God doesn't allow internet.

overdose of intelligence doesn't work (surveil everybody, know nothing about nobody), like the Stasi case shows they never saw anything coming.
America is equally disconnected from reality.

Casting way too wide a net. But it's never been about 'security' for 'the people' has it.

This is why he does


I see sooooo much potential in the 4th an 8th. After what just happened....I really DO have full faith we could fix the world.....if they would let us.

Neither do secret govt's. And I couldn't agree more. Im actually excited to meet "My Fed" if we all supposedly get locked up on the 15. I hope she's hot.

>if we all supposedly get locked up on the 15. I hope she's hot.

the spook-user said it was just desinfo.


Lulz, I know...

i like the gif :D
stobb id. enough rs siege.

>playing Tachanka on Oregon
>get in the room to the right of the top of the stairs leading up to the bedrooms (secure area is on 2nd floor)
>barricade the door
>set up my tachankachanka
>Echo has his drone watching the stairs
>"hey Tachanka they are coming up the stairs"
>they can't see me sitting 2 feet from them on the other side of the barricaded
>it and the walls are destructible
>boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom
>Blackbeard and Cuck had no chance

I had to clarify my story

He didn't post a proper link that has watch?v=p1J2EZULeiM in it, but one that has Sup Forumsp1J2EZULeiM, which is probably an embedded link or whatever that uses flash instead of HTML5. The browser probably thinks it should save the swf file instead of playing it, probably because flash is being phased out. I'm not entirely sure why this should happen though, since chrome (the browser I'm using) has built-in flash, so it's not like this happens because I don't have a flash player installed, but at any rate, it is most likely a youtube fuck up, and not a Sup Forums vulnerability or a youtube vulnerability. Here's a proper link that plays fine: youtube.com/watch?v=p1J2EZULeiM

This most likely

ok, but both posts are gone

dont play games with me here...

.swf files are all compromised and corrupted;.

Just get a proper router, and keep the firmware updated, or optionally install an open source firmware like dd-wrt. Maybe use linux if you don't need any windows specific software, because it's a bit more secure and less likely to have government backdoors, if they exist. Also, stay the fuck away from internet of thing devices like smart tvs, smart home devices or anything like that. They have shit security, are always on and have devices like cameras and microphones that listen to you, and you won't even notice it if they get compromised.

I've tried it since with other Sup Forumssomething URLs, they all give me swf downloads, so it's a youtube bug most likely. Still a pretty strange behaviour for an swf file to be downloaded by default.

"Activate the hardware backdoor"

CIA is it you ?


>Still a pretty strange behaviour for an swf file to be downloaded by default.
Some browsers don't even support flash anymore, that's that. I don't use Chrome put I assume it's possible to turn flash of? I'd cause it to download if you did.

The call that saved North America

Have you swallowed the Billpill yet?

>tfw no chink cutie to rape and abuse

It doesn't matter what you do....or what you use bro. The have everything pwned. Every router. Linux from BSD------>Debian is done. Every net browser is fingerprinted. They (BIG Corp) hardwire maleware into products. They (Big Corp) intentionally create backdoors.

>This is why I don't use smart phones or social media.
>And people said I was crazy lmfao XD

I mean it's strange that it defaults to flash when youtube has good HTML5 support and flash has worse support than HTML5 at this point in browsers. I also assumed that chrome can play flash videos, but turns out flash is disabled in this version of chrome, and of course other browsers don't even have the built-in flash player. So yeah, this thread is just a false alarm.

Maybe some sites require it to be flash format and that's what those Sup Forums urls are for?
Anyway it's nothing dangerous

>Anyway it's nothing dangerous

where do i deposit shekels?

Take the url of any video and replace /watch?v= with Sup Forums and it will try to open the vid as a flash file.
It's not malware unless youtube itself is compromised.
Calm your tits, leaf.

Well, now the CIA knows what I fap to.

Congratulations, I guess?

It's the video file right from the JewTube server, you spergs.

Replace the watch?v= with Sup Forums in any video to get the same response.