Ever notice how the pedophile networks and child molesters/rapists are ALWAYS white?
There's seriously something wrong in White DNA to cause this. Y'all need to be wiped out, it's disgusting.
Ever notice how the pedophile networks and child molesters/rapists are ALWAYS white?
There's seriously something wrong in White DNA to cause this. Y'all need to be wiped out, it's disgusting.
>Ever notice how the pedophile networks and child molesters/rapists are ALWAYS white?
Rotherham, Mohammad, child marriages.
t. Stinking Mohammad
only in white societies is pedophilia taboo enough to make the news when it happens.
Only in white societies can you marry a virgin.
>Mehmet in UK
Shame on you for making me reply, if we look at the numbers the areas with the most children raped are mainly black areas...
Google "Bacha Bazi"
That picture is strangely disturbing.
>Ever notice how the pedophile networks and child molesters/rapists are ALWAYS white?
Pedophile networks that get caught a pretty much always white because of a few factors:
>White people are organized and tech savy enough form networks.
>Fucking kids is not accepted in western cultures the way it is in mid eastern and asian cultures, so white people are subjected to more police and social scrutiny than brown people.
>White victims and witnesses are more likely to tell the police, compared to brown people who hate the police.
>Brown communities world wide are more likely to harass victims to shut them up.
>Brown police are more likely to ignore or dismiss reports of sexual abuse.
>Sexual abuse by brown people is liable to be covered up in western countries, while white crimes will be in the news cycle for days.
Hi achmed
>only ethnic group without child marriages today is white
>something you'd call sunday in middle-east is global news if it happens in west
>hur dur pedophiles be whitey
Yeah no, and in Africa there's epidemic raping toddles as they believe it will cure aids
said no one ever during modern times
>Ever notice how the pedophile networks and child molesters/rapists are ALWAYS (((white)))?
yeah yeah sure thing shlomo
This picture is completely innocent. Only a pervert would see it as anything but.
why are blacks and arabs always raping underage children then?
That perception exists because people like you have very low expectations when it comes to non-whites.
I follow grammas butthole
Also there is a name for the condition of the prevalence of news (media and gossip) stories and how it affects our perception of frequency. I forget it now but an example would be something like this.
> 6 lion attacks in your town this year. Totally unheard of, bizarre, news worthy.
> 6,000 car accidents. Totally normal, not news worthy.
> People worry more about Lion attacks than car accidents.
Yeah. White. Just like Jimmy Saville.
Making an anti-white post on Sup Forums? Op you dumb.
so whats to fear?
the rage of obese internet virgins
its fun to trigger people with just your words alone, and in that sense OP is a genius-
-he made an anti-white post on Sup Forums cause he knows many obese DOTA players will be triggered, and will have to put aside their sugar filled coke cans, and their extra cheese pizzas, to defend their race on a random internet website, that most people use to jerk off...
Whties are the only ones who report it. Blacks and everyone else just ignores their own people who do it.
Shut up currynigger..Oh wai-
Answer me this: is there anything wrong with wanting a 13-year-old cute girl
Stfu you're from the Uk
minorities are overrepresented when it comes to child sex crimes, Jews are the most likely proportionally, whites and Hispanics the least. Blacks and Asians both overrepresented.
Yet South Africa is the baby rape capital of the world
Nigs literally believe raping a baby will cure them of AIDS
Never mind arab countries where child marriage is prevalent
Is that statistic official?
>Ever notice how the pedophile networks and child molesters/rapists are ALWAYS white?
But that's wrong
>obese dota players
>Triggered white people
Tell me how you are any different, you sound triggered asf
That's strange
My uncle was a judge he had severel cases were black adults would be found guilty of raping their children. The town doesnt care
Whites are the only ones who make it taboo and punish those who do it.
Shitskins are always fucking young kids and family members, but they don't even categorize it as something wrong.
Also, when DeShawn fucks a 12 year old thot, or Mohammed fucks his 8 year old neice, the media yawns and passes over the story.
wtf I hate pedophile networks now
Hi DeShawn.
I agree, we're so desperate that we'd fuck anything with a hole in it.
Really I ain't even kidding it's sickening.
i am different in the sense that if people insult my race, gender, country, religion,etc. i dont get offended.
i dont take offense on part of my social groups---
you sound like you're full of self-hatred
Dude I'm saying chill out saying stuff like 'obese dota' players and other such bantering only makes you sound triggered. Just sit back relax and contribute to the thread.
Jews aren't white
I think it's universal though you hear about it with whites because it's a big deal to us whereas other cultures downplay & don't talk about it
it is more of a problem than i have cared to admit before. i would support more research into what makes people develop paedophillic tendencies
It's newsworthy in white countries instead of the normal marriage process like in barbarian lands.
Statistically speaking in america police report who they arrest for what and it is mostly Mexicans being arrested for child abuse while whites come third.
Child abuse can be things like physical violence.
Molesters are white, rapists are non whites
Afrikan niggers believe they can cure aids by raping babies
Muslims marry children
It's true though, our child rape consensus is off the fkin charts. Say what you like but the stats won't change.
w-what kind of bait is this?
and thank god black sub saharan africa has such shitty press desu, i don't even want to know what goes on over there
if i was any more relaxed, you would need the EMT to scoop me off the floor
Most black children are molested by a family member.
Someone post the stats.