Yeah we might fuck the atmosphere but those faggots deserve it.
Why haven't we used an EMP on North Korea?
You mean drop an electronics disrupting weapon on the massive black spot?
Gee I have no idea why.
Because they have 1930s tech and no electronics
Implying NK has any electronics
It isn't necessary. Just ignore them and let China deal with it.
Pyongyang's right next to the border. So what's the little dot in the middle?
exactly this, they wouldn't even notice.
>All that shit off shore
It's probably just ships and fishermen.
exactly. Whoever that one person that has electricity is. We need to wipe him out, no xbox. no Sup Forums for him.
Trump cabinet neocon plz go.
What has North Korea ever done? Have the put missiles in Mexico and vowed to help Mexico undo the losses of the Mexican-American war?
That is essentially what we do to them.
Yeah whats all the stuff off shore.
Why would you emp a nation where electricity and running water are luxuries?
Why? to see if they'd even notice?
Brain pepe, please grant me enhanced mental focus. Thank you pepe friend :)
exactly why. make their elites go crazy. within a week they will start eating the lower class. Serf class will finally rise up and overthrow their shitty gov. zombie apocalypse starts there.
because you wont do shit with a emp.
All Military equipment is protected from this meme.
Why would you destroy the conman mans little luxury he accommodated over generations is beyond my comprehension.
This autism of yours is to retarded. Keep it please in check. Your hurt the wrong ones with it.
better off dropping smartphones with free satelite wifi
So is south kolea and they will be affected and it would be fatal for them.
How does an EMP ruin the atmosphere? Also I wish for great powers of influence.
why not a nigair strike instead
because we can't
>why haven't we detonated a nuke on China's easter border?
Shouldn't you have used twitter to ask this question, Mr. President?
Because EMPs don't work like what books and sci-fi would have you believe, and even if they did there is basically no civil electric infrastructure in NK outside of Pyongyang, and any military targets are sure to be hardened against anything a nuke could put off.
Because its war with a ICBMs in both sides. Also i think, Best Korea should be aided a little bit. Enough to keep it alive, just borderline.
The only reason leftist dont romanize the USSR ist due videos, photos of the joke it was and the hellhole mafia state is now. But having Kim is the perfect example of what real communisn is.
Thanks a lot Best Korea for reminding us why is it worth to fight against leftists
Because it will cost us a shit load of money de-educating, reeducating, and rebuilding North Korea so they are up to par. It's a long process that costs multiple trillions of dollars. No one wants to deal with that.
Hi brain Pepe
Because it would literally make no difference. They dont have any electronics either way
Its also a market
>implying they even have electricity
Gib wishes
North Korea has not proven they have ICBM technology.
Even of they did, we know they do not have miniaturization tech capable of putting a bomb in a warhead.
North Korea needs to exist for one simple reason: what are you going to do with 25 million ex commies lookijg for a handout when they have no marketable skills and are from a backwards country that has just been blown to pieces? Who picks up the tab for that?
They have been so cut off from the world they don't even understand how to use modern cell phones, cars, or even shit from the 80s like barcode scanners. Most have probably never seen a modern computer.
You are talking about 25 million people that cannot even work fast food jobs.
And you can't stick them with South Korea, because they have developed different cultures and even dialects. North Korean spies keep getting caught because they don't even know how to communicate effectively and are speaking a completely different dialect of Korean.
Everyone wants to destroy North Korea, but nobody understands how to deal with the fallout and inevitable humanitarian disaster.
>everyone wants to destroy north korea
I wanna see them thrive personally - reunification is a moral imperative
The norks don't have anything to emp
For starters, EMP has no effect on vacuum bulb tech. None what so ever.
You'd basically burn out the lights from the burger joint in the capital and thats it.
Their military would still be operational.
Because reality is not fucking COD and Pyongyang can quickly retalite with a shower of missiles in Seul
Why do we give a shit about NK to begin with? You wanna know why we haven't liberated them yet? It's because it would be a massive loss of investment and we wouldn't be spending billions to fix all that shit. Say they use a nuke, oh no, LA/San Fran is gone, who cares, we retaliate and make NK a crater while also getting a net gain from the removal of degenerate capital cities
Can't believe noone has said this yet--
their tech is such that they likely do not use transistors, but vacuum tubes, which aren't affected by emp.
The real problem is, that no-one wants to do the clean-up. Even the south, despite all their "unification at some point in the future" propaganda, doesn't actually want to be united. They would be swamped with northerners. Drug-addicted northerners whose culture has became a bit crass if compared to theirs. Then there's also possible hardliners, which might result in terrorism against the south. It's a sociologic nightmare.
The white dot IS Pyongyang. It's nowhere near the border. Seoul on the other hand is right next to the border.
>deploy EMP over NK
>china freaks out because we detonated a nuke over their heads
>seoul and a few cities in china lose power, causing untold amounts of damage
>no effect on NK because most of the country has no grid anyway
>that buzzard stalking the niglet in the final frame
All of my kek
What did we do to people we conquered in the past? Oh yeah, that's right - we killed the men and made the women our sex slaves.
That could work with North Korea, too.
>North Korean technology
You're right. For some reason i thought it was closer to the border.
do you faggots realize what a united korea would be like? in just one generation, SK went from a bunch of dirty pig farmers to highest per capita PhDs in the world. Now they make cars as good as the japanese, and the best displays out there.
Plus... the division is just more excuse to keep a ton of our military in listening posts on China's back porch. You think we want to fix NK? No, we don't. We like the status quo.
What if we build a wall and make them pay for it?
>they don't even understand how to use modern cell phones
They have Android-based cell phones.
I wish for great intellect