>tfw going to be independent and part of the EU
Tfw going to be independent and part of the EU
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Enjoy the euro lol
as an american with some scottish heritage, I feel a great sense of pride for my fellow countrymen in scotland
>Part of the EU
Scotcucks will defend this.
>scotland leaves the UK
>bongland no longer has oil billions to sustain the muslamic plague
more likely a German and your great great great great grandad changed his name on the boat to fit in
Kill yourself
The SNP will lose, just like they did before.
That's the SNP's strategy. They want to throw enough tantrums the the London government finally gets fed up and pushes them out.
The SNP are the most anti-democratic party in Scotland. They are only in power because the other parties are so incompetent.
>part of the EU
u wot m8
This is the perfect solution for all of your problems
Mountain Jews, Bluefaceniggers are you ok with this?
into the oven you go
Have fun being culturally enriched.
>Member of the EU
pick one you delusional piss heads
Muh heritage
If you ever visited Scotland you'd hate it.
So many butthurt bongs
Ireland lite lol
But the EU will fail after Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders win lmao
> Scotland
> independent
Pick none
Scotland don't exist.
How will the limeys ever recover??
Kys retard
>Wants to leave the UK and join the EU
If you look up "retarded" in the dictionary it should have a picture of this exact situation.
Are Scots the hillbillies of the UK?
Kill yourself
Enjoy inheriting our entire migrant quota m8s.
What would a Scottish flag even look like? Probably Mel Gibson's skid mark
another leech looking for gibsmedats?
>american education
Scotland is the the most leftist of all the nations on the Island
how my HERITAGE feels about Scotland
>wants independence
>joins EU
They really can't think that far ahead.
You're going to have to re-build Hadrian's Wall if they do this..
its worth annexing scotland just so we dont have to change the flag if you leave tbqh
German and Dutch taxcattle is wealthier than the English
>wants independence
>leaves England cucks
>Is independent!
>can apply for membership
Thats how it works.
>>bongland no longer has oil billions to sustain the muslamic plague
There's more oil under one area of England than the entire North Sea.
You have to go back.
>Scotland leave
>NI & Wales rejoice, gibs budget increased
>A hard border is established between Scotland and England
>Scotland becomes a poverty stricken hell hole without the English gibs
>England has to build a wall to keep the Scots out
please let this be the timeline that this happens in
Pick one laddie
>'Referendums are only democratic if they achieve what I want'
Why are Scots so socialist?
Lol Schotland is a boring shithole. Edinburgh and ((((Glasgow)))) are brimming full of SJWs and orange painted whores.
Only remote highland dwellers are worthy of calling themselves scots
English fags BTFO
>mfw Hadrian's wall 2 electric boogaloo
>ireland becomes (((((independant)))))
>enjoy your healthy dose of rapefugees
Honestly I like the idea of an independant Ireland, but for gods sake don't cuck yourselves with the EU
Post yfw the United Cuckdom is finally breaking apart
What Scotland fails to realise is that it sets a dangerous precedent if it manages to leave. There will be large swathes of Scotland to vote to remain. Why shouldn't they get their way if Scotland gets here. Slippery slope.
>part of the EU
At this point you need to pick one
Sturgeon has the personality and demeanour of a nodding dog
Why is there so much Scotland hate and English-Scottish tension right now?
Scotland is so cucked im ashamed of my anglo roots
Fuck off you plastic porridge wog
cuckmany even your refugees dont want more refugees EU
We could take in millions more and still be less ethnically diverse than you :^)
>wants to remain in the EU
Top kek retarded scot
I think I remember the Scots having a vote for independence before.
> Actual poster made for that purpose by Scottish people.
Hope they don't count on the let's join the eu bandwagon. I voted yes in indy ref and brexit. Would take UK over EU, fuck indy ref 2
reminder that spain and the belgium will veto scottish entry into the eu due to the fact that they dont want flanders and catalonia to leave
feels good man
I understand and appreciate why my father left even more after visiting a few times
You do realize Spain is going to veto you ever joining the EU, right? You will be begging to rejoin the UK after a week.
I didn't know all your African/Indian/Asian non-Muslims were white
Good luck Scotland. Hope you win the referendum.
Scotland is not Anglo mate
>You do realize Spain is going to veto you ever joining the EU, right
Total bullshit
Lowland Scotland is.
Not with the Catalonia/Spain issue going on.
>He actually believes Scotland will enter the EU without Spain vetoing it
Yeah ok.
>for the uninformed
Spain would Veto scotlands entry into the EU on the basis of not giving any legitimacy to any secession groups at home.
It's true though. If Scotland becomes independent Catalonia will try to become independent too.
>American Intellect
good fuck off already
P.S we're keeping the flag stay mad
Flanders will also want to secede and either become independent or join greater netherlands
so your country will also want to veto the scots
Complete and utter bollocks
how is it different?
if scotland can become independant why can't catalonia?
>BBC Scotland
Spain will veto you cunts. Enjoy your freedumbs.
Nice try Shlomo
>implying it isn't average GDP that counts for EU gibs
They said they can distinguish male and female, not detect mental illness.
>plsplspls EU gibe membershib we need mo monis fo dem haggis
Can't make this shit up. The eternal haggis strikes again.
does this mean england won't be subsidizing a useless benefit state anymore?
oh no, so blown the BTFO out.
Because Scotland would be a country whose independence had been accepted and recognized by the UK gov itself, making it legally independent, while even if Catalonia makes a referendum Spain won't recognize its gov, which won't make it legally independent
>Being in the EU
Kiltcucks everybody.
Delet tihs
I thaugt england is mighty and needs no company.
They have the same right to leave as you have from the eu.
Wait, would the union jack change if Scott's leave the UK?
I'm sure the queen wouldn't allow it anyway and scotts are gonna be forever cucked by the great empire just like Ireland
I'm looking forward to when they go, we can form a new country without Scotland or the European union, the 2 biggest drains on England's economic potential.
could the queen really say "fuck off with that" to the scots if they had a majority of Yes for leave ?
>not knowing about continental shelf allocation.
Scotland gets fuck all
Good news.