Jewish Communist Paradise of Brazil

Just another day in the Jewish Multicultural paradise known as Brazil.

Cant wait till the west have the same demographics as Brazil. Surely love, peace and tolerance will be victorious like the Jews promised.

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Monkeys acting like monkeys, nothing to see here

Atleast the monkeys kill the degenerates.

They should be tenderly loved, that would be the non-Kike thing.

Natural selection at its finest desu.

Majority mixed and black race population, surely a great success.

Ugghrrhuuhhggg such bullshit traditional aesthetic and gender roles are dead

Then lets make them come back








im out. peace






>committing murder on video and sharing it

not the sharpest tools in the shed anyways.

they all look like faggots

>T. Norwegian who hates Hueland.

You're kind of a famous "user".
I'm yet to decide if you were cucked by some huenniger... or if you're just a diaspora trying to feel better about yourself.

You can't walk around in brazil with watches, wallets, bracelets, cameras or phones visible in public or you get shanked and robbed.

Its public knowledge.

Not 100% true but surely above 50%.

My advice to you all is...

Don't lose your culture to multiculturalism.

The brazilian people has no identity, no sense of union and empathy.

We like to pretend we are receptive and happy, but that's only on the surface. As soon as we need to come together as a whole, we just don't. It's free for all, whoever is the smartest, gets ahead and fuck the rest.

What I like about us is that we are very open to conversation, the problem is we are all dumbfucks who can't think for ourselves so most of the conversations are pointless anyway.

These are from the Ukrainian photoshoot?

Footage every leftist tranny needs to see. The only thing keeping them alive is the white patriarchy.

op é um macaco que imigrou pro polo norte e finge que e muito melhor do que o lugar do qual ele fugiu.

pode prestar atenção na escrita dele.. é sempre o mesmo noruegues que fica falando merda

lurk moar.

>Don't lose your culture to multiculturalism
Good luck Japs. You're the great hope of the West.

That would be why I keep saying that Brazil should be divided into South Brazil (Southeast, South and Central West) and North Brazil (The rest). It would logically create a little africa in the extremely poor area of the northeast but who gives a phuck anyways

She was such a beautiful Womyn ;_;7

>killing trannies


>holding the phone vertically
fucking savages