Leafs BTFO, their last redpilled intellectual is leaving Cucknada and going to Europe to spread redpills to sane people.
Leafs BTFO
How the fuck is he going to understand Glaswegian.
Isnt scotland left wing as fuck as well?
Guess that's one less reason to hate the cow infested shithole.
Ah shit, you're right. The bastion of JK Rowling.
Principal i guess? We call em Rektor
So does this mean
Leaf 1 - Peterson 0?
>mfw my sister goes to glasgow uni
>mfw i might soon live within a one hour train journey of the meme warlock
As if any decent European university would hire this alt-right clown after he got annihilated intellectually by Sam Harris.
Does he even have to physically be there? Snowden is the current rector and I'm pretty sure he's not in Glasgow. Plus Jordan has a 25 week lecture series coming up in Toronto
>I dont understand!
right, totally annihilated
Dude is going to go full Breivik on the Scots.
Sam "oh look I talk calmly and use big words to appear more intellectual" Harris
I'll give him credit for btfoing Ben Affleck though.
Glasgow is a ridiculously leftist university as well, he's fucked.
Like 10 years I was on a cruise with my family. It was a lot of Canadians as well as some Brits and Scots. We had were assigned like 12-15 people to a table for lunch and dinner. So my dad who is a cranky Eastern European gets put beside this Scottish guy with some guy crazy accent maybe it was Glaswegian. He kept trying to talk to my dad but my dad had no fucking idea what the guy was saying and was visibly getting pissed off. He went to the Captain afterwards and requested we be moved to a different table.
i pray for such a happening.
Beats Jordan "I can't defend my positions so will get flustered and remain silent for minutes during a debate" Peterson. The only reason this shit board knows who he is is cause of his sperging out over tranny pronouns.
Those fucking cucks need him right about now.
Yeah, I read somewhere that the students there are already protesting this.
Mr Peterson... No
Holy shit mate, Scotland is 1000x worse than Canada for hate speech laws, what the fuck is he thinking!!!
In Scotland there are twitter police, and people are fined or even sent to jail for offensive tweets. Oh bloody hell....
He should try one of
Glasgow Caledonian University is okay for free speech, but Scotland as a nation is fucked beyond repair.
just to clarify, University of Glasgow is a leftist pozpit. It is one of the most leftist universities in the UK. Oxford, UCL, Bristol, Glasgow, are especially leftist.
Glasgow Caledonian is an ex-poly, but he's not applying there.
>Isnt scotland left wing as fuck as well?
you have no idea
They are liberal muzzie-loving and cucked to hell.
For an 'intellectual' he sure is stupid.
I'd sue everybody involved for slander, etc.
You have to fight back to show that you take your innocence seriously.
2nd option is to write a book and smear them back for being witch-hunting puritans.
>their last redpilled intellectual is leaving Cucknada
No, that would be Ricardo Duchesne, professor at the University of New Brunswick and author of The Uniqueness Of Western Civilization
Peterson, and psychology in general, is a useless cuck
Canadians are WAY more redpilled than Scottish people. Leaps and bounds.
He is probably going there because of cultural ties and he is tired of the problems here in Canada. What he doesnt realize is this isn't a Canadian problem. This is a western problem. He would only feel better in Eastern Europe. Poland or Hungary for example.
>He would only feel better in Eastern Europe. Poland or Hungary for example.
in that case he's not really needed there
>eastern european
>canadian flag
filthy slavs and dirty anglos fuck off my canada
>implying the courts in Scotland aren't just as biased as the media
Also, if you lose the suit you have to pay for your opponent's legal fees. On top of your own legal fees, which for a case like this would be high. Remember, we're talking about 18 -19 year olds here - they'd already had their reputations ruined, bankrupting themselves (or rather, their parents) along with it isn't something they're likely to do.
He looks Scottish. Perhaps he wants to rescue his father-land
1. kickstarter, gofundme, etc.
2. write that book titled "surviving a witchhunt"
3. ask Breitbart to do a story
>The Rector has a number of key duties representing students. He or she is expected to attend meetings of Court, to work closely with the Students' Representative Council (SRC), and to bring student concerns to the attention of the University's managers. However, participation in events is entirely voluntary and depends on the Rector's own availability and choice.
I doubt he is leaving Toronto.