Roaches hack Dutch websites as payback for not letting their politicians in.
Roaches hack Dutch websites as payback for not letting their politicians in.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fake news. Turks don't own enough collective RAM to hack firewood.
turkenhacken, nein!!!
>going full retard over a simple joke
T*rkroaches truly are cancer.
Turks hack like 5 obscure ass sites from small businesses probably running some dodgy wordpress plug-in as payback?
turken hakken?
>CIA uses country "fingerprints" to mimic attacks from outside agencies to start proxy conflicts.
>We all accept this as fact
>You post statistics which, due to point A, cannot be verified as fact.
>Australia wasted 25 minutes of his life waiting for a worthless webpage with statistics to load
Based ANZAC bro
LMAO look at this delusional leaf who knows nothing
>limburgse bedrijven
I'm thinking about hacking them back, can't decide who or what though. Numbers decide who the dutch hack back?
I'm bored and got a few hours.
>Its evaluation of global attack traffic in the last quarter of 2012, as reported by
>4.1% of global cyber attacks attributed to Turkuckistan
>Its evaluation of global attack traffic in the last quarter of 2012, as reported by
Beren Saat's nudes
Was the password, password?
> implying roaches with 89 iq can do anything. Butthurt niggers, first the fucking oranges now this. I'm really scared guys :^)
Don't get it, what's so funny about it?
Is it a Turkish ghetto?
>Leaf calling ANYONE a cuck
This is comedy gold.
You are free to check any other source if you don't believe this one.
Website of the hackers, checked the site with translate. Appearantly it's filled with turks who say that turkey is the best country in the world HAHAHAHAHAHHA
We have people dropping White Nationalist leaflets on public transport here
Roaches haven't even invented public transport yet
Wait, there are companies in Limburg?
List of some of the websites who have been hacked
Hosting provider VERSIO has backups of the files and is recovering them for the hacked websites
Leaked image of the hacker
Hosting provider versio is using an older version of directadmin with an exploit in it. These turks can only use zero days lel
Your prime minister is a cuck
Your whole country is full of cucks
You don't get to call anybody anything, cuck.
How you enjoying your 2 million rapefugees?
Literally no one in the country wants refugees but Erdocucks don't say a word because they don't ever doubt their sultan.
>Istanbul 2016
lmao all these buttblasted cucks
Islamists might be faggots but at least they aren't degenerates like "western "culture" "
>When the anus is just right
So many butthurt turkposts lately.
>Believing and following a prophet who fucked a 9 year old girl and had frequent homosexual relations with underage boys
>Not degenerate
Look at us here Turkey, we are trembling in our shoes, you apparantly hacked a probably unprotected wordpress website of a small time business in fucking Limburg of all places.
Again, your prime minister likes Muslim cock, you don't get a say leaf.
>Defending a leaf cuck
Get out of Sup Forums
>Islamists are not degenerates
if i legalise sex with childs, gay gangbangs, public beatings, stoning people and throwing acid in the face of some woman because she may or may not be unfaithful doesn't make it not degenerate.
At least the Muslim cock my prime minister enjoys doesn't belong to a 6 year old boy in make up
btw that's according to your degenerate religion because you have no separation of church and the state. Therefore if you think that those things are bad you are not a real muslim and should be killed. (according to your medieval commands)
Turkey is secular, ""church"" and state are seperated. Educate yourself.
Can't hear you over your prime minister's "tolerance"(taking in refugee cock)
>ID: OMG-DeusEx.
Turks did confirmed %100.
>Church and sate are separate
So the State decided to lower the age of consent to 12?
The State facilitated an environment where 8000 honor killings took place over the last 10 years?
The State decided that raping a baby counted as "Sexual Abuse" and carries a 2 year prison sentence?
Yeah okay Roach
Age of consent is 18 in Turkey.
Yeah before islamists fucked it up it was actually seperated...
>Yeah before islamists fucked it up
Indeed, it was seperated.
And yet libtards still can't comprehend why the fuck we don't want them
>Before Islamist's fucked it up
>roaches blame wilders for getting fucked up by dogs even though he isn't governing
can't make shit shit up
Leaked image of turkish army
turkish martial arts