How do we stop black people from being retarded?

How do we stop black people from being retarded?

Despite what Sup Forums tells you, black people can and have been shown to be educated and be functioning members of society who actually contribute something useful to it besides being gang degenerates.

So Sup Forums how do we fix black people, or better yet, how can they fix themselves?

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hang that kike fuck who made MTV
shank Mugabe

>Despite what Sup Forums tells you, black people can and have been shown to be educated and be functioning members of society who actually contribute something useful to it besides being gang degenerates.
>this poor user doesn't know
Go look up the correlation between a "successful black man" and the percentage of European genes that he has. You'll find a very hard truth my friend, brace yourself.

Abolish underfunded and harmful public education, abolish minimum wage so they can get jobs. Decriminalize drugs so the criminal organizations will lose their hold on the illegal drug trade.

Mostly the culture behind their mentality in hoods (where most blacks are) that doom them to a stupid, unfulfilled life. Abolish the hood culture, limit rap culture/ gangbanging culture, increase availability of education to hood related neighbourhoods and you're good.

You can make fun of me, but I worked with a very high profile outspoken Christian man who actually helps less capable or disadvantaged individuals. He says that 99% of the time, it isn't their cognitive ability or genes or whatever influencing their situation, it is the culture and understanding of their situation. Most blacks in hoods or gangs don't want to quit and start working for a better life BECAUSE they have no understanding of exactly how to do that. Gang culture was their childhood, teen years and adulthood. It's all they've known in their life, and as such breaking them free from it means getting rid of gang culture and educating them on how to improve their lives.

Gang culture plays a big role yes, but you can't honestly dismiss their lower intellect when discussing the possibility for them to successfully coexist with whites, can you?

race mixing.

>posts picture of a plagiarist

why don't we just send them back to Africa and then we don't have to deal with this problem at all?

Well at this point they're more american than lots of people in the USA. Plenty of civil rights types wanted them shipped back, too.

get your shit togehter and remove the niggers from your country, they will destroy you.

Fix their culture

Blacks are only productive when there is some kind of authoritarian figure to ruthlessly shape them into order. Which is why they finger gang culture so alluring.

Blacks, like most animals, only understand power.

Power is EVERYTHING to them.

Power is ALL that they respect.

In a sense, that is ALL that ghetto culture is, the adoration, praise, and veneration of power.

And because they are like the animals, the higher races need to treat them as such. I guarantee you blacks were the most happy during slavery, with empathetic Christian masters ruling over them.

However, because niggers are like beasts, that necessitates some measure of cruelty to rule over them. Domesticated animals are kept on leashes for a reason, birds in cages, cattle in pens. Niggers are like VERY aggressive children that will eat you alive if you don't rule over them with an iron fist, because without power they lose respect for you.

In a sense they're also like women, because women also have this blind obedience towards power. Western men are much different in that the western man asks if a thing is good before they ask if it should be powerful, but niggers ask that if a thing is powerful then it must be good -- that is the genesis to their dysfunction.

Essentially, western civilization is far past the point where it can help blacks, blacks need authoritarianism in order to function, they find a small version of that in gang culture but that doesn't translate well to a broader civilization. In order to help blacks you need to remove female suffrage to allow cold logic to dictate policy... good luck with that.

whitey needs to realize he came from black ppl. As a diseased albino. He needs to show the proper respect for his propagator.

By exposing this filthy degenerate for what he is, and exposing the Jew plot to enslave and exploit blacks from the days of slave ships to the modern Democrat ghettos.
>Marxist Lucifer King

You must be one of those negros that thinks melanin is produced by the pineal gland and shieeet

You must be one of the millions of clueless and ashamed albino descendants scared shitless of the truth.

But you cant run in the information age.

>white people are just black albinos
Fucking kek


modify their genetics no other way

kek white people wuz created by Yakub and shieetttttt

Why are there albino whites then?

Thats a nigger dipped in bleach. That aint no white person, fool

Yakub is your jacob moron. And your Jesus is Isa. Gabriel is Jibriel. Michael is Mikhael. Your whole world is fake.

Whites can have albino children because no shit they are carriers of the disease.

its actually really easy. we take them away from other blacks. we raise them by white standards, in majority white areas in majority white schools. key word: Majority. like, 50 white kids for every 1 black.
it has to start at kindergarten. once they've been around their own kind for more than a year its already too late. the nigger sensibilities have already been instilled.

Worked for the injuns.

>How do we stop black people from being retarded?

So you're smarter than Ben Carson, multiple other Black surgeons, scholars, lawyers etc?

If you were anything remotely successful in the fields of Neurology or psychology -of which I have majored in neurology and studied Anthropology as a side course, you'll know that I only has an impact on speed of learning, mathematic ability and comprehension. And the only space of which the advantage of a higher IQ wouldn't be negligible is 140 IQ when compared to 110.

It is culture, 100% culture, upbringing and values. Many successful scholars do not have outlier or significantly higher IQs.

And considering how IQ tests work, more knowledge in how they work gives you a significant advantage and as such a higher score. Many hood related blacks do not understand math, spacial geometry (even basic) or other basic academic fields. Putting them in such a test without expecting a lower average/median IQ score goes against the principles of the scientific method, of which these results were found.

Put two classes of whites and blacks from strictly medium to high end schools/ neighbourhoods and you'll find the IQ scores to be almost identical.

Typing on phone so forgive my errors as pointing them out is not an argument.

A 9mm to the back of the head is the cheapest and fastest way to deal with niggers.Le based smart negro

Why did you post a pic of a plagiarist cheater?

From the American perspective
>How do we fix black people
A hardcore diaspora mixed with the dismantling of the welfare state. First remove them from their hoods and ghettos and spread them throughout the country. We must also dismantle the legislation that has made being a single mother of 4 the most financially sound option. There will be conflict, but without the negative reinforcement from their peers the next generation will be substantially better. Not great, but better.

>How do they fix themselves
Drop the crab bucket mentality. Wanting to aspire to be more than a single mother of 4 or one of her baby daddies should be encouraged.

blacks are perfect just the way they are

The only thing that needs fixed is you and your abysmal level of tolerance

Either this or reinstate segregation. All or nothing, the half measure of the majority of blacks self-segregating themselves into communities that do nothing but reinforce their genetic predispositions while any successful members of the community integrate themselves with the rest of civilization isn't working.

I thought whites WERE the albinos....??? Getting those wires crossed

No I agree with you, I think it's a ridiculous notion.

The nose the lips the brow...obviously not white master race

Yeah that would be great and all but it's literally a fantasy. The best solutions would be paying a premium to needy mothers if they don't have children, or sterilize (not a politically feasible word but it could be phrased as long term birth cobtrol, etc.) If you paid them 10k or 20k not to have kids it'd be a profit in the long term (assuming you killed the benefits programs which encourage single black mothers to have more children) A combination of stopping welfare benefits for *poor-mothers* popping out more kids, plus opening up abortion would probably attract a lot of "sub primes" to cease having the children altogether.

Meanwhile you have to target the white demographic of middle class women with policies which encourage having birth fairly young, specifically middle class people having more than two children should see steep tax credits and benefits etc. I want a white couple with one or two kids to say, "hey, financially it actually wouldn't be that bad on us if we had another kid or two." I'm sure if you get creative with policy there are ways to minimize the current reproductive rate of some groups while maximizing other groups. Look the blacks aren't an exploding population anyways over time, but still I think there are ways to do the job in the modern political landscape.

Alright straya looks like your new here so let me give you a quick rundown.

>pic related proves its much more than culture.

Pic not related right?

Doesn't disprove my argument, which was showing the uselessness of an IQ unless the IQ itself is greater than 140, and that's usually a sign of minor degree Asperger's syndrome.

I'd say that's pretty accurate.
t. black guy

Throwin my opinion in,goys. I think we should cut all goverment welfare and gibsmedats and press HARD on the drug trade.Gang violance should be punishable by 20 years or life. Build a fuckton of schools,primararly high schools and middle schools. The key is to give young nogs a childhood worth living,because there is so much prostitution and drug dealing involved,they can't do anything else because they are sorrounded by it.And i do think that there is truth in this statment: There are blacks,and there are niggers.If they have worse genes,worse IQ than white's,who gives a shit,nobody really starts out with a specific IQ.If they were given a chance at young age to experience a normal,happy family life and recieve education,they wouldn't grow up to become coke addicted gang banging niggers.Fuck gibsmedats too,because if they can be welfare KANGZ and still earn money by slingin drugs,why would they work? fuckin nigs destroyed themselves with rap and drugs,primarily crack and meth.Fug man im sad that we can't coexist nicely.The only other options are to make them slaves again or ship em all to africa.

drag them out of their "us vs. them" mentality and isolationist culture.
The less "gitt'in an education is for whiteys!" and "you ain't a nigga, you have a good job and honest living!" needs to fucking die.

You lost me at "Allahu Akbar".

>How do we stop rednecks from being retarded?
>Despite what Sup Forums tells you, rednecks can and have been shown to be educated and be functioning members of society who actually contribute something useful to it besides being sister fucking degenerates.
>So Sup Forums how do we fix rednecks, or better yet, how can they fix themselves?

>More drug laws
>More criminals
Nah, legalize it and break the organizations up immediately. Or better yet turn drug dealers into a respectable profession which they are actually extremely qualified to perform.

The whole 1970's drug crack-down (pun intended) definitely bears some responsibility for the current state of inner-city blacks.

This is why Cosby was taken out.

He was trying to promote this shit and reverse detriments to black culture. The jews got him.

prove me wrong Sup Forums

wait how will there be more drug dealers by making school and abolishing the drug trade?

Show them the intrinsic value there is in awakening their dead father, to speak like Peterson. Find a way to make them focus on the dignity of their forefathers and see if they can revivify it. They should, because nobody can resist that.

I'm not one for Sup Forums conspiracies but I can't help but think of how big the gap of what actual black culture is and what is (((portayed))) to the average white American.

There is no "fixing" black people. This is white peoples' greatest mistake. They're just not smart enough to live in western civilization.

I don't know where that comment came from but USA's public schools are BROKEN. Shattered, completely the opposite of effective. They're prison-light and they teach people how to ignore authority and become thugs. They should be privately schooled in some form or another, even at the cost of public education. The government has shown itself to be completely opposed to public schooling in practice.

Now, the prison system is already full and all it does is hold niggers for slave labor until it turns them BACK onto the streets only as hardened criminals. Drug dealers go to prison and then come back out murderers and such.

Turn them into legitimate salespeople with no thug track education system and everything sorts itself out. At least to the extent white people need to unfuck the rest of the country without hassle.

Most African-Americans are concentrated in the South where the education system is absolutely abysmal for all races. Just compare the Alabama education standards to the New York one. They don't have a chance.

I probably wouldn't recommend the Aussie Abo playbook move.

Culture comes from genetics bro. Sorry, but the nignogs will never beat their biology with charter schools. Yes there are magic negroes like Ben Carson but they're incredibly rare. This is how bell curves work. The average black man is so stupid that they had to change the official cutoff point for retarded to remain PC.

Tell me, how many aboriginal brain surgeons are there? If there are any at all, are they pure abbo or 80% European?

New York's cant-pass-a-literacy-test teachers union, yeah. They're all bad, except when the population is so low that the relative funding provides.

Need them goooone, so gone. Teachers unions are profiteering off a broken system. Put that money back in citizens' pockets (or welfare checks/voucher system) and build real schools. It will pay returns in the form of less fucking niggers.

Income equity

Damn,im not a burgerbro,Yurop here so i wouldn't honestly know.But from all the stories and stuff,its clear that its quite fucked up.....Man,i honestly have no clue then.Neither does the USA goverment.What would be a better option? Just to ship em back or do we offer like 20k for every minority man that gets chemically castrated?

Then why does the average African American contain more European admixture than other blacks, but seem to be in a worse situation?

I dunno, thats a job for the private sector anyway. Cutting them OFF welfare is probably not an option but limiting the future welfare isn't impossible. India had forced mass-sterilization for a while, they're still shit though. Hard to judge.

Yeah,you're right,im just hoping something gets done cuz im sick and tired of shitskin niggers ruining us and themselves because of their own stupidity and lazyness

No, you can't. They need to be wiped out in the evolution process.

What? The average African-American is way better off than the ones still in Africa. Smarter too, ours are like 20% European genes on average now and have 85 IQ. Pure Africans average 70.

they have to sort themselves out

they can't do that unless they go back

MLK was redpilled and despite his efforts, black people cant see past race in 2017.

MLK was a Jew-owned commie. Now Malcom X, there was a redpilled nigga.

>literally the next step in evolution

we've been trying to tell you this!

this is actually a fair point, but for the sake of fairness i must ask.

How many murders do the redneck community commit per anum?

You're telling me that cultural trends are in our genes?

Holy shit you're retarded.

Never, in my life or in any situation I've heard of, have cultures been represented as genes.

Aboriginals are a separate case entirely. That, I will agree with, makes them less human. But as for blacks, the IQ difference (median) is FAR too small for any difference to be seen, raise it a bit and the only difference would be their mathematical comprehension, which doesn't have an effect on most Scientific STEM fields or in day to day life.

But, as I said earlier. Only Aboriginals are sub-human. It is not their upbringing or culture, and I would be defending them if the statistics were genuinely not following scientific method or analysed properly, but the sad fact is that they're less than.

>How do we stop black people from being retarded?

Several generations of very severe eugenics.

I don't see any arguments in your post, only "wow just wow"ing like a hysterical woman and making unfounded assumptions about IQ.

The poorest whites commit less murders per capita than the richest blacks.

You need to subvert their culture of music and entertainment and enhance a message that hood culture=bad and family and education= good. More songs/movies about friends and family dying because they were part of gang life

Then we need to make incentives for black fathers/mothers to stay with their children, maybe either offer tax breaks or promise extreme punishment for ditchers.

Also we need to ban abortions as black women abort their children at disproportionate rate compared to every other race.

We then would have to change public education, as in it's current state it doesn't teach kids shit and breeds gang mentality. Mass retiring of teachers over the age of 70 who are just their to collect money instead of teach.

Black culture is fucked. It's all drugs and crime. Needs a complete overhaul. Rap music is a big part of the problem but it's so much more than that.

If you haven't lived in close proximity to them you have no right to tell me they can be fixed...the difference in IQ is evident..they are a failed race period.

>lives near blacks
>not low IQ tier
You're relevant in the conversation to fix black people since fixes would also affect your people.

Yeah there's no difference between retarded an 110 sir are a moron

>fix black people

muh you gas them alone with their masters the jew. ITS NOT THAT HARD

A little pain now and peace forever and ever after.

Don't live near them now, and by no standard is my IQ low
t. Rural retard