How do we justify Trump increasing Obama's drone strike program by up to 450% ?
What's the reasoning?
How do we justify Trump increasing Obama's drone strike program by up to 450% ?
What's the reasoning?
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This board is dead OP.
Trump = re-branding of neocon and Christian fascists.
He beat ISIS.
as long as hes actually destroying the enemy instead of hospitals im ok with it.,
but don't drone strikes kill indiscriminately mostly?
drones are awesome. they cost nothing, save lives and in a few years will be able to win wars by themselves.
if you ask me 450% is too low
Would you prefer if we didn't kill terrorists?
Mental gymnastics. Get your arguments from r/The_Donald. If you don't find anything. Just say 4D chess and you'll be fine.
because it's the future, it's normal that it increases
Less US casualties.
More mudslime casualties.
Fear and chaos potentially help destabilize ISIS
Mudslimes sick of drones aid US, or aid ISIS, resulting in a faster conclusion.
>instead of hospitals im ok with it.,
Like the 30 civilians in the Yemen raid you fucking retard?
>these little ant plebs democratically voted for a candidate I don't like
>agh, our failed democracy, why can't they just do as we academics tell them?
On like the day before the election, Obama bombed a Yemeni hospital.
>Fear and chaos potentially help destabilize ISIS
that's fucking retarded
he campaigned on a promise to eradicate isis
did you think he was going to do that with boots on the fucking ground?
no this is complete leftist lies. drones are not just skynet robots roaming the sky shooting off hellfire missiles at anything with a scarf. They are controlled by airforce pilots with live feeds, they only fire when they have actual intel.
>I'll beat ISIS
>proceeds to fight ISIS
low energy shilling
>airforce fires with intel
ehh close enough.
Killing Mudslimes
Good rebuttal. I agree it might not be the the most likely conclusion, but sure sounds fun not being able to go outside or shit.
forward to 2:40. What would you do if you heard that noise overhead?
Killing terrorists is a good thing. The more we kill, the better.
Trump uses drones to kill terrorists, Obama used drones to help terrorists. Big difference.
Drones today literally drop non-explosive kinetic weapons (i.e. bowling balls) with such pinpoint accuracy that car windows in the targets vehicle stay intact:
And who cares anyway? There are NO innocent Muslims.
Obama killed US citizens and hospitals and civilians and shit. That's why people were mad, not cause he used drones.
If Trump bombs US citizens and hospitals and civilians.... be mad about that. Not the drone use. Drones are good.
I don't care that ISIS gets bombed. That was expected. As long as we don't try to do a regime change or arm """moderate""" rebels, I don't care.
>counter signal warning
>blowing up shitskins makes more terrorists
>it's not working
>would like to stop
>reroute money to ICE
Since when did killing sandnigs require any justification?
Justify? He's ACTUALLY bombing terrorists. Which Obongo did not.
>Ron Paul
Found the problem. He's the guy that wanted to use privateers (aka PMCs) to destroy Al Qaeda.
pic related
doesn't change the fact
Brainwashed burger, do you understand that it is just another war to please the Saudis? What terrorists are you constantly bombing and why their numbers are getting higher with every invasion?
We need that oil pipeline through syria. Sort of, need is a bit strong. Especially with Alaska and fracking I guess we don't really NEED it, but we should probly finish what we start.
Anyone got that meme image of that drawn character saying how "Democracy has failed" because they didn't like the result?
As long as Islamics are suffering and dying then I couldn't care less. Hell, I'd gladly give my tax dollars for it.
So you are pretty much on board with the idea of founding endless oil wars with taxpayers money so Exxon or Shell could pay a bit higher dividends to their shareholders next year. And killing civilians is also a good thing as long as they are evil Muslims?
Not really, but it does sort of logically end up with a net benefit for americans. Practically not very good, especially when you create terrorist threats which increase big brother government shit. Also probly part of their plan.
I'm more okay with us droning them than sending an army.
The same way you justified Obama's drone strike program.
Even IF they did, it's still worth it. We need to flatten the middle east.
So Trump is off the hook?
Why you upset, turkroach?
I'm sorry I'm not a sand nigger so I wouldn't know.
Maybe, did he bomb a hospital?
But I still don't get it how have the wars in Iraq, Afganistan and total destruction of Libya benefited Americans? Have the wages gone up over the past decade, more full-time jobs, budget surplus?
> I'm more okay with us droning them
Americans deserve a big fat ugly war on their own soil. It seems like the only way for you to comprehend the horror of war.
You can't. Stop being a cuck.
How to strawman; The Post
>b-but muh Obarry
Don't forget Egypt, Yemen and Somalia.
What comes from the endless wars is that defense contractors take tax money from the government to do nothing and random people across the world die for minor price decreases.
I don't want any foreign wars but a foreign war with no army is still better than the alternative. Drones as a method to do war are fine.
>benefitted Americans?
How's that Jihad against America been benefitting those goat farmers btw? Has it created a middle class in the middle east? Has it raised the quality of life? Or is it just a distraction that the rich camel jockeys use to keep the really poor ones busy while they molest their sons and daughters?
Don't you have a loo to avoid?
I don't like Trump, but just because Obama conducted drone strikes doesn't mean they are bad.
It's better than sending on JSOC or even fighter jets in to take out obvious targets.
I honestly think this is the new warfare. Anyone with this power would be stupid to risk lives and Political capital to either use men or let terrorists go.
Honestly, I am fine with this.
By not giving a shit.
Obama droned over 500% more women and children than Bush ever did yet nobody said a word or complained.
Funny that you all of a sudden care now that a democrat isn't in office.
>We deserve a war
Civil War: Electric Boogaloo is coming to theaters soon, desu.
you need people to build the drones, people to transport them, people to utilize them.
He should increase it 6,000,000% tbqh, Enoch.
>How do we justify Trump increasing Obama's drone strike program by up to 450% ?
The liberals ain't gonna genocide themselves bro.
>Obama droned over 500% more women and children than Bush ever did yet nobody said a word or complained.
Except when they constantly did...
Funny that you all of a sudden don't care now that a republican is in office.
Trump likes killing women and children.
>caring about dead sandniggers
>Fatally shot
>Trump literally pulled the trigger
Yeah fuck off.
He wants to fight ISIS, like he promised during his campaign, so he is doing it.
Iraq was to steal back all of saddam's chemicsl weapons before he could sell to the tallies. The subsequent attempt at democratic nation building was an abysmal failure.
Afghanistan actually turned out alright. Tallies lost big numbers there, government has much firmer control.
Libya was to overturn Gadafi to appease the Saudis. Hillary should fucking hang for it.
Afghanistan actu
> a foreign war with no army on invader's side
Yes and you effectively desensitize your own population to the disasters their politicians bring upon innocent victims thousands of miles away. Why bother if the Americans don't have skin in the game. Right! I really want the US to collapse financially, there seems to be no other way to bring peace to this world.
I'm going to become a traitor to the most powerful country on the planet and then move my family to a war zone. What could possibly go wrong?
Kek oy vey Senpai.
nu-Sup Forums is as closet bi as it is utterly retarded
He's killing muslims
I don't get why you're bitching, we're bombing ISIS now, not your proxy guys
We wouldn't stand for it if Americans were getting killed, frankly we don't really care about Syrians. We shouldn't, they shouldn't be any of our business drones or otherwise.
Just go complain to the U.N. if you guys are still allowed in.
No. RPAs are onstation much longer than any manned fixed wing asset, determining any and all CDE concerns before shooting. Most AORs have such strict ROEs that actually taking a shot requires so much approval and require so much collateral scans that it'll boggle your mind.
You are retarded. The AGM-114 variants all have a 10-15lb warhead. Most have some version of a frag sleeve around the explosive for good effect on soft targets.
1/10 not qt 2 young try again nigger
>Droning the Muslim hordes and their children without putting white lives at risk is somehow construed as a bad thing
C'mon now, Aquafresh. You can do better.
He's using them to kill ISIS members and not innocent Pakistani children.
he is attacking isis and not civilians
for any asset like that to be deployed the need teams on the ground
For real ISIS, and terrorists generally, have always used civilians as a human shields, can't JUST kill the ISIS.
KEK. Pedo detected.
ISIS must have been shocked first when the money stopped coming and then when their soldiers were targetted
Drones fucking REK niggers. Only a nigger would want more boots on the ground so that blacks can use their secret weapon.
remember when obama destroyed the doctors without borders hospital in afghanistan?
remember how much reporting was done on that and how mad people were?
He said he would.
He didn't say he wouldn't
What's there to justify?
He literally said he would bomb the shit out of them.
What are you sliding faggot
marxist trash
Isis actually holds land so it has tagets where they are not hiding amongst civilians. Of course there can still be hostages but such cases are easier to predict
not really, nope
Well thats why they have the armies there on foot. I don't blame any soldier shooting back through hostages. It's good they didn't bomb them willy nilly, still shouldn't be fucking US troops.
>like he promised during his campaign
Oh, like draining the swamp? Or did you mean not taking a salary? Or did you mean locking her up? Or did you mean killing Obamacare? Or did you mean placing trade sanctions on China? Or did you mean not being involved with business dealings?
Need I go on?
>faggot!, retard!, nu-male!, goyim!
>t. I have no argument
> WMD, Operation Cyclone, drug trafficking in Afghanistan
CIA and Pentagon could do no wrong, right? After all, they serve the American people, they themselves tell you so!
> But Libya stuff is 100% immoral and wrong because muh Hillary muh Obama
> Every other intervention is good
>so assblasted that your collective roach temper tantrum failed that you gotta shitpost on a mongolian pictograph forum about foreign policies that you don't like
Please show the CNN hysteria and liberals calling for Obama's resignation when he bombed hospitals.
Go on - I'll wait.
>Not an argument
But yeah, he's definitely killing the entire concept of obamacare through his blunders.
Says who? Fuck the Geneva convention. Whites and Asians rule the world. The existence of any prevalent group on earth is result of our allowance.
>White Technological Power
If we are hitting the bad guys who cares?
>posting pic of a kid that resembles a palestinian rodent
yeah, id just want the drone command to kill that even harder
ISIS isn't a geneva convention signatory so I don't think that applies anyway. That was a logical statement though, if they're using human shields you can't kill ISIS without killing hostages.
Not that you shouldn't kill both if that's the right move.
Draining the swamp is real dumbass.
Swamp doesn't mean rich and successful you fucking numale. It means corruption and collusion.
This is apart of increased military spending
And it's just retarded to not increase budget on a successful program
Sorry Muhammed Al-Mohammed Al-Jazeera Al-Roker. This gay shit isn't worthy of an argument. Frankly, why would I argue when my opinion is already being put into action?
They may not all blow people up but the all certainly worship a pedophile.
Because this really truly fighting ISIS™ is just another cover-up for a regime change. Trump didn't try to cooperate with the anti-ISIS coalition, didn't ask permission to enter Syria. Do you genuinely believe that Syria, Russia and Iran are not able to destroy ISIS without your help? Give me a break, another war for the God-Chosen people.