Preletacevic - Beli
All right now, why am i just hearing about this?
Any serbanon cares to explain?
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Samo jako, dosta je bilo ! xDD
Samo da pruzim odgovor, red je
Znam za Jeljcina, na to sam i aludirao
Milosevic ne znam da li je postavljen od CIA-e ali je svakako radio u interesu zapada i normalizacije odnosa sta god neki mislili o njemu
Zato ga ja i ne volim jer je bio mek kada je trebalo da bude tvrd vodja i jer je koristio diplomatiju kada je trebalo da se zauzima silom
I da iskoristim priliku da mu opsujem mater jer je tregovao Krajinom kao da igra jebeni EU4
so it's all satire?
Not really, he would probably make a great president.
He's gonna get 5% votes and get into the parlament the next election.
If meme magic is strong enough he might be the 3. strongest candidate for president this time round.
He's a "satirical candidate" CANVAS libshit shill with a goal to stop the government from reaching over 50% in the first round, so the libshit opposition could win the presidential election.
Only literal retards support him.
from what i can see about your current government (read political party) that won't be such a bad thing
This so much. I fucking loathe Vucic but this is disgraceful.
No, it'd be worse.
We've been voting libshits in and out for the last 17 years and it was only getting progressively worse.
>2004: hurrdurr DS is bad, let's vote DSS
>2008: hurrdurr DSS is bad, let's vote DS
>2012: hurrdurr DS is bad, let's vote SNS
>today: hurrdurr SNS is bad
Vuk Jeremic hired canvas for his campaign. Beli has nothing to do with canvas, thats just disinfo. CNN supports Sasa Jankovic.
Beli is probably the only candidate that hasnt been infringed in any way.
My friend knows him and he supports him, I'm thinking of voting for him myself.
He is just your average young guy that started the whole thing as a gag.
Probably the most Sup Forums candidate we can get.
Nice try Beli IDF.
who are you cunts voting for
BTW it seems he might not be a candidate after all, he fell 30 or so signatures behind.
The only real, non-libshit option.
>inb4 "fake opposition" shills
same here and trust me if vucic wins again that will be the end of serbia, it's what happened here with Gruevski..
Everyone aged 50+ i know (and I know a lot of people) is not voting Seselj because they say he isn't the opposition.
When you are a young guy trying to become president and Vice asks you to do a segment about you, are you really going to say no?
Also that was just a question for the segment, you can see by the way they talk that they had no prior connections to each other.
I'm not Beli IDF, I'll probably vote Jeremic, but I will defend Beli from baseless accusations.
Everyone aged 50+ you know is mentally retarded.
Many such cases among people I know, unfortunately.
As for Beli, the fact that he supported the Savamala protests is enough for me to call him out as a libshit.
Too bad, I found him quite amusing last year when he won over 20% in Mladenovac.
Serbs really are retarded.
Serbs don't look right. Too little diversity.
Not to mention every guy who is candidate gains SUBSTENTIAL amount of money for "political campaign".
Most of candiates manifacture some media coverage scheme and put the moneys in their pockets.
Its disgusting. There shouldnt be more than 3 candidates. Elections are too expensive.
>Everyone aged 50+ i know (and I know a lot of people) is not voting Seselj because they say he isn't the opposition.
how can this be?
didnt seselj literally work with some serb paramilitary during the war? it doesn't get more real than that.
>how can this be?
Shills hard at work.
Whoever votes for Jeremic should be shot for for grand treason. But then who do you vote for? Vucic, Jankovic, Radulovic and Seselj are all libshit traitors. Situation is truly fucked up.
I'd really like to hear your rationale behind Seselj being a "libshit".
Bosko all the way
you vote memes
They're not allowed to take money for themselves, they have to disclose their campaign expenses and return the remaining money.
At least officially anyway.
Seselj didn't have separate paramilitaries, but he did send volunteers to the regular army.
Most people in Serbia are retarded. They think if you don't insult your opponent the hardest way possible you must be fake opposition.
People also have the collective feeling of "us" vs "them", as in "government" vs "opposition", so they call Šešelj fake opposition because he bashes the libshits.
Goddammit, I said "inb4 "fake opposition" shills".
Šešelj is the best candidate of them all.
Prove me wrong.
>protip: you can't
Vushit shall not prevail
Seselj literally endorsed Vucic two days ago. Did you forget his passionate promises about his actions once he defeats the Hague? He's controlled opposition.
>Seselj literally endorsed Vucic two days ago.
You keep using ad hominem arguments without providing any yourself.
That makes your opinion worthless. Just vote Vucic if you support him, I'm ok with that.
Jeremic was a good minister of foreign affairs and had a good carrier in the UN. He has the best resume for president, since that position doesnt grant any actual power.
Youre right, Seselj is the biggest opposition atm.
Even though SNS and Vucic are his descendants.
Even though he said he would join the government if it turned its foreign policy towards Russia.
Even though he attacks members of the opposition more than those of the position.
fucking retards
Fake news.
And who are you voting for?
>Youre right, Seselj is the biggest opposition atm.
Yeah, I don't quite understand the "controlled opposition" meme. I'd very much like to hear why people think that. He does shit more on DS and others than Vucko because they're even more pro-EU and pro-NATO than Vucko. It's that simple.
stop shilling for seselj pls
>ono kad je manje zlo ustvari uvek vece od "veceg" zla
still thinking about it
Yes, some shit about Vucic being targeted because he's been doing good, and you conveniently ignored the second part of my post.
>and you conveniently ignored the second part of my post.
No, I just genuinely have no idea what you're talking about.
i'd appreciate it if a kind serb user would redpill me on this man
His political career is satirical performance act, but he did manage to win quite a few votes in his local area, and seeing as how we have Presidential elections soon, he'll continue his IRL shitposting.
A literall meme candidate.
>this guy actually wants to debate Serbian politics
>muh ad hominems
You are mentally incapable. I can go on with ad hominems if you want to.
What did Jeremic do as minister? Except, of course, bend the knee to the Americans?
>inb4 he didn't
>pushed for kebab Srebrenica shit
>pushed for NATO
>admires CAP, John Podesta's organization
Neither of the shit you just spewed is an argument.
What is wrong with either of those tweets of his?
The second one is obviously a joke.
Irl shitposting.
But really cringy shitposting. 9gag tier.
beli = 9gag
jankovic/jeremic = reddit
radulovic = buzzfeed
vucic/seselj = Sup
>Seselj 4cham
Lol no. He's switched more sides than Mata Hari.
He's literally the only politician that remained consistent to his party and ideology.
I like serbros.
But thinking that there map will ever come true is just beyond absurd at this point.