What is the worst generation and why is it millennials?
What is the worst generation and why is it millennials?
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Millenials are shit because of boomers.
Baby boomers need to die already
Gen x is gunna be castrated by millenials who will erect a foundation for gen z to meme itself into greatness
Boomers sold our culture and jobs.
I'm so sick of this argument.
Millennials are all entitled shits that wouldnt know a hard days work if it fucked their mother
So what happened to all the factory jobs and "Hard" jobs? Boomers sold them over seas.
I'm 23 and I CANNOT stand this fucking meme, I just want people to stop fucking whining and deal with it, life isn't fair
So you're not a millenial?
How old are you?
They're still going to find a way to fuck us all when they start croaking.... if they'd just fuckin retire or die already.
Is it the generation of spoiled entitled cunts or the generation that actively encouraged and made them be that way that is worse?
These issues were not an issue 50 years ago.
All gennerations are shit
Even "the greatest" gave us entitlements that are destroying our economies and the nigger welfare state that is sucking us dry
Gi's ended segregation, prioritized brown immigration and mad divorce no fault
If you are between 18-35 you are a millennial
like 90% of Sup Forums are millenials
>Boomers threw away and betrayed 2500 years of heritage for "sex, drugs, rock n roll"
>Millennials are their demoralised children who grew up on leftist schools and media
But somehow the latter is worse.
Millenials but desu all living ones are shit except for gen z. 2004+ babies are gonna save the world from globalism and cultural Marxism
I'm from generation X and I can't stand you little fucking babies
Sorry that mommy coddled you too much, life is so hard
It is actually the Boomers, millenials are because of them. Boomers had the chance to make the world something new and successful, imagine how amazing the West would be if they didn't cuck themselves to leftism.
So your generation raised the Millennials. Says a lot more about your generation then mine lol.
All of them
Red pilled millenials are a minority. Most are self hating white Christian Islam apologist commie cucks who identify as neither male or female. Pol is not representative of all millenials, only the smart ones and some of the super retarded ones as well. But desu I'd take neo Nazi weaboos over blue haired Marxist idiots.
No we're pretty much just like every other generation actually.
Every generation always talks shit about the new one.
The parents of the millennials, the boomers are worse.
>tfw millennial that hates my entire generation
i get along better with older or younger people. everyone my own age is a disillusioned fucktard.
Gen z reporting in AMA
Or you know...blame everyone else but yourself
O i am laughin
Good joke
Boomers are the worst. They begat the entitlement generation, which then begat unto Millennials.
The funniest thing on here being Millennials pretending they aren't Millennials to whine about Millennials.
Your right I'm gonna tighten my bootstraps and go get a job at the steel mill.... oh wait okay ill try the railroad..... hmm that's gone too how about the factory .... damn. Lol Millennials have inherited the worst job market in this countries history no jobs housing market is fucked tell me how are people my age supposed to settle down and start a family.
millenials are more productive and educated than any other generation.
What hold them back is the huge income gap between the haves and have nots, and the fact that most of the jobs were shipped over seas, and the remaining good ones are occupied by boomers who will never retire.
Gen -X is the worst nothing but fucking leftist excuses for their failings.
> "muh drug abuse"
> "muh broken home"
> Supports initiatives to weaken the family and increase degenerecy
All of those places are hiring near me. Quit being a bitch and blaming shit on others and move where the jobs are. Your ancestors crossed oceans and killed indians so you could whine about how hard you have it.
What state ?
In the UK it has to be the post-war generation
>Be born into peace and growth after your parents did all the fighting and hard work
>Go to uni (free) and spend your time smoking weed and talking about 'peace and love'
>Get desmond degree and walk into job for life
>Live in cheap, massive council house
>Spend forty years drinking tea and coffee and throwing pens at the ceiling tiles
>Watch as British industry collapses under competition from foreign companies that are actually working hard
>Sell off the nation's utilities for a quick buck
>Buy council house on the cheap from the government, ban any more council houses from being built, then act all NIMBY against any proposed development so no-one else has anywhere to live
>Retire on final salary pension that will give you way more than you ever paid in, that other generations will have to pay for
>Allow millions of immigrants to flood the country
>Vote yourself inflation-proofing for your pensions, free bus passes, free TV licences, winter heating allowance
>Coin it in by renting out properties you bought cheap to the immigrants you let in
>Whine about entitled snowflakes any time your children and grand children ask you why you've fucked the country
>2004+ babies are gonna save the world from cultural marxism
Yes yes goy.... Pic related and his gorillion "gen z" salivating followers will push mankind into a new era of prosperity. Now make sure you keep believing gen z will save us.
>hurr my generation is the worst man, I'm the only sane guy
kill yourself
going to assume you meant me. Alabama. Look into US Steel, ACIPCO, ABC Coal and Coke, Watt Co industries etc. Steel and coal are starting to pick back up here and this is a transit hub for rail. Low cost of living as well and north Alabama is relatively nog free and they hand out CC permits like candy.
>haha you stupid millenials, why didnt you just raise yourselves with better values and work ethic, for gods sake what do you think thats your parents job? haha
>boomers unironically believe this
and thats why were here i guess, shoudlnt really be surprised
kill yourself
>inb4 blaming boomers
Millennials are shit for a plethora of reasons, not just one.
watch out for the CIA, btw, I your mcdonalds is ready
I was a self-hating millennial before it was cool.
as a millenial it breaks my heart to think this but its true
"the sooner they die, the better"
Boomers are quite literally the thing sucking the life out of western civilization.
>What is the worst generation ...
so far.
Gen X got Alex Jones
Millennials and Gen Z btfo
>human being with objectively no value talking about anything
it's not generational that's an issue it's caste
most people are not fit to make their own decisions for themselves or their children
it's that people emotionalize and pseudo rationalize and don't want to think because it Will be painful
It's more that most people need to be told what to do and or be beaten with the Truth or more often parts of what is truth in their lives
Yeah booms X Y and Z suck but that's because they just are average bread and circus tier pic related
yeah man drugs and liberalism and deviant sexuality totally weren't around IN THE ERA OF THE FUCKING HIPPIE
I'm millennial. I don't get along with anyone regardless of demographic. I have no job. No friends. No place in the worls. I will not breed. I'm an outcast. The refuse of modern society. I'm more at home on /r9k/ and wizchan than at a party or bar or club. There are many people like myself now. Disenfranchised and disillusioned. We communicate by the internet. We have the same goals because we share the same story. Once we have freedom of movement as a result of the death of boomers, perpetuating the society, we will make our collective move as the wind changes.
The meek shall inherit the Earth.
Boomers, by far. Millennial are shitting up the world but they actually raised their kids to learn by themselves so next generation is red-ill material.
Boomers fucked the world big time AND raised the millennial.
Honestly you wont inherit shit, i am 25, have guaranteed employment to 60 as a millitary officer, both me and my wife are white, and i have 3 children. i also drive pic related, idk what the fuck you have ben doing with your life lad.
It's the boomers, they had time and money to raise a successful generation, and yet they failed
i bet your wife has you by the fucking balls, "big man"
Boomers are still worse.
They will always be worse.
They will likely go down as the worst generation in human history.
that totally explains the car dipshit
no u
What does that even mean? I was raised by a guy just like you and look where I wound up. I'm just like that other aussie you replied to. Have fun with your future incel school shoter tier kids.
Ahhahaahahahaahahahahah. You're one of those fags that thinks he's hot shit because he's driving a boxster/E46. Gtfoutta here
literally every generation before or after millennials hates them, they are entitled cunts who were told that "they were all winners". this created the most pussyfied self absorbed "human" beings to ever roam the face of the earth, i fucking hate millennials.
t. generation Z
That's great and all but you have nothing bonding you to anyone else except materialism, money, consumerism. Once that's gone you're wife, 3 children and crappy white car will only serve to slow you down. You will be alone, which you, for the moment, take so much pride in. You're not keeping the world spinning, once the older people are dead, things will change.
Millenials are the voice of the alt right dumbass. Who do you think makes most of the content besides some of the old guard people like Jared and Duke and shit. Sure Gen Z is supporting it but the non-cucked millenials are the ones who have been waking people up. We came of age when 9/11 happened.
I though Gen Z was after 95.
>MFW don't want to be identified as a mellenial.
>These issues were not an issue 50 years ago.
> 2017-50 = 1967
You sure?
That "redpilled Gen Z" thing is from a study in the UK. Do you know why the younger generation in the UK is more conservative? It's because they're fucking MUSLIMS, no shit. It's nice to pretend that Gen Z will go full Nazi but they won't. All it means is that the immigrant's kids hate us even more
>Said the american
>alt right
>a faggot who likes to fuck niggers
>a canadian with a small cock whos married to a gook
wew lad
it is, that retard is talking out of his ass
nobody takes you monkeys seriously
Boomers are the biggest pussies though.
Who else is less productive than Millenials yet whine more about spics and chinese doing their jobs? Boomers memed Trump into presidency.
It was the truth movement before that but you were watching sponge bob so I dont expect you to remember.
>55% of the uk youth is muslims
kill yourself leaf
Age-old circlejerk of "young people are fucking retarded and useless"
i'd be shocked if i heard the youth of london was only 55% brown
>Forgets the largest jump in transsexuals is coming from Gen Z.
totally le redpilled.
>the study interviewed 55% of all youth in the UK
I thought all you Germanic-types were supposed to be smart
>literally account for more than half of the countries obese people
>can't drive for shit
>sitting on money from "muh factory jobs"
>never had the struggle of shrinking job markets and saturated fields
>thinks working a life of shit min wage slowly moving their way up the company ladder is 'the way to go"
How backwards and out of touch with reality are boomers? Even gen x for the most part are becoming the exact same way.
around 55% had conservative views leaf, by your logic 55% of uk youth would be muzzies.
please try to keep up
>Le angry grandpa meme
Try living in a shit stain liberal city like chicago. I literally get turned down from positions the minute i walk in for an interview because i dont meet the diversity quota/i dont have a fucking masters degree for a job that is paying $14 an hour.
I guess gen X doesn't exist? Most millenials are grandkids of boomers.
Try math...it works!
>55% of a given group means that 55% of the entire population must be that group
>what are statistics
You being a dumb tulip nigger aside,
>At the 2011 census London had a population of 8,173,941. Of this number, 44.9% were White British
>44.9% White
Yeah I'm sure this pattern hasn't happened all over the country, and that number has actually gone UP since 2011
thats what you implied maplenigger
also the study was done in the entire country not just london
uhhh no
the millennials are the children of the boomers
>be born ~1960
>have a bunch of kids in your twenties and thirties(1985-2000)
This must be bait.
>socrates says young people have lost their ways.
>some years later, he is put to death for his 'over use' of freedom of speech
>shortly after, Athens, his country, falls
Anons, I'm scared
Generational groupings are stupid and inefficient at making large generalizations about people, and people only use them to feel superior to people born in a different year than them.
>2004+ babies are gonna save the world
ahhahahaahahah if the 13 year olds now are the last hope, then gg no re earth
Boomers. Everyone explained why above.
But, you add Boomers in with social media and it's even more of a fucking disaster.
Click on any Facebook news article comment section and look who's starting shit. A boomer. They've been living in their bibles for so long that they can't communicate even online.
>There isn't a rapidly growing group of radicalized, sharia-friendly Muslims growing in the UK
That's really all I'm getting at you fucking lanky milkdrinking clognigger pothead
boomer faggots for selling us out.
Socrates never actually said that.
dats a nice meme. let me show you why you are stupid.
[spoiler] i know what your next post is going to be.[/spoiler]
[spoiler] your going to post
>believing anything a millennial says[/spoiler]
Boomers are terrible but at least they bred
they fucked us but the death of the white race is on us
What's funny about Boomers on social media is that most of the men are wearing suits and ties in their profile picture, making themselves look important. But once they start to type, you see how retarded they really are.
Baby boomers are the demographic group born during the post–World War II baby boom, approximately between the years 1946 and 1964.
Generation X are the demographic group with birth years ranging from the early-to-mid 1960s and ending 1970s.