so we're not allowed 1 hwndu general yet we can have 20+ of these threads every time I check the catalogue. poltards so desperate for (you)s it's actually sad!
This has got to stop
Other urls found in this thread:
I was told it belongs in /soc/ or Sup Forums.
I'm a degenerate newfag, and I know better than that.
The mods obviously aren't on our side
bump though
mods are trying to sabotage our board. they allow spam, /lgbt/ and /soc/ garbage on here all day long.
new admins/mods are SJWs. I was banned for a anti.Israel thread because apparently it wasn't "political".
Like the fucking mod didn't even read the sticky.
Are HWNDU threads really not allowed?
These fucking mods have got to go.
how do we even complain about mods? Report mods to mods?
Hm, it's as if someone was willingly shilling against Trump on this board. Really wonder (((who))).
I could actually setup an imageboard where you fags can talk about it.. Interest?
Donald Trump is a stinky poopy doo-doo head who farts out his mouth
Were they ever?
>implying if even all of pol does emigrate to your img board you wont sell it for 100k for some globalist jew
The issue with hwndu as much as with the operation coronation is that they flood the board. Whenever i checked there were 2-4 threads open at the same time. Stop that and your chances of having one stay open will increase i would say.
Other than that i dont mind them
Lets not forget kettles
Forgot, the mods do suck at coubter the shilling though. Anons also suck at ignoring them. Ignore or at least sage them and report them whenever they break the rules or have multiple open
I guess for some reason a political protest against a president who is the "HE" is somehow not political but kettles and if trans fags want to cut off their junk is
Mods are shills. They let racemixing propaganda spam but ban white woman apreciation threads.
Looks like Capitalism isn't working uhh.
mods are fucking retards, banning random shit and then disappearing for HOURS so we get a catalogue full of nigger dicks
the ones that piss me off are those "What happens here?" threads
*edit: just checked the catalog and there are two of them right now