tl;dr: Crowder in roach makeup crashes Cenk's rally
tl;dr: Crowder in roach makeup crashes Cenk's rally
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he is severely underappreciated on Sup Forums
How did security not throw him out?
Spot on impression with all the cussing too
I crineged hard, so hard that I liked it
They did at the end
i cringed so hard throughout this, why does the right always act like children?
Nice proxy cenkroach
t. CIA
What a fucking idiot.
He's not doing himself any favors by acting like a fucking retard.
Just makes the right look like retards and makes Cenk look like the reasonable one.
wtf Chunk Ogre BTFO
I'm #CrowderGunpowder now
nah, he wanted to try and create another alex jones vs cenk moment. But ended up embarassing himself and all his followers
>"Do you have any idea how pathetic it must be to be you?"
>"These people wanted to come out and have a good time and here a few jokes and thoughtful discussion."
> "But you decide to screw with their act, because your parents didn't tell you your opinion wasn't worth that much."
I hate hypocrites so fucking much
Would have been funny if Cenk was actually doing something stupid. He was just calmly sitting there and Crowder looked like a retard.
>"you couldn't wait 5 minutes! unlike leftists we have an opne panel..."
>"you guys can't be grown adults enough to wait 10 minutes until we open the floor, and unlike leftist, gueuss what ... we don't show up in a protest"
this fucking guy is too much
the roach is evolving, he learned from the incident with Alex Jones
Cenks a cunt but this was not funny at all...infact Steben Crowder is NOT fuckin funny. Hes a little bitch boy.
He was pretty much anti Trump, before the election. I understand him shilling for Cruz during the primaries. But it took him a while for him to get over the butthurt of his guy losing
ha Cenk got fat
Absolute MADMAN
Man, this was totally pathetic. It made him look like a real loser. There are like 10 people in the room and they didn't even react. Plus, Crowder didn't really have anything to say, he just repeated what Cenk said. He should have chosen a better venue, and had something scripted.
He was never anti-Trump. He was trying to be objective and not ride anyone's hype train. Too bad you are not capable of that. Anything slightly negative towards Trump must be an an all lout attack and total hate! You are acting like a fucking liberal.
In this one he was dressed as a man, at least. How many crossdressing videos has Crowder made, like 8? I'm starting to think he enjoys it a bit too much.
who knew a cringey faggot could do a pretty great cringey faggot impression?
No faggot. He was saying "Trumps a bad choice, should have chose Cruz, waaaa waaa waaa"
He didn't want Trump, which as i said "I understand" but he was too butthurt over his guy losing. And it took him a while to come to terms with it. Man. Say one thing slightly critical of an e-celeb and you reddit fags fly into a rage.
Very immature and shows how incapable conservaturds are of having a civil debate with arguments and facts.
Have you ever seen Cenk crash a pannel or being disruptive? Why is it that none of you faggots accept the challenge of debating him?
I'm a liberal and I laughed my ass off. Crowder does a fucking perfect Cenk and Ana. You are a cuck.
I got a laugh out of it. I like how Cenk said that because no one in the crowd was laughing that some how Crowder bombed. Pretty sure Crowder wasn't doing it for that crowd
He literally called him an evil fascist and gave one of the most SJW responses to him ever
Crowder is a cuckservative
>satire is high brow and totally legitimate when late night talk shows hosts do it, but not when "right wingers" do it
p.s. the left hates TYT as well
It gave me a giggle but I think its cringe worthy at the same time to interrupt any ones speaking engagement.
I can't believe this actually happened. LOLZZZ
Crowder is too hardcore for most 4channers. This Crowder guy literally wants to hunt down Asians like animals and harvest their organs for whites
No we don't
Kill yourself.
Liberals are the cancer of society.
Remember when AIDS killed?
Those were good times
That's a valid opinion you vapid hive-minded fool.
Crowder is a conservative soldier that fights for all of us. Sure, he has quirks, but so have we all, for example you are gay as fuck, but I am not holding it against you.
If you still fuck with TYT after their epic endorsement of Hillary, then you are a fuccboi.
Jimmy Dore is the only person on the whole network with a spine and a brain.
this was a setup? or totally retarded
I said liberals, not regressives. can you read?
>not #ChowderforCrowder