Is using makeup degenerate?

Is using makeup degenerate?

On one hand the use of makeup implies a woman has control of her personal hygiene. It's a traditional past time.

On the other, it's a deceptive way for women to further their means.

Which is it pol?

Both, embrace duality, kek is a herm.

Do9 you think kek uses the facial jew?

it's fucking disgusting.

Females have been frauding genetic fitness since the dawn of time.

Like all/most things, anything in excess is a bad thing. Make-up should be used sparingly, which can be a good thing, as it shows effort and care, but when it's caked on like with your picture, it's a disgrace.

>all 4 of them are ugly

top lol

it's fucking disgusting

women are stupid as fuck

I don't think it's degenerate, but it's reached a whole new level recently -- like with what's in OP's pic. They're literally shading their face.

I have nothing against lipstick and mascara, or whatever minimal shit they use; but now they're caking their faces.

>a woman
only 3dpd

Yes, if u are man

When put literally 5 layers of makeup on yes, in my opinion girls with less makeup on look best.

> the use of makeup implies a woman has control of her personal hygiene


Makeup is disgusting. It is just a bunch of shit applied to the face to make you look like someone else. It is deceptive and ridiculous.


i dont think natural looking makeup is degenerate but like the contour, glittery stuff definitely is.

How can you say something specifically designed to make you look like someone else (deception) is not degenerate. What is wrong with you people.

Make up itself is not so much degenerate unless you consider all areas of vanity degeneracy. Make up itself is just a prop. A tool. It's what women are encouraged to do that becomes the problem. When women are taught that they deserve the best tier of men without aspiring and becoming the best tier of woman themselves while having such tools around, then eventually one of them is going to figure out how to use the make up to be extremely deceptive in order to increase their chances of mating with their preferred partner. That deception is only going to grow stronger as make up becomes more and more advanced,

Also, there is no fucking way that 4th photo doesn't have photoshopped enhancements. Make up can do some crazy fucking things, but it doesn't magically make your jaw shrink.

And that's why are you fucks are not smashing pussy on the daily, and probably will never hahahaha I'm laughing at you..but, I will admit, I am sad for you at the same time.
Poor bastards...

>t. SJW feminazi enabler
You'll have much to answer for on the other side, Chad

better chuck away that fedora you wear every day to get the chicks then

but seriously, everyone does this to an extent.

she looks exactly the same just more feminine and fresh

If they need it. The girl in your pic has awesome features and doesn't need makeup.

My previous gf and wife both don't wear makeup except during special occasions. I fell in love with their true beauty.

I think so
It promotes vanity and promiscuity
sex and attraction aren't toys to be played with
it's playing with the lives of our future generation
women have long forgotten what it takes to support a family
we have a lot of work to do to save civilization

Jonesy! You got em good girl,

this would have been a funny ending

but at this moment in time the only women who dont wear makeup are radfems

I've noticed that for some reason the most conservative girls wear the most makeup. Look at lauren southern, shoeonhead etc etc

All shovel on the makeup. Seems like a logical disconnection

"I fell in love with their true beauty."

wow TRULY BEAUTIFUL pic related

Also why the fuck do so many girls have terrible skin under their makeup. Is it hormones or something?

>it's a deceptive way for women to further their means.

How is it deceptive? You have to be both blind and mentally challenged if you can't see that the girl in your pic is wearing a ton of makeup.

cuter before

I believe it's caused by the makeup itself. It damages their skin to the point they look uglier when not using it, so then they are forced into a never ending cycle.

I was chilling with my friends sister and her friends, and they were discussing whether or not it's rape if a guy lies about who he is, how rich he is, or his past just to get into their pants. I asked them if it's rape when women wear tons of make-up and look different with it off, and they all got triggered.

Try that in a dark nightclub and lets see how that works out for you.

But it might also be indicative of bad hygiene OR a hormonal imbalance. Womens hormones change throughout the month and so does their skin, so a lot probably use makeup to hide PMS-related breakouts. Looking smooth one week and like an avocado skin the next week probably really fucks with their insecurity, so the makeup-cake-on cycle begins... which makes their skin even worse underneath.

>instagram eyebrows
>dry shampoo

If it's done moderately there's nothing wrong with it

t. Girl

yes, moderately, like for formal occasions and never in their day to day

Should only be used very lightly, not to create a full makeover of your entire face like a clown




no make up is going to help those faces.. jesus.

All makeup products are designed to emulate the subtle changes in a woman's face that happen when she's at the most fertile part of her cycle in hopes of getting men to be more willing to sleep with her.

If a woman wears makeup, it is a sign that she is willing to deceive to get what she wants.

Makeup is a huge red flag for an excessively deceptive woman.

>Literally called make-up (for being ugly)
>Not degenerate

>if you're ugly, just hide the fact that you're ugly by loading 3 pounds of ground-up foreskins onto your face, after paying the cosmetic company 20 dollars for the product
Of course it's degenerate.

The technique here is contouring, a style created by drag queens as it has the effect of making the face appear more feminine. Internet celebrity spread the trend to normal girls, however it's technique that shouldn't be used on women as the hyperfemminisation of the face makes them look abnormal.
I've seen severely obese girls use contouring and the faces look identical to the final picture- it's turned girls in weird clones

Makeup is the white-out for eugenics' mistakes.

This. These dirty cunts just lie lie lie.

Make up is not degenerate.

I would argue makeup increases overall fecundity of a group.
It takes a considerable amount of intelligence and skill to apply and layer make up.

Therefore, makeup lessons the 'unattractiveness' constraint on girls skilled enough to apply it effectively.

>having brown eyes that are ineffective in low-light conditions

KYS shitskin.

thats lighting not makeup


it only looks this way from front view

they are literally painting a picture

Depends where from. At my church for example, (which is also connected to many Romanian Penticostal churches across the US, Romania, etc) the girls wear very minimal makeup and most everyone here is very conservative (probably due to dealing with communism in Romania)

Your eye color does not affect your eye sight.

It´s retarded.
People don´t reproduce on the first date.
It´s only useful to get a one-night-stand



If you have to ask in a public forum like /pol, it's clear you can't think for yourself, you fucking sheeple...go an hero

mfw doing makeup for a living