Who Is Ready For Round 2?
what did OP mean by this?
Could this be part of the march 15th shit?
As illustrated here.
check the catalog
Fucking file name
Update me burgers, what has changed in this dindus story?
I'm proud that within the last year, whenever I see output from CNN/NBC I think to myself, "Ok . . . what's their angle."
Thank you, God Emperor.
Chimpout when?
>chimpout in the snow
Is the the liberal Passion of the Christ? Just now Passion of the Chimp?
Yeah, definitely not today. Cold as shit.
Also join the pre-existing but poorly titled thread
I know what you mean. I do the same with Brietbart /Fox News.
Seems like they have forgotten the part where he assaulted a police officer and that is what killed him. What happened in the store was kind of irrelevant.
they're trying to claim that he didn't rob the store, he was just picking up some stuff that he had "purchased" the previous day with a bag of weed, as if dealing drugs suddenly makes him innocent
Quit beating a dead nigger OP. He did what he was brought up to do, chimping out was apart of his upbringing. Why is this so hard for society to accept?
Somebody post those webms of what nogs think happened. Like the black guy is clearly surrendering and shit.
That's not him in that pic ha
>No rece bullshit is going on right now so lets dust off the old playbook and agitate an event that happened 2-3 years ago. We need riots and ratings, something, anything.
True. But I can't help but wonder, what caused them to not release the video of what appears to show Brown exchanging drugs for a pack of cigarillos, yet, release the video of him taking the cigarillos by force the next day?
I can only assume that releasing the ladder in such a incomplete context would portray a narrative that would be more beneficial to the police and Darren Wilson. But such a conclusion is troublesome, because why would that be necessary if the evidence against Brown is so strong.