1) Premarital sex
2) Porn
3) Atheism, Paganism, Agnosticism
4) Secret Societies
5) Money Lending
6) Promiscuity
Any who partake or allow any of these things is considered an enemy. Seek forgiveness from God. Peace be with you!
1) Premarital sex
2) Porn
3) Atheism, Paganism, Agnosticism
4) Secret Societies
5) Money Lending
6) Promiscuity
Any who partake or allow any of these things is considered an enemy. Seek forgiveness from God. Peace be with you!
>money lending
at interest, aka usury
>fiat currency
>space travel
can you describe why these things are bad as well? I know the earth is flat, so space travel is sinful and deceitful, but medicine? thank you!
You just sound like a loser who's been left out of all of those things
I should be more specific. Herbal remedies and medicines that are derived from plants I believe to be acceptable. Synthetic medicines and methods for artificially prolonging life are not, e.g. life support systems.
Seriously, though, literally take me step by step why any of the above things that I've outlined are degenerate.
>Secret Societies
7) anime
God spared me from doing any of those things. I was "lucky", but not really in a predetermined sense of things since everything has been laid out from the beginning. Please tell me how any of the above things really contribute to a better world and I will gladly start to have random meaningless sex and do drugs everyday.
Before I would laugh at you...but now...I think if i could hit a big red button to do all these things id probably hit it...problem is i am a hypocrite.
Paganism is the way dude.
Secret societies like Freemasonry and the Illuminati are secretly turning this world into a Satanic empire. They want to tear down the world in which we live by instigating violence and such.
I literally want you all to tell me piece by piece and step by step why it's ok to do any of those things without resorting to meaningless jabber.
Found the christfag
You must be fun at parties
Or is socializing degenerate too?
I really used to do all of those things, and I used to do them more than everyone. I'm not a christian. I'm muslim.
it says in the bible to not throw pearls to swine. maybe this is a reference to occulting teachings, i.e. secret societies.
>5) Money Lending
you are a clueless retard
How? Tell me without your gibberish.
>I'm muslim.
This is from a text on islamic secret societies:
>Spiritual knowledge, states a highly regarded Islamic esoteric text, is like food and light:
Just as a small child needs to be fed gradually, stage by stage, until it reaches adolescence, so that it may not eat something detrimental to its constitution, and just as light is appropriate only to persons with open, healthy and strong eyes, so that a person whose eyes have been shut, or had just emerged from darkness, will be severely dazzled by daylight, in the same way, those who get hold of this Letter should communicate it only to those who are in need of it.
money lending is essential for our economy
for real though
loans drive rapid growth, at a risk
successful businesses can go big fast, failing businesses can last longer (hoping for a recovery)
dead businesses if too many/ big breaks the economy
are sinful thoughts porn?
Just because God forbids them doesn't mean the government should forbid it
Separation of church and state mean anything to you?
7) Race mixing
Let's give (((them))) the power to ban sexual contact, an entire art form, entire schools of thought, peaceful assembly and any form of dress that they may or may not happen to personally dislike!
No? Well, then we need a very long, verbose, complicated and resource-demanding to enforce set of laws. So you can wear skirts only if they go down to mid-thigh.
But what's mid-thigh? 40% of length from knee?
Nothing in the law said it couldn't be transparent.
You starting to see the problems here?
You're forgetting that there's already similar laws in China where porn is banned. It's enforced overwhelmingly on a case-by-case (biased and arbitrary) basis, by overinflated beurecrats.
Seems like Sup Forums's true colors are emerging. Money lending is how we are trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars in debt already. It is how countries reduce to debt colonies. You support the very jew that you hate. Checkmate.
Good luck with getting money lending abolished. Don't believe anyone telling you leveraging is the most basic foundation of modern economics, good goy.
I agree wholeheartedly
>flat earth
What the fuck?
I agree most of the things you listed are degenerate, but Jesus, flat earth?
Well where are modern economics and social norms going, schlomo? People are getting more stupid and poor by the day. Resources are not going where they ought to. We are on the brink of WW3 with shit-tier countries. Our money is being funded to (((you))) because we're so pitifully fucked. SO, TELL ME, SCHLOMO, ITS GOOD FOR EVERYONE INVOLVED, YES?
How can you see the stars through the moon? Projection? You tell me.
E Michael Jones is of the opinion that pornography is mainly a tool of political control/oppression.
You're saying that it requires law enforcement to keep porn away. But on the other hand it may also require law enforcement to keep porn going. I heard on a podcast that when the USA invaded Iraq porn was illegal there. American soldiers protected porn shops so they could operate. It makes you wonder why they did that. When Israeli forces invaded Ramallah they immediately seized the TV-stations and started broadcasting porn over them to the local population. Porn was illegal in America until the 50's or something like that if I'm not mistaken.
clueless idiot
i don't know anything about it. but i know that in islam money lending at interest is forbidden.
>Premarital sex
lol fuck off with extreme prejudice at the very beginning
you go on ahead and marry a girl without fucking first only to find out her cunt smells like the Kraken, tell me if it was a good idea then fag
I laugh because that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
I am just laying down some thoughts, thoughts only.
If you are scared of it, then don't do it.
I'm not judging you.
sounds like you're an sjw. just sayin.
>13 posts by this ID
lol if you spent more time getting laid instead of posting trash on an anonymous image board, maybe your opinions wouldn't be so worthless
buy yourself a whore for gods sake