What the FUCK has happened to Sup Forums?

What the FUCK has happened to Sup Forums?

> Hipster slavic faggots pushing alt-right like a fucking cult
> Anons wearing autism as badge of honor identity like fat cunts revel in their blubber
> Newfags being personal army for fat fuck of an Israel-loving US president

“But we rebbel ppeepee auttistss!” 2009-era Anons calling in, stop your fucking bullshit.


>2009-era Anons
>post-Chanology fruits want to talk shit



Don't get me wrong, lurked through the chanology fun but didn't step it up until the glorious battles of '09.

Trumps a like his grandma katherina liver proves it for anyone who takes the time To research the rest of the details his family since then has been deeply connected with likes even the more distant branches of his family

no much we can do sadly


Sup Forums could have been more than a footnote but now that its run over by hipster MAGA personal army fuckups the window may have permanently closed

Kike kiddy diddlers are not welcome here.

>> Hipster slavic faggots pushing alt-right like a fucking cult
u mad, you nonwhite bitch?

Sup Forums is kinda different from the rest of Sup Forums. But I know where you're coming from, OP, and I too find it bizarre to the once edgy Anonymous leaning toward right-wing ideologies. It's funny nonetheless, and it should tell us something about how much people are fed up with political correctness.

The mods is what happened. They're militant hot potatoes.

That's funny, 2009 was when a lot of the old guard left.... because of giant faggots like you.


> SPACE after meme arrows
bait 3/10


>Oldfag hasn't used Sup Forums in years
>Probably never read anything on Sup Forums anyways
>Returns, doesn't know how site works
>Thinks Sup Forums is all Sup Forums ever was, doesn't realize he is on Sup Forums


You forgot
>useless dweebs crying out of frustration and making angry posts because muh hurted feelings

Now KYS faggot

In October 2008 when I started my Sup Forums picture folder I was literally 13

>glorious battles of '09
Just get the fuck out. holy shit that hurt to read
