Defend this Sup Forums

Defend this Sup Forums
You literally can't.

Archived link please.

Otherwise, nice photoshop. I almost believed it.

Oh I wish
It's fake and gay like you

I'm not fake.

someone has to put ignorant little shits in their place cause their cuck parents wont

doing gods work

Why is that kike on the back.

Sounds like something Trump would do.

You can make anything look bad without context

Drumpf is finished

Have these journalists EVER met a 4th-grader? It's a very punchable age. They are still mouthy but aren't cute enough for it to be endearing anymore.

Undocumented 4th Grader

Fell for the elaborate ruse.

OP forgot to update the date in the picture

>Fri March 3
>This isadeveloping story

Noice flag

into the trash it goes


Hi Malik

You should've made him say "I'll hook ya straight in ya jabber m8"

Some 4th graders should be punched.

I know I want to punch a bunch of sniveling 4th graders

Wtf I hate 4th grade now

Are u fucking stupid?

I mean that's obviously shooped but...
the kid was prolly an annoying epice of shit, case closed

the Hibernian conspiracy is real. every last Irishman must be eradicated

Former teacher here.

Trust me being in a room of brats can make you want to start swinging

CNN is not a very good source user


>punch him right in the face, bigly
Help me i can't stop laughing

Very fake news, sad!

I can't believe this is happening in the United States. Punching children in the face?! That's literally what Hitler did! God help us.

CNN aired Sup Forums fanfic as factual news. CNN = fake news.

>This is a developing story

Big League it's Big league. Damn it

Well the article was partially written by a jew


I support Trump and saved this.

Good job. Very accurate, childpunching deficit filled, catch up, Podesta.

Many such cases!

I see what you did there fag